
Chapter One: spooky ghost dog

The dog my wife had kept for five years was killed and eaten by her father.

The family was hit by the economic crisis and had no money to buy food. It happened that my wife's brother caught a cold. Her father was thinking about replenishing his son's health. At that time, my wife and I were going out to pick up food. It was rare for my wife to go out, so she dragged me downstairs for half an hour to get some air. As a result, the dog was chopped up when he came back, put in a basin piece by piece, and the dog's head was thrown into the trash can.

My wife cried bitterly,This dog has been with us for two years. The dog's name is Pete, and it's a Labrador.

His father said that he should have killed it a long time ago. Since the dog moved to the new house, it has been barking every night for two full years.

In fact, Pete likes to call this matter at night, we really thought of a way.

I've tried wearing a muzzle and an anti-barking collar, but every time I get shocked, my wife hugs him and cries to make him stop barking. But Qiuqiu seems to have been trained. Ever since he moved to a new home, he would run to the gate and bark from eleven o'clock in the evening until one o'clock in the morning, a full two hours. My brother-in-law was standing next to us laughing, and I asked him if he stopped him from killing the dog?

He said that not only did he not stop him, but he even helped to press it. Later, Pete struggled a lot. He lifted Pete up and smashed it to the ground twice as if he was killing a fish. Pete couldn't move immediately, and then they began to kill the dog. He purposely spoke in such detail that his wife couldn't take it anymore, stood up and yelled at her father and brother as scum, and then ran back to her room crying. As a result, the eldest brother-in-law was not happy, and asked his wife to apologize for his words and deeds. I was even more annoyed, I said it's not that you don't know that she raised that dog since she was a child, but he said so what, you can't manage the dog well, it barks every night. I didn't want to quarrel with him, so I went back to my room to comfort my wife.

My brother-in-law deliberately said some hurtful things outside, and I really wanted to get angry, but because I had no money to depend on others and no status, I had to cover my wife's ears so that she couldn't hear me. The wife cried for a long time, and finally fell asleep from crying too tired. I thought Pete felt like crying too, so I didn't dare to disturb my wife, so I wiped my tears secretly. Until late at night, I was still struggling to get out of the shadow of Pete being killed, but suddenly I heard movement outside, like a dog barking. The barking sound of the dog was very similar to that of Pete, but it sounded much weaker than before. My wife also woke up in my arms. She wiped her tears and said that she seemed to hear Qiuqiu calling her. She got a little nervous, got up and ran outside, saying that Pete came back to find her and ran outside.

I also felt puzzled, after going with her to the guest lamp, the outside was empty, and there was nothing there. I looked at the time specifically, and it was eleven o'clock in the evening, which was the time Pete usually called. My wife continued to cry, and the dog barked from time to time. I thought it might be the dog downstairs barking, so I hugged my wife and told me to go to sleep. She refused to sleep and kept telling me about the ball. At one o'clock in the evening, the barking of the dog stopped again. I chatted with my wife until dawn. When I left the room, my father-in-law was still busy in the kitchen. When he saw us coming out, he said strangely that we got up early today and knew how to help take out the garbage. But we don't take out the trash, I always talk to my wife in the room.

The father-in-law pointed to the trash can and said that the dog's head, bones, and skin were all gone, and the trash can was clean. As soon as this matter was mentioned, the wife cried again, but she could no longer cry, so she fled back to her room. I thought it was her brother who went there, so I went to coax her not to be sad. There is no Pete at home, and my wife refuses to eat all day. I feel very distressed. I said that although Pete is dead, isn't there still Tom at home? Tom is the cat raised by his father.

Under my persuasion, my wife agreed to go downstairs for a walk. When we come back, open the locker.But isn't it Pete who has a dog under our cupboard? Pete was skinny and the dog's head was staring at us. I picked it up, and it was clearly a dog corpse. The meat and internal organs inside were gone, and it was very light to hold. It was a dog that had been reassembled. I was very angry at the time, and rushed straight into my brother-in-law's room. This guy was still sleeping and didn't lock the door. I rushed forward, grabbed his hair, and punched him on the head with my fist.

