
Behind The Scenes

What happens when one day you wake up and all your wildest dreams come true? Are you really the lucky one? [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT]

harlenalife123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


"I just personally think religion is a business and scam, you pay for God's love and forgiveness. I can't get on board with that" Karter shrugs on the screen.

"Okay but that's your opinion" I shake my head, pressing my lips together.

"Yeah of course, but I honestly lose respect for people who have religious beliefs because c'mon man grow up. If you believe in God you're just childish" Karter chuckles.

I furrow my eyebrows as I sit up in my bed moving to pull the screen away, "hmm offense taken" I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Don't be like that babe I'm just stating an opinion" Karter tries to justify his words.

"Yeah and I fully respect your opinion, I have opinions of my own about atheism but you don't see me patronizing and mocking you with them" I roll my eyes.

"You're going to look me in the eyes and tell me you actually believe there is a God and an afterlife and a heaven and hell?" Karter smirks, holding in a laugh.

I huff, "I can't believe you," I say growing more annoyed by the second.

"What?" Karter was enjoying this, his amused smile made that pretty clear.

"Yes, I do believe in God and the afterlife, what's your fucking problem?" I snap at him.

"Ooops you swore there babe, going to hell now" Karter laughs throwing his head back.

"At least I don't wake up every day and question what my purpose on earth is because I have no idea what brings me here, what happens when I die, and who I'm supposed to turn to when I feel alone and helpless" I snap back.

"Why are you getting so defensive?"

"You are making fun of something that is a huge part of my life, something I truly cherish, and making me out to be a child for believing in God like it's some big joke I'm not in on" I scowl at him.

"It's just an opinion, religion seems so stupid and immature to me" Karter shrugs.

"Sure, fair enough that's on you but mocking and ridiculing me for believing in it isn't funny Karter" I bite my lower lip almost making it bleed.

"I was joking relax" Karter defends himself but that doesn't change the fact that Karter's words hurt. Especially telling me to relax and calm down like I'm crazy.

"It's late. I'm going shopping with Jay's mom early tomorrow and I'm tired, I'll talk to you tomorrow," I say flatly.

"Alright, good night babe" Karter smiles.

I raise my eyebrows, "Night" and hang up the call before he can say anything else.

I turn the lamp off and pull the covers over my face, I was pissed at Karter's words that I wanted to scream but he clearly thinks I'm overreacting so I can't make a fuss out of it. I roll over to my side and close my eyes trying to fall asleep, it was already 1:30 am.

After 20 minutes of tossing and turning, I give up and sit up on my bed. I decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water to clear my mind because clearly, I can't sleep.

I open my bedroom door softly not wanting to wake anyone up. I was staring at the floor as I walk down the stairs and stop dead in my tracks when I see a figure sitting in the dark, "hey it's me don't scream" Nayel's raspy voice says softly.

I sigh a breath of relief, he was sitting on the couch with his laptop in his lap seemed like he was working on something, "I'm sorry to bother you"

"no not at all, I was just watching an episode of parks and rec" Nayel smiles at me patting to a spot next to him.

I smile taking a seat next to him, "on your laptop?"

"yeah the tv in my room is busted didn't want to wake up anyone so using my laptop here" Nayel shrugs.

"Why not just watch it in your room?" I ask.

"Makes me feel like I'm 16 again, I do not like that" Nayel jokes and I chuckle softly.

"What's so bad about being 16?"

"Aside from everything literally not much" Nayel jokes, "too much drama and heartbreak in that room" Nayel cringes shaking his head.

"uh huh" I smirk at him in amusement.

"What about you? Why are you here?" Nayel asks.

I shrug, "Just can't sleep"

Nayel opens his mouth to say something but then shakes his head and I furrow my brows, "What is it?"

"Well I didn't mean to pry or eavesdrop but your room is right next to mine and the walls in this house are pretty thin, they have been my whole life making it completely impossible not to get caught, trust me I know" Nayel laughs making me laugh too, "I heard you arguing with a guy I'm assuming your boyfriend about religion. Are you alright?"

I shrug, "yeah? no? I don't really know." I let out a hefty sigh, "I mean I'm not super religious but I do believe in God and certain things and it's very special to me so someone making a mockery out of my faith isn't the best feeling in the world you know?"

Nayel nods, "as someone who's been there, I'm not trying to discourage you but an atheist and believer are an odd and difficult pairing in the long term"

"My relationship with Rachel didn't work out because she thought this religion thing was a childhood myth her words not mine" Nayel continues.

"Do you think if it weren't for the religion thing you might have ended up with her?" I ask.

"I don't know, quite possibly yes. Which is why I strung that relationship for so long because I was like I love this girl she's basically perfect for me why would I let this one small thing ruin everything we have" Nayel pauses, "but the more time we spent I realized it wasn't one small thing it's a huge part of me and who I am as a person and I'm not willing to risk or change that to please someone" Nayel shrugs.

I sigh and suddenly grow worried, is this the end of my relationship with Karter will he truly never understand my perspective on it, Nayel puts his hand on top of mine, "but hey don't worry. My relationship with Rachel isn't the same as yours and your boyfriend's. You guys just need to talk about it and figure it out. Don't come to any conclusions right now, if you both can respect each other's opinions then ofcourse two people with different beliefs can be together happily it isn't the end of the world and from what I've heard he seems like a good guy so I'm sure he'll come to terms with it" Nayel smiles at me reassuringly.

"Yeah" I mumble softly.

"I think I'm going to have some ice cream" Nayel says changing the topic.

"Mind if I join you?" I ask.

Nayel smiles, "not at all"


"Good night" I say to Nayel opening my bedroom door.

"Sweet Dreams" Nayel smiles getting into his.

I check my phone to see it's almost 5 am no way in hell am I going to be able to get up at 9 tomorrow well today.

I see that I have an unread text from Karter;

"I'm sorry if I offended you, I know you're mad. I'll be more careful next time with the words I use."

I quickly text him back saying it's alright as I climb into bed.