
Beggar Class Evil Merchant

Warning: MC dives deep into the spectrum, slowly goes nuts. In a world of untold myths and dark magic. Arnold Grim lost everything in the Revolt. He swore revenge and set out on a pilgrimage to the Temple, begging for seven days and nights for a powerful class. The lofty Archeons mocked his efforts, and he obtained the Beggar Class. But he attracted the Devil's interest instead, and the Devil became his Hacked System. "It's time to pay your debts… with interest." Discord: https://discord.gg/XX8r8F3YbA

Hamtaro31 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Mind Games

After sweating like a pig and exhausting every iota of energy in him, Arnold finally made it to the Governor's mansion from the slums.

The slums, of course, were in the fringes of the city, as they were seen as filth and sickness ridden, rat infested eyesores. Which wasn't wrong, per se. Only, the rats referenced here were the beggars.

Anyways, the distance from the slums to the Governor's mansion in the center of the city was not small. Arnold took a minute of rest and spoke to the guards respectfully.

"Please inform Miss Anna that Arnold is here with an urgent matter."

The guards knew who he was, so they simply nodded. One of them briefly closed his eyes then nodded at Arnold.

"The young lady invites you inside."

Arnold was escorted by this guard as they made their way inside the luxurious mansion. Meanwhile, the young man felt gloomy.

'That was a telepathic message! Hiring a high level Wizard as a guard, the Governor is indeed powerful. How long will it take me to have my revenge…?'

As they entered a large room with a fireplace, Arnold cast these thoughts away and focused on the task at hand.

"Mr. Arnold, go ahead."

The Wizard excused himself with a bow and Arnold was left alone facing Anna. Except that she wasn't alone; seated next to the little girl was a middle aged man with a scraggly red beard. His presence itself felt like a wild beast's.

Arnold broke out in cold sweat as the man looked at him.

He really hadn't anticipated this. He didn't think that the busy Frederick Trepana would be here too.

The Governor scrutinized the young man, and Arnold knew that he couldn't appear too servile or overbearing.

"Lord Trepana. It is an honor to meet you."

He simply bowed slightly to the older man and greeted him.

"Mm. Young Arnold, be at ease. I'm surprised you'd come at such a late hour, and you look so exhausted. If it's something my little Anna can't help you with, then I shall. I owe this much to your father."

Frederick was indeed a man of authority who didn't beat around the bush. This saved Arnold time, so he didn't stand on ceremony either.

In fact, the Governor's presence meant that he could take his plan to the next level.

"It's like this, my Lord. A young friend of mine was captured by one of the guards. Of course, I would never obstruct the law, but this guard said that a certain Merchant is interested in young boys."

As an experienced professional, Frederick's expression remained unchanged. However, Arnold noticed a twitch of a finger, and the young man struggled to hide his smile.

"I couldn't overlook that the greedy Merchants would bribe Lord's guards, so I came to Miss Anna for help."

Anna Trepana looked meaningfully at Arnold. She obviously saw through his crap, but she didn't dare to speak before her father. At the same time, she was also quite furious that a young boy would be kidnapped by a guard.

But Frederick knew that this wasn't unusual if the boy were a beggar. Beggars had no rights, in the first place. He could've helped the young Grim casually in any case, but the word 'merchant' had given him pause.

Frederick Trepana was a hypocrite who governed the City of Trade yet hated merchants the most.

This was a chance to warn those bastards not to cross the line.

"Which Merchant is it?"

"This... It appears to be Baron La Fayette."

Frederick's eyes flashed.

Half an hour later.

Arnold was given a horse and rode with Frederick and his guards. The young Anna came with her father, and she insisted on riding with Arnold.


The young lady held Arnold's waist and suddenly bit his ear!

'Ow! What's with her?!'

Arnold grimaced in pain but didn't dare let his voice out. If Frederick suspected him of flirting with his dear daughter, well, Arnold wouldn't know how he died.

The girl seemed aware of