I hit it again and again, and my brother-in-law was woken up by me, and he kept struggling and screaming. When my father-in-law saw me beating his son, he also rushed into the room and beat me. He hit my face with a broom, making my face burn. I ignored my father-in-law, beat my brother-in-law hard, called him a pervert, killed the dog and abused us. But I let everyone down. I can't beat my brother-in-law, he works in the workshop all the year round, and I sit in the office all the year round, so I don't have a chance to exercise at all. After three or two strokes, I was hit by him in reverse, and finally my wife rushed over and bit his face in a hurry. The father-in-law was a middle-aged man, and his voice was hoarse from crying at the time. He said that the house was a mess because of a dog.

I was pressed and beaten by my brother-in-law, and I was still yelling at me, but my father-in-law took a broom and hit me in the mouth, telling me to get out of his house and get out of wherever I came from. Then he just sat on the ground and cried, saying that the family was ruined by an outsider like you, how can the family meet after doing this. Then he scolded my wife for being an idiot, for being so angry about a dog, and even said that she didn't appreciate it, and didn't know how to empathize with others. My brother-in-law pressed me, slapped me, and asked me why I came to beat him. I said you fucking idiot, repack the dog and put it under our bed. The brother-in-law said nonsense, he didn't do this, so the wife brought Pete over.

So we turned on the monitoring, but when the monitoring screen appeared, my wife and I were dumbfounded. The monitoring screen showed that at eleven o'clock in the evening, my wife and I came out of the room. We were supposed to be looking for the source of the barking dogs, but instead we went to the trash can and dumped the trash out. The two of us just sat on the ground, splicing Pete's skeleton together. My brother-in-law's face was getting colder and colder. He fast-forwarded the video, and I watched my wife and I put the ball together in the video, then put on the dog's skin and put on the dog's head, and carried me back to my room.

The father-in-law and brother were very angry and scolded us for playing tricks, and threatened to kick us out.And they threw the dog's body back into the trash. My wife and I went back to the bedroom in a daze. We didn't hear the dog barking again after a sleepless night.

When we got up the next day, we both walked out of the room. Both the brother-in-law and father-in-law are monitoring, and there is a dead dog on the table! I asked them what was going on, my brother-in-law told me not to talk, and then turned on the surveillance camera. The surveillance showed that at eleven o'clock last night, the door of my brother-in-law's room opened. He left the house and returned ten minutes later with the dog's body in his arms, carefully cleaning it up. My brother-in-law finished playing the video, and then asked us if we saw a dog barking last night, we all shook our heads and said no.

The father-in-law said that it was evil, that the dog had become a spirit, and that he was going to turn the whole family into psychopaths. If something like this happened, it would be impossible for me not to panic. I'm fucking afraid of death, because I'm afraid I'll get sleepwalking. My father-in-law babbled and scolded Qiuqiu, and my brother-in-law and I went back and forth to check the surveillance and played the surveillance of these two nights repeatedly. I looked at it and suddenly felt something was wrong, so I said wait a minute. It was the first night of Pete's death, and it was exactly eleven o'clock in the evening.

When the door to our room was opened, I stared at the carpet by the door. I asked my brother-in-law if I could zoom in. He turned on the computer and operated it for a while, and then looked at the instructions, but he still couldn't figure it out. I took it over and manipulated it, and I quickly figured it out, and then zoomed in on the picture. The carpet was not right. My wife and I stepped on the carpet when we came out, but at that time, a footprint appeared out of thin air on the carpet, which seemed to be walking into the room. My wife and I came out, but a pair of feet walked into the room. This scene makes my hair stand on end, what is that thing? The father-in-law scolded us not to watch it anymore, because it is meaningless to watch these things, so we shouldn't kill that dog, it's very evil.

