
Damn, everything goes wrong for me

'The big problem with being a dungeon is that they grow faster with stronger invaders, that is, the more invaders there are and the stronger they are, the faster the dungeons grow. The big problem is that if I have more invaders than I can manage it means the end of the line for me as a free player and the beginning of my slave work. So, I have to choose a place with a lot of people, but where they are weak. 'Now with a more confident tone, James began to make the choices that would possibly dictate his future, at least in the short term of six months.

'First, we will eliminate all the great empires and kingdoms, then the kingdoms, empires, clans, and anything, mainly related to the strength or armies…' As James discarded available geographic locations, the world below him became covered with a pitch-black veil that made any view of these areas impossible. '...now let's set aside any locality where large guilds, clans, trading companies, or similar are located or places where they pass regularly.'

Much of the world beneath James' feet was now completely covered in a black veil. The woman beside him just looked at James with a soft smile on her face.

'Now let's see what kind of being I can still be...' While thinking to himself James started to see which subspecies were still available '... Who would have thought, that almost all subspecies were still available! Well, let's start by changing that. Let's start by discarding all the subspecies that don't have talent or magic affinity, then the subspecies that don't have the ability to fight.'

"Phew" James sighed tiredly at what he was doing. 'I still have many choices available I have to eliminate even more. If only there was a way to know a Dungeon Master's restriction that would be so much better.' Looking to the side James had an idea. 'Well, maybe there is.'

Turning to the woman who was beside him, watching very closely everything he did, James asked. "Is there any limitation in terms of proficiency, either in magic or in the ability to fight armed or unarmed, that a Dungeon Master can achieve?"

The woman keeps her smile answered. "No, a Dungeon Master is a unique existence, and unlike all other species there are no two alike or the same, all Dungeon Masters are quite different from each other. As such, the limit of each Dungeon Master depends simply, on their choices."

With that answer, James had a bold idea. 'If that's the case, I'll choose the subspecies with maximum fighting and magician potential and at least magic basic, superior, evolutionary, and as many special magic abilities as possible. 'While James' mind was thinking about the bold idea, James' hands were eliminating all subspecies that didn't go along with the idea.

Magic skills were divided into four categories, the basic ones consisting of fire, earth, water, and wind. Superiors to be learned from someone who had to have mastered two basic ones and they were, lava, steam, electricity, mud, dust, and ice. The evolutionary ones were the next step from the basic ones and for someone to reach them one would have to completely master the basic skills, and they were cursed and poisons, metal, sound, and mist. The special ones were ten and didn't depend on any other magic to learn.

At the end of this selection, James was only left with a few free subspecies, and under James' feet was now a black veil with just a few dots of color demonstrating the geographic locations that James still had available.

'Okay, I'd better get back to the environment before I am forced to go somewhere else, I don't want. As a dungeon needs invaders to grow properly and I've already eliminated the locations that could give me problems, I think now is the time to eliminate the most uninhabitable locations.'

After James' last election, there were only two geographical locations still visible in the vast black sea that was under James' feet, once one of the most beautiful sights that "Medieval Fantasy" had to offer, now just a black screen. Without James noticing half a day had already passed.

'I have a desert and some mountains, I should have paid more attention to the map at the beginning, now I don't know where these mountains or this desert are, crap.'

"Is there any possibility of knowing where these two regions are located?" James asked hopelessly, the only person who was in that space with him and who could also answer him.

"I'm sorry to say, but I can't say anything about the locations that are already covered. For me to be able to help in this regard, you would have to choose the first or second option."

'I didn't have much hope either. Let's put aside any subspecies that are harmed in the mountains or deserts. Hell, there are only eight subspecies left. Very well, we have humans, goblins, formless, an ancient dragon, fox beast-man, demons, angels, and mimics. Let's put aside the formless and the ancient dragon, as the troops they produce are expensive which makes them vulnerable in the beginning. The goblin is also cut, troops can be cheap, but in the later stages they are harmed.'

'Wait, I'm not going to be a Dungeon Master why the hell am I worried about the later stages? I will rather exclude subspecies which will be unwelcome or which may be covered for their rarity in these geographical locations by the locals, than a subspecies that is weak in the later stages.'

After this last election, only four subspecies and one geographic region remained. And the woman took the initiative to speak for the first time since she and James had arrived in this space.

"Successfully chosen geographic location, user Shadow, will appear in Gollants Bluff, once you choose your subspecies."

"Screw this!" As soon as James heard the geographic location where he would appear he was completely unnerved. "I have to be extremely unlucky, how the hell did everything bad that could happen to me in this game happens? First, I get this shitty class, then I'm stuck here and now I'm going to start playing the game with the worst specie available in the worst place there is, why the hell does Gollants Bluff have to be the place, all the big companies are vying for their resources and strategic geographic location, if they find me I can say goodbye to six months of gameplay I will automatically become a slave. Fuck it, for all this, if that's how it's going to be, I'm going with this subspecies!"

(End of chapter 3)

I hope you can tell me what you think of the book, I accept any criticism.

If you have any opinion about it or think I should add something, I'm all ears.

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Gray23Mooncreators' thoughts