

Christabel wakes up, she feels pains all over, she stands up from the bed, Rebecca and Jesse were already up, they were fighting whom to open her door, she came out, and they greeted her. “Do you still want to attend” Jesse asked with a low tone, “I will” christabel take a milk, from the fridge, she drinks a little and put it back. “We should get dressed” she told Rebecca. “I want to go early, she enters her room”. It stares at her graduation gown, everything was complete, she has gotten everything she wanted except love, it has been five days now, the seventh is sam marriage. "What a waste of ink", she thought, she took a warm shower. She dress up, "what are his plans anyway" she wondered, "he never contacted me back", a thought flash in her head, what if he didn't get the delivery, that doesn't matter she threw it out, she walks out, Jesse and Rebecca were all set, Jesse opened the door, "let move out".