I ignored my father-in-law, but took starch from the kitchen and spread it on the doorways of the three rooms. I told them to be careful when walking, not to step on the flour, and to be gentle when closing the door. The father-in-law couldn't bear the atmosphere, he took the dog's body out angrily, and said he would burn the dog outside, lest the dog come back and harm people! Things have come to this point, my wife can't cry anymore, she can only tremble with fear in my arms. After a while, the father-in-law came back, and he said that the body had been burned by him, and the dog could not come back to harm everyone.

We closed the door gently, but my father-in-law didn't take it seriously, and closed the door forcefully, making starch everywhere and swearing a few bad words. I had to spread starch on the door of his room again. At night, my wife was very scared. I am also afraid. After ten o'clock, my brother-in-law knocked on our door. He said that he would not fight with me now. This matter is a little tricky, so we might as well wait here until midnight. So we waited in the room until eleven o'clock in the evening, but we didn't hear the dog barking.

My brother-in-law suddenly said that from the first day we moved here, the dogs started barking in the middle of the night, and that was the most evil time. The wife was very scared and told him not to continue talking, so the brother-in-law got up and said to go to see his father's door. As soon as the door was opened, he hurriedly told us to come out quickly. We hurried out, and I swear I'll never forget what I saw as long as I live. The peaceful starch at the door of the father-in-law's room was suddenly stained with a footprint. The footprints just appeared out of nowhere in front of my eyes, and we hurriedly opened the door of my father-in-law's room. The father-in-law was still snoring and sleeping in the room, and the wife rushed in and yelled, yelling to get out, get out quickly.

The father-in-law was woken up, and he muttered to tell us not to scream in the middle of the night, maybe he was going crazy again. I worriedly asked him if he was okay, and he said nothing, but the temperature was too high to sleep, so he went to open the window to get some air. He went to the window and opened it. A gust of cool wind blew in, but the father-in-law suddenly poked his head forward, the clothes on his back were picked up strangely, and said angrily, what are you doing, don't push me. In the next second, he was thrown out. I opened my eyes wide, he didn't jump out by himself, he was obviously thrown out!

The brother-in-law yelled and rushed out to catch it. After the father-in-law fell, he hit the lily leaf first, and then rolled down. He kept climbing up, but fell faster and faster. My brother-in-law hurriedly stretched out the broom to catch him, but the broom was slippery and gradually slipped from his hand. The eldest brother-in-law was in a hurry and yelled daddy, daddy. In fact, in those few seconds, my mind was spinning faster than anything else, and I quickly threw myself on the ground, dipped my hands in starch, and then came back to grab the broom. It happened that the broom slipped out of my brother-in-law's hand, but I caught it. The friction caused by the starch is very strong, and my father-in-law is grabbing the other end of the broom.He slammed his knee hard against the anti-theft window, and his jeans were ripped through and bleeding oozes out. My brother-in-law hurried back to grab the starch, and pulled my father-in-law up with me. After it was brought up, the father-in-law sat on the ground with weak legs, and suddenly cried hysterically, crying in a very hoarse voice, saying that he almost died. My wife and brother-in-law also kept crying, they were all terrified, maybe because my father-in-law is not my father, I didn't cry. My brother-in-law cried and thanked me. He said that I saved his father, and he would never fight with me again.

We were talking when my wife suddenly screamed. Her clothes also seemed to be grabbed by something, and she was dragged outside vigorously. I rushed over and grabbed her feet, but my body was also dragged along, and the invisible thing was immediately huge. My wife and I were dragged into the kitchen. My wife's head was pressed against the cutting board. The kitchen knife floated up and chopped directly at her head! How can I let my wife have an accident, and just about to get up to help, my father-in-law rushed over, yelling, grabbing the kitchen knife with both hands, and was stunned to prevent the kitchen knife from falling. My wife was crying and calling for help, I pulled her back, at this time my brother-in-law also came running, we grabbed all the kitchen knives in our hands, and looked around in shock.

