

I woke up to my alarm going, "beep, beep, beep. It was very annoying. I ended up hitting snooze on it then. I dragged my body to the washroom which was joined to my bedroom. I took as long as possible ignoring my alarm all the way while taking a warm shower, before brushing my hair into place. It took all of a few hours. Only about two.

I went to my closest opened the door and stepped in to pull out a yellow dress and a pink sweater. It worked. Putting my notebooks, pens and lunch into my bag, then going downstairs to grab a small snack. Every morning was the same. Robotic even. Only after did the fun come.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" I yelled putting on my running shoes, only to get no answer. Guess they weren't home. I closed the door, not thinking to lock it before leaving. I started jogging to school.

I ended up bumping into a guy on my way to school. He was really tall, about 6'2 like all the other guys I know, with blond hair and green eyes. He was wearing a muscle shirt so you could see it cling to his body. He defiantly had muscle under that shirt.

"Hey Amanda," he said catching me before falling.

"Hey Mickey," I answered. "What's up?"

"The sky," I rolled my eyes at him.

"I think someone's talking about you and Matt again, by the way." He told me. We started walking together. We weren't far from the school know.

"I'll kill them. Just to be sure they can't anymore. Oh no, what if Abby hears of this?" I looked at Mickey with pleading eyes, hoping he would take the hint and save me.

"I don't want to lose by balls, sorry." He was looking ahead, but his hands were not in front of him. He was tense. Guess even he didn't want to get kicked by Abby. We had just entered the gate now, so I waved goodbye and we both went different ways.

I went to the usual spot, near the grass with the bench's and found a group of girls already there. Guess they were all hear already. The three girls all looked at me as I came over to sit with them.

Abby had light brown hair tucked into her braid on her shoulder. Her brown eyes watching my every move. She sat in the middle of Rebecca and Sarah. Rebecca on the left and Sarah on the right. Rebecca was the one with fiery red hair in the group, she kept it lose and flowing. Her eyes were always a mix of blue and grey. She had the more emotion issues in our group. She was more concerned about the conversation then my approach. Sarah was the energetic athlete type. Her hair was blond and in waves against her back. Her eyes were green like the freshly cut grass. I was going to guess the topic was of boys. The exact same boys who would be hanging out in the parking lot right now.

"Hey Amanda, are you and Matt together?" Sarah asked as I sat down beside her.

"No." I stated putting my bag down on the grass. I could feel many pair of eyes on me. I didn't need to look up to know who the main set was starring me in the head.

"But isn't he your very good friend," Rebecca asked, implying on the very that we could or would be more then friends. That made me want to cry. He was only just a friend. Plus I already knew who he liked, and she wasn't going to stop staring at me anytime soon.

"He's just a friend." I told her. I'm kind of glad I met Mickey earlier today. The advanced news was a lot more helpful than I thought it would have been. If he hadn't told me I have a feeling id be digging a whole to barry myself in right about now. I may just have to thank him later for that.

"Hey Sarah, I heard your dating Michael now, is that true?" Abby asked turning her gaze away from me now finally. The change was welcome, the shocking news wasn't. Sarah was also caught of guard as she ended up going beat red like a tomato.

"You are?" My voice was so high pitched. I was so surprised. Nobody had told me this news, not even him this morning.

"Yup, I'm guessing he didn't tell you?" She gave me this look like, I kind of guessed he wouldn't.

"Excuse me," I put my bag back on and did some stretches. "I have someone I need to deal with." I ended up jogging away to Rebecca telling me not to kill anyone, while she wasn't there to hide the body.

I ran over to the parking lot, close to the door of the school and the gate I had come through earlier. I noticed the five guys all chilling by the two trucks and a car. I didn't see the owner of the car. I saw Mickey and then Matt, Kyle, Rob and Jeff. They were hard to miss near the trucks. They were all supper tall kind of like Mickey's height. Matt had blond hair and grey eyes. Kyle dyed his hair rainbow for some strange reason which to me didn't match his green blue eyes. Robert's hair was a dark brown, so dark that it almost looked black in some lights. His eyes were a mix of green and brown. Jeff had blond streaks put in his hair, with his natural light brown hair. Him and Abby had almost the same hair color. They almost looked like siblings too.

Kyle and Rob were rough housing in front of the trucks bumping each other back and forth, throughing fists at one another. Mickey and Jeff just so happened to be sitting on the hood of the trucks. Matt was leaning on the truck Mickey was on.

"Where's the popcorn, dude?" Mickey asked, not paying attention to people passing by. I was careful climbing on top of the truck hood to make little noise. I even put my bag on the ground beside the tires. When I was up on it, I went over and grabbed Mickeys shoulders, he jumped so hard that fell of the hood on to his ass, and with a slight scream at that. His scream was like a dead rat.

Kyle, Rob and Jeff were laughing to hard as his scream and his scare that they had stopped the match to laugh. We all were laughing but Mickey who was now standing up scowling, and glaring at me the whole way up.

"Scaredy cat," I managed to tell him in between the laughs gasping for air.

"Pussy," Kyle yelled at him.

"Oh, shut it." Mickey scolded him back.

"Why should I?" Kyle pushed on.

"It's not funny that's why." He retorted.

"You got scared by a girl." I stated again. "So hard you fell of a truck." Everyone was having another fit of laughter, while he was sulking in his shame.

"Pussy, you sounded like a dead rat." Jeff told him, with what I guess would be the guy's new name for him for a bit longer. However, after all that laughing I stared at him.

"I heard your dating Sarah now." He looked up at me and it hit him them.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. I must have forgotten." He gave me like puppy dog eyes.

"All good, I got something better out of it anyways." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Amanda, are you dating Matt," Jeff asked suddenly.

"Hell no, you want him, you can have him." I told Jeff. Matt was glaring at Jeff with the eyes of death. I think Mickey was just glad that he got a break from being the setter of attention. That's when the bell went off making us all jump a bit. It saved us from having to deal with each other then.

I jumped down from the truck grabbed my bag and ran for the school front door. My classes for today happened to be math on the first floor, literacy on the second floor, science on the third floor, and gym out in the yard, out back with the benches. When we had gym, we had dance and cheerleading practice to. Gym was my favorite. It was the only time the boys ever actually wanted to drool over the girls too, after the gym we got a break and me and Sarah would go to the workout room in the school. Today was no different, when we got to the workout room however I could tell someone was watching me.

I was guessing it was someone in the window above us. The workout room was like a yoga work out room with a place to just chill on top of it. Whoever it was seemed to not want to stop looking at me, the warmth from the set of eyes was just about chilling.

"Hey girl, there's someone staring at you. He's kind of cute too." Sarah pointed out to me. I just kept walking on the tread while she was stretching. She was like, "you really should look at him, he's looking at us." Then out of nowhere she got really excited. "He's waving at us!" She just about yelled. She started waving and I waved in that direction without looking at him.

"He's looking at you Amanda!" She got up and came over to my machine and looked at it.

"I want to break my hour record." I pointed out to her, as the clock said forty-five minutes on it. It was a lie since I've already beaten it but it was the only excuse I had.

"You're not even looking at him, geez." Sarah muttered.

I got mad when she started muttering, and stopped the tread. I took a deep breath, and took my water bottle with me, as I left her behind in the workout room to head to my locker. I was done with school for today. By the time I got to my locker school had already been over for about two hours, so I wasn't surprised when I found a note in my locker.

It read, 'give this to Mickey. PUSSY! K.'

Which is from Kyle to Mickey, thanks to earlier today. I put it in my bag, with my lunchbox, and bottle of water, notebooks and my pens. I rolled my eyes at it, while shoving it all in there. Why he couldn't give him the note himself I had no idea. Just then I dropped my bag and heard a small sound from close by. I started looking for it, and closed my locker.

"Hello, any one there?" I asked feeling a bit paranoid.

"I am," a girl with braided hair and a color between gold and yellow eyes stepped from a fall hiding behind me, to the bathroom.

"Well, hello, who are you? I'm Amanda." I told her first.

She smiled, "I'm Suzie, sort for Suzan." Her small innocent look kept me talking to her.

"Are you lost, or looking for someone?"

"I just went to the bathroom and saw you. You surprised me, with how pretty you are." She smiled very widely. She stepped closer to me then and I reached out my arms. She came and gave me a hug.

"Why thank you for the compliment, but you're going to be just as pretty as me. Your already so cute now." I told her with a smile.

"My brother says the same thing sometimes." She whispered to me then. "He's a big softy really, but he doesn't act like it in school. He's starting school here soon to, like tomorrow. We came to look around today."

"I see. Explains why you're here then. Normally I don't see anyone this small in my school at all."

"I'm not small," she told me letting go, crossing her arms. "I'm just not my full size yet." I nodded and giggled at her cute stance.

"I agree with you, you really aren't fully grown yet." I poked her nose lightly and giggled again, when she smiled and her hands dropped to touch her nose to protect from a second poke.

"Suzie, here please." I heard a male calling. I could feel that look from earlier now, coming closer to me. I didn't know who it belonged to but whoever it was seemed really interested in watching my every move.

"Shouldn't you be going to see your dad now? I bet he's wanting to leave this school with you and your brother by now." I asked her hinting toward the voice from down the hall.

"That is my brother," she laughed. "Only me and brother came here. Mommy and daddy were busy today." It took me a bit by surprise. She didn't seem to mind that her parents were busy. Were they always busy?

"David, I'm over here. I made a new friend, and she's really pretty." Suzie called out to him. Just then I looked up and not more than a few feet away from me was someone taller than the guys I was used to hanging out with. He was more like seven feet tall. He didn't seem too strong till he went to catch the running girl, and then you could see it threw his shirt. His eyes were a warm brown kind of color, with black hair. Pure black hair. The girl sat on his arm, as he looked at me, and listened to her story of what had just happened.

"Thank you," he told me.

"It was no trouble at all." His gaze was making me nervous. I was itching to get out of there immediately. "Anyways, I have to go now. So, I may see you later."

He nodded, "you might just."

I walked out of the school, backpack in my shaking hand. I ended up just swinging it over my shoulder and running home with it. The only think I could think of when I did get home was how he had looked at me, with his eyes. His name was, David.