
Chapter two :Last bus(1)

"The subway has arrived at the station, the terminal station, Guangming Road Station, passengers please...don't get off!" "The subway has arrived, the door on the left... the right is about to open."

On the last subway , The sudden change of the station announcement gave me a jolt, and the exhaustion and drowsiness brought about by overtime work were swept away by the rapid secretion of adrenaline.

I quickly looked around, and the bewildered expressions of the few people in the carriage made me sure that what I heard just now was not a hallucination.

What was even more frightening was that the subway had come to a complete stop at this time, and the door on the right was opened, but outside, it was extremely dark. But I clearly remember that the terminal of this train has always been to get off at the left door!My name is Nadella and I am a Software Test Engineer from Bangalore.

I'm neither bald nor like plaid shirts, so if there's one quality that's perfect for this job, it's that I'm good at finding bugs. This single specialty didn't bring me a promotion, a raise, or a lovely girlfriend, but endless overtime.

Today, as usual, I worked overtime at the company until midnight, and then ran all the way, fast and slow, fortunately, I finally caught up with the last subway train. Watching the subway doors slowly close behind me, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was only a few seconds before my poor overtime wages were going to be contributed to the taxi driver.

I boarded the front end of the subway, the No. 1 car connected to the driver's cab. The carriage is very spacious, far from the crowded scenes during the morning and evening rush hours, and there are only three passengers besides me. One of the middle-aged men, wearing a suit, leaned against the partition next to the seat, drowsy, and looked sick. On the other side of the bench where he was sitting, a young couple leaning against each other, looking down at their mobile phones, chatting and laughing. Can you show your face at this time? I subconsciously glanced at the other end of the carriage, and saw that the road was empty, and I could only vaguely see the legs of a few passengers sitting on the seats, and I could easily see the end of the distance. At this time, it will seem strange to deliberately walk through a section of the carriage. Forget it, it's only a few stops away from the terminal, out of sight, out of mind. I relieved myself, then sat down on the empty seat opposite the three of them, lowered my head, turned on my phone and checked Twitter. Before hearing the weird sound of the station announcement, this subway trip was so ordinary and ordinary. But... "You guys, did you hear a strange sound just now?"When the subway came to a complete stop, the door on the right side, which should not have been opened, opened strangely, facing the world outside the dark carriage, and after several people in the carriage looked at each other for a short while, the boy among the young lovers took the initiative to speak. "I heard that, did you tell us not to get out of the car?" At this time, the middle-aged man seemed to have no trust in this young couple. After answering briefly, he asked me in a confirming tone. . He looked livid, whether he was frightened or weak. I couldn't help swallowing, but didn't answer. Brother, do I look so reliable? I'm also very scared okay!

"Is the subway out of order?" the girl in the couple asked softly. Neither I nor the middle-aged man spoke. At this time, the boy who was her boyfriend stepped forward and replied firmly: "Of course it's a malfunction. Don't be afraid. I'm here." The lights flashed rapidly as if echoing him. I heard the girl's scream not far away, which echoed with the screams in other cars in the distance.

Fear quickly spread along the dimly lit carriage. I feel my legs are starting to shake. I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that there are gusts of cold wind blowing in from the open car door in front of me, and it gets in along the collar and trouser legs, drying up the cold sweat I just broke out in an instant, and then a burst of chills along the way. The back went all the way up the neck. Just as the screams in the ear came and went, the announcement in the carriage sounded again.

"This train has arrived at the final station, Yama Station. Passengers who need to get off, please get off through the door on the right." Just before I had time to be terrified by the dreaded word "Yellow Spring Road", the emotionless electronic The female voice continued to sound. "Passengers who want to get off, please get off within one hour, and the doors will close after one hour." "Passengers who will not get off, please stay away from the doors and compartment 4." "Please do not damage the doors and windows of the compartment after the doors are closed." "Do not run or make loud noises or step on the seats in the car.""When the train lights are off, please do not use the lighting equipment." "After the doors are closed, the crew will clean the compartments according to the carriage number from small to large. Please cooperate with the passengers on the train." "Please do not talk to the crew." Running time, six o'clock sharp." What's going on?

With the end of the announcement, the flickering lights in the carriage finally settled down and became brighter again. But I saw that the faces of the three people in front of them all became very ugly. Especially the boy who just finished speaking. Facing the sudden broadcast of "rules" one after another, it seems that no matter what, the simple word "fault" cannot explain the current situation. After screaming, the girl hugged the boy's arm nervously and whispered, "I'm afraid...

The boy patted her hand with a pale face. It could be seen that he was also very scared, and he just stood up in front of his girlfriend. And I, although equally terrified, had already pulled out my mobile phone and was calling the police. Single dogs that no one can snuggle with each other can only bring a sense of security by relying on police uncles. But what is desperate is that the mobile phone signal has become zero at some point. I tried a few times but couldn't get through.

"Brother, what should we do now? Do you want to get out of the car and check the situation?" Seeing my movements, the boy also took out his mobile phone and tried several times, but obviously he couldn't make a call either. In the end, he turned off his phone in despair, and turned to ask me questions, with a hint of pleading and expectation in his tone. It's hard to say how strange it feels to be relied on by someone at such a time. But I dare not get out of the car. Although I can't recall so many rules for a while, I can still clearly remember the scary-sounding words "Yama".