The room was quiet, only the gasps of a few of us and the crying of my wife. We endured so desperately that I can't remember how long it was, but it seemed as long as a century. I don't know how long it has passed, I looked at the time and found that we stayed up until one o'clock. There was complete silence in the room.

The father-in-law held up an old-fashioned shotgun and asked everyone to go to rest first, but how dare we sleep? We all sit together and talk. I asked my father-in-law what happened to this house before, and he shook his head and said that he didn't know anything, only that the owner of the house went bankrupt and the price was very low, so he bought it. My brother-in-law said to ask the neighbors at dawn. The neighbors have lived here for many years. Although he has never dealt with a Telugus, it is okay to ask.

At dawn, we knocked on the door of the neighbor across the way. It was an 80-year-old woman, and the house was dedicated to Lord Shiva, which looked weird.

The old woman said that there was a brutal murder in the house before, and the police did not find the murderer. The homeowner also became anxious because of this incident, and eventually the company went bankrupt and was forced to sell the house.

After returning, we are happy whether to sell the house. When it was eleven o'clock in the evening, there was no movement in the house. But I stared at the carpet at the door, and saw with my own eyes that there were footprints on it. I quickly pointed to the carpet and said look quickly. There was indeed a dent in the carpet, indicating that someone was standing on it, but nothing was captured on the surveillance. After a while, the knife in the kitchen suddenly floated up. The knife slowly drifted towards the room of my wife and me. The door was gently pushed open, and my wife was terrified. She said that if we slept in it and didn't leave, I'm afraid we would have died!

I was also terrified. Immediately afterwards, the knife came out of the room, and entered the room of the brother-in-law and father-in-law in turn. They were also afraid for a while. After finding no one in the house, the filth put the knife back in place and he wreaked havoc inside the house. He first took my mother-in-law's photo off the wall and smashed it on the ground, and then started smashing the wedding photo of me and my wife at home. The father-in-law said it was really cruel, that is, no one else was allowed in the house. This thing has been making trouble in the house for a long time, almost smashing everything that can be smashed, making our house a mess..

After smashing things, there was no movement in the house. After a while, the gas stove in the kitchen was suddenly turned on. We were all taken aback, could it be that he still wants to cook here? But then, the curtains in the kitchen were pulled down and thrown directly at the gas stove! The father-in-law yelled in shock, this evil spirit is going to burn the house down! The three of us jumped up in a hurry, the brother-in-law threw the phone to my wife, and then we ran into the house! Never expected that Luo Sha would choose to burn the house down when he found no one in the house! He himself died in this house, so no one is allowed to enter this house!So I raised the shotgun and pulled the trigger at the shadow desperately. After a gunshot, the strange force disappeared, leaving only the battered furniture hit by the shotgun.

We could only hold the shotgun until dawn. After dawn, I said that since dogs can see this Rakshasa ghost, we should use hunting dogs to deal with it. So the brothers went to a nearby village and borrowed eight good hunting dogs.

I sprinkled flour again at the door, and my father-in-law and I waited for the fishing net inside the house, and the brothers waited for the signal outside the house with two తెలుగు dogs. At 11:30 in the night, there was another sound of thumping in the room. That footprint appeared again! We watched with bated breath as the footprints made their way to the door. Suddenly I jumped up and covered the footprints with a fishing net, and then my father-in-law fired two shots at the footprints, only to hear the strange sound of sisi and black water continuously emerging from the ground. Hearing the gunshot, the brothers let go of the hounds and jumped into the house to bite the fishing nets. The two తెలుగు raised their wooden sticks and slammed fiercely at the black water.

After a fierce battle, the black water stopped bubbling. We paid those two తెలుగు eighty thousand rupees as compensation. No weird noises since then.