

By the time I had gotten to school today I had already heard the rumors about Matt and Amanda dating. Why would she try to take him from me? There must be some reasoning behind all of this. It's not like they weren't compatible, but me and Matt. We grew up together, we spent many more years together, had play dates. Even our parents were friends. It made me wonder if I was good enough for him, or if he wanted someone like Amanda more. Did he like me, at all? Or even a little bit? The times we got into trouble together and the scolding's we got.

Amanda always said that they weren't, but could she really be lying? All these questions. It hurt to think they were together for too long. After all if Matt was happy, then I would be too.

I guess the walk to class didn't really stop me from thinking about it all, like I had hoped. I sat down and waited as the kids poured in through the open door.

Matt as always was the last one through the door, and took the empty seat next to me. He sat his bag down and I could feel the wind as he turned toward me. He was waiting for me to respond or answer him in some way. It hurt so much thinking about him and her together. I didn't have the courage to look at him. To think about if Amanda was right in the first place made it even harder. If they weren't together, the guilt of thinking that they were lying would be even bigger then the pain I left.

I starred at the empty bored, as it all blurred in front of me. The calm feeling, with him near by and the guilt and shame, all became overwhelming.

A hand touched my knee, and the current that went through my body made me shiver. Matt! My heart was in over drive from this touch. It was all to warm.

"Are you ignoring me?" Matt asked. I didn't answer. He moved closer to me, and his smell filled me nose. I couldn't tell what it reminded me off. To many warm feelings came with the smell. It was getting harder to think. The

Minutes had gone by, but it felt like seconds. The bell went for class and I couldn't take the heat. Before the teacher came into class, I walked out. Taking my notebooks that I had brought with me, off the desk in a rush. The chair I got out of rocked and almost fell over. I guess I was going to have to miss this class now.

The moment I was out, I went to my locker. The warmth had vanished, my heart was slowing down and I could hear the teacher in the classes around me started talking.

I ended up unlocking my locker, as something fell out of it. Turned out to be the picture of me and Matt at a park, getting 'married'. I had told him a few days before that I had wanted a wedding like some of the girls on the T.V. we had been watching. He was all for it then. I smiled at the picture as I shoved my notebooks in the locker and went to find my tape in my pencil case, just above my books. I ended up taping the photo back on the door of the locker.

"Kind of forgot I had you," I said aloud.

"Isn't that the day we got married?" Matt? His breath on my neck startled me.

"I guess so."

"You looked so cute then." He told me outright, like it was a fact. Did that mean I wasn't cute now?

I turned around to see him on his knees in front of me. While I was turning he had moved. In his hands was a small case. A black case, like a box. My mind went blank. He was looking all happy and nervous for some reason.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I want to recreate that memory, but this time for real." He was silent. He lowered his head, and opened the small case looking box. My eyes widened in surprise. A ring so bright and pretty, with a small diamond and a band sat there on a velvet cloth. I guess he heard the gasp. I was stone still standing.

"Abby, would you do me the best honor of marrying me. I'd be the happiest man alive."

In that moment I started to cry, and my hands came to my face. It felt so hot, was I blushing?

"Yes!" I stated, threw tears and sobbing noises.

He stood up, put the ring on my finger and gave me a hug. So warm and safe. My heart wouldn't stop beating so fast. This was the happiest day of my life. The only question now was, when are we going to tell and invite the others to our wedding?