Even if it is a human factor, this is an all-too-clear danger hint. So I shook my head and looked towards the very front of the car, where there was a door leading to the cab. "By the way," as if reminded by my actions, the boy let go of his girlfriend's hand, and rushed to the door of the cab in two or three steps, "there must be subway staff inside." But as he pushed hard After knocking on the door for a long time, the door was quiet and motionless. Dejected, the boy sat back beside his girlfriend.

The glimmer of hope that I had just raised was finally shattered. Look at the time, ten minutes have passed. "Can't get out of the car." My voice was very soft, but it was still very clear in the quiet car. "Why can't you get out of the car? Are you waiting here?" the boy asked urgently, while his girlfriend was already sobbing softly. I didn't answer him, but looked at the far end of the carriage that had become pitch black at some point in the distance, and muttered to myself, "Ten minutes have passed, and it stands to reason that someone else should have found it long ago." The first car is coming." "Could it be that there are ghosts?"

After I finished saying that, the middle-aged man who hadn't moved for a long time asked this question. I just glanced at him, and he unbuttoned his suit at this moment, holding his head in his hands, the face under the messy hair was terribly pale. It's just that after he said the word "ghost", the girl in the couple visibly trembled even more. Her boyfriend stood up angrily, and said to the middle-aged man, "What the hell is wrong? You are such an old man, don't talk nonsense and scare women."

The middle-aged man stood up abruptly with a ferocious expression, and said in a tone on the verge of collapse: "If it's not a ghost? How do you explain the current situation? Other cars..." Before he finished chattering, he Pushed down on the seat by the boy. "The other compartments may just have a power outage, so people didn't dare to move around and stayed in their seats." The boy stared at the middle-aged man condescendingly, and said a seemingly reasonable answer. At this time, I was much calmer than before.

Seeing this scene, he didn't intend to stop it, but slumped in a corner of the seat, watching with cold eyes. The middle-aged man seemed to be as weak as he looked. After being so fiercely attacked by the boy, he never spoke again, but just curled up in the corner of the seat, muttering something nervously. And the boy seemed to have gained some courage from the fight just now, turned to me and said, "Brother, I think this is a prank done by someone, or the recording of some amateur show, maybe there is a camera hidden somewhere, my daughter My friend is afraid, why don't we get out of the car together!" I looked at him and shook my head to express my refusal. Seeing that he seemed to be entangled, he simply closed his eyes. I definitely can't fall asleep, but I don't know how long I will sleep here.I can't sleep without sleeping, but in the case of not knowing how long you will be trapped here, it is always good to nourish your spirit first. Moreover, the boy's statement only seemed reasonable. If it's just a simple power outage, why don't the people in the other carriages follow the light of our carriage. As for the statement of recording the program, it is even more outrageous, if you are in the elevator at this time, it is possible, but this is the subway! What program group has the energy to control a subway! In my opinion, it is indeed a situation that is difficult to explain. Fortunately, now that some kind of existence has announced the rules, then follow the rules, even if it is a ghost, it cannot break the rules of its own game.

Although I have been single for many years, have no savings, and have a bad life, I still miss this world. Even if I die, at least let me format the hard drive before going to meet the sudden death, I can feel much calmer in my heart. I don't know how long it took, and there was gradually no movement in the carriage. The girl's weeping and the middle-aged man's thoughts stopped. Apart from my own breathing and heartbeat, there was only a dead silence. I didn't open my eyes, and I tried not to check the time again and again. Cell phone power is precious. But calm down, I'm really scared, my heart rate must have exceeded one hundred and four. Until... the electronic sound suddenly sounded again. Followed by that, is the sound of the door closing.

"The door is closed. Passengers who have not got off the bus please abide by the rules of the compartment. The flight attendant will start cleaning the compartment soon." I opened my eyes and looked at my phone. The time on the screen showed 1:00 a.m., exactly an hour had passed. The young couple on the opposite side seemed very uneasy and anxious. The girl seemed to have fallen asleep leaning on the boy's shoulder, but now she opened her eyes in panic. It seems that the boy's short-term courage did not make him dare to step out of the carriage . And as the electronic sound ended, the middle-aged man suddenly stood up. My eyes were fixed, closely following his every move. I saw that he moved his body like stretching, and walked towards the couple, under the puzzled and panicked eyes of the two.He grabbed the boy by the hair and lifted him up from the seat in an instant. The boy let out a piercing scream. He waved his hands wildly, trying to attack the "defeated general" who suddenly retaliated against him, but I could see clearly that the punch hit the middle-aged man's face, chest, and even a punch directly hit the temple, The man didn't even shake it. I saw that he was lifting the boy's hair almost slowly, pulling him to the front, and using the other hand, he slowly grabbed his neck.

The girl seemed to be stunned before, until the middle-aged man completely lifted the boy out of the seat, screaming and trying to grab the hand that controlled her boyfriend. Time, the car that had been quiet for a long time became noisy again. I was two meters away from them, quietly watching the scene in front of me. After about three seconds, or maybe five seconds, I finally couldn't hold back and rushed out. Although my legs were weak and I kept scolding myself for being a hero in my heart, I rushed over and hugged the hysterical girl into my arms. "Be quiet." I pushed her down on the seat while she was struggling desperately, and instead of listening to the screams from the boy behind me, I sternly shouted in the girl's ear, "Save your own life first.