
Chapter 107

—🕊Katana Miho Lukman (POVs)

" I think, we should relocate our group room, I don't like this room, its not big enough." This little girl said.

( How old exactly is this little  girl hah. )

" We'll when you say it like that, this room is going to be storage of trash, I think we do need to relocate our group room. " Sephra said and she then look at me.

" What do you think? Would you agree? " Sephra said and I just shrugged and looked at her.

" We'll, there is no need to complain anyway, so I guess I'll just agree about relocating the group room. " I said and she then nodded her head.

" But where are we going to find a new room? There are lots of room owned by lots of students, you know that." Shan said and so I nodded my head again.

" Just thinking of that, your sister is also right. " I said and her young/older sister then nodded her head.

( This people are like weird to me in my own opinion of course.)

( Especially this small little kid besides me with red eyes and black hair.)

" I can hear that. " she said and so we three look at her.

" Hear what? " Sephra and Shan said and we were all looking at her and she then looked at me.

" I heard what you said to your head, you said we were weird and stuff and especially me." She said and so I just stared at her.

" Give me privacy you know, you can't just read someones mind like that! That is absurd." I said

" Why do you keep saying 'its absurd'? What the hell does it mean?!  " She said

" Find it out on yourself. Anyway, I think we should find a new room for our group. " I said and Sephra nodded her head.

" You are right, we really need to find a new room for our group and we will settle everything after we find a room. " Sephra said and we all nodded our head.

" Shan and I, will find a room inside the school, its impossible to not find a one vacant room just for us, right shan?  " Sephra said and her sister nodded her head.

" Yeah, the school is pretty large, so my guess, there Will be still lots of vacant room perfectly just for four of us." Shan said as she smiled.

" We'll in that case, what are we going?  " I said as I point myself and the little girl besides me.

" You two will buy some interior furniture for our new room. " Sephra said

" We'll, I'm okay with that, what about you little girl? " I said and she just then smiled and nodded her head to me.

( Why does everyone keep nodding their head? )

We all then left the room and we four separate our ways, Shan and Sephra went to find a vacant room, while this little girl and I, will buy some interior furniture for the group room.

" So.. Where are we going exactly? " She said and so I look at her.

" At the furniture shop inside school." I said and her eyes then widened.

" Theres a furniture shop inside our school??? " She said as her eyes were sparkling.

" Yeah... We have, I mean every school have it. " I said as I looked at her and she just then get hyped up.

( Is this her first time hearing a furniture shop inside the school?! )

( That is weird. Not unless if she was home schoolers.)

" Then let us go now! Students might buy something limited! We can't let that happen! " She said and grabbed my wrist immediately.

" Hey! Slow down a bit!!! " I said and she didn't even listened.

We both then arrived at the furniture shop in our school, its not really big, its just a small looking shop with a small demon dwarf.

" How may I help you? " Dwarf A

" You're helping?? " She said and I just face palmed myself.

" No, ahm.. We're looking for a full pack furniture for a group club." I said and then the dwarf nodded its head.

" I see. You two are a new group, have you settled a group room yet? " Dwarf A

" Not yet, we're still looking for a vacant one." She said and so the dwarf looked at her.

" What a cute little angel you are. " Dwarf A

" I thought I was a demon? But I'm an angel now? How did that happen? " She said and I just face palm my face and I just shake my head.

" Here you go. " Dwarf A

" What exactly are we going to do with this small box? Why aren't you still giving us our furniture? Hmmp!!  " she said and pouted in front of the dwarf and it just laugh.

" The furnitures for your club is inside in this box, you just need to pull it out. " Dwarf A said and so the dwarf give the box to her and she gladly took it.

" Have fun you two. " Dwarf A

As we are walking someone then just suddenly blocked our way causing this little girl next to me bump into her.

" What a cute little girl you are. " She said and I just rolled my eyes out in front of this girl I know.

( Seriously?? )

" We'll, hello there Katana." she said and so I just crossed my arms.

" Whats up? " I said coldly looking at her, and she was about to speak again when someone just came perfectly in time.

" Yurina?????? " This red haired guy said running towards us.

" Yashaaaaa!!!!!!  Tehehehe... " This small girl then just run towards to this red haired guy and even hugs him.

( What is this?? )

( Are they sisters and brothers?? )

( But.. They don't look like relatives.)

( We'll of course, not all demon relatives needs to be look alike.)

" Oh my ghad! My pumpheaded pumpkin!!!!! " This red dude guy said as he also carried her and hugs her like they never meet each other for so many years.

( What a lovely but not surprising drama.)

( Tsk.)

" Yasha! OMG! You are even more handso—." she said but then.. this small girl glared at her to death and she creep out and this red haired dude just laughed.

" Why are you so small again hah? " He said as he took this girl away from me, I was about to followed that guy and that small girl when this mother f*cker blocked my way again.

" You are not going anywhere sweetheart." she said and so I slapped her hand in front of me.

" Who says she is not going anywhere, Missy? " I then looked at this little girl who appeared on my right side.

" Don't interfere with this little girl." She said and so I just rolled my eyes.

" Don't even think of fighting to a small child." I said and was about to walked away when she just grabbed my dress sleeve.

" I told you, you're not going anywhere until I say so. " she said and her four friends then smiled to me and I just smiled to them.

" Don't even dare of fighting with my members, or I'll dragged you to the deepest core of the earth, don't make me angry, cause you won't like it." This small bean said.

" Such a cute girl with cute words." she said and was about to grabbed the girl when this red haired dude blocked her way and slapped her hand.

" Don't even think of laying a hand on her. " he said coldly but she just blushed right away when he stare at her.

( F*cking romance.)

" Come on Katana, I think Sephra and Shan is waiting for us! " Small bean said and we all just walked out and left those dumb *sses.