
Behind the veil

Umeh_Gloria_0642 · Ação
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1 Chs

Chapter One

As I watched her pull out the gun, all I could think of was, my fiancee, waiting for me in the BMW 1927.

"Don't move!" she thundered.

My body stiffened, sending a chill down my spine as memories mercilessly flooded my mind, just like the runny waterhill tub.Six years splitting hearts(ladies). City's finest, I had my ways into hearts, took all I wanted... Here am I! Now, humbled by love...

Slowly, I felt something placed straight-across my brain, seeing her mood by her hands, I quivered and stutter "P- Please sophy, I a- am so... "

"Not a word more" she whispered a threat, her icy fingers making their way across my remorseful face.

Clothing drenched in sweat, fear-gripped, eyes shut tight to murmur my last prayer.

In a split sec, I lost her, embittered, heart-rending grief with throbbing pains. "fuck! she's gone! "

Her innocent blood saturating the field; the light in her eyes ebbed, losing its sparkle, I saw my sin in those eyes," She doesn't deserve this! "

Sensing an unknown presence triggered me, I asked with fear and trepidation, "Who's there?" Strangely, there was no response.

The light at the other end of the room began to fade; Looking at her corpse once again, examining the part blood was gushing out, only to notice, she was shot from behind.

"Wait a sec! I hope it's not what I'm thinking?" I muttered.

"Was she murdered? Why? By who?" unsure of what to do, I staggered, taking a few steps back.

In a trice, I heard a noise at a near distance; then footsteps thudding towards the room accompanied by flashlights; afraid I turned on my heel, pivoting away.

* * *

Walking into the room, squatting, she pulled her close; fingers caressing her face; her knees down beneath her head. kissing her brow, she whispered, "See you in the next world, Sophie". Laying her down, threw a spit on her face, and walked away.

* * *

Later in the evening, I sat on the balcony, sipping a hot black coffee my fiancee made for me; it wasn't long before I heard a knock on the door.

Next, I saw some police officers led by my fiancee, walking toward me. Their eyes were plain cruel with the "You're under arrest" look on their face; sending cold dread down my spine. I turned to my fiancee, my eyes cold and lifeless giving out the "I'm innocent" stare...

Next, I found myself inside their van, as they whisked me away.

* * *

Leg crossed while sitting, a cigar in one hand, and a glass of whiskey in the other hand "What are you trying to say, Bayo?" she roared, her eyes becoming bloodshot, mood angry and violent.

"Boss, before I could clear every trace, the policemen showed up, so I had to run away and lay low... I a-am sorry b-boss," he responded, stuttering at his last line.

"This wasn't the plan!" she murmured while peering through the tulip-shaped glass in her left hand.

Suddenly, her phone started buzzing, startled, she looked at it to know who was trying to piss her off. Pretty ugly, it was a well-known number; trembling, she picked up the call.

"Hello, ma. I am so sorry things went bad, it was..." Before she could say complete her sentence the voice at the other end cut her.

"Fix this!" she thundered and hung up almost immediately.

"Shit! ...The guts," she growled. She sipped her drink and stared hard at the cold and expressionless face in front of her, slowly lifting the tip of her finger, she instructed, "Tell Dayo to get ready for tonight's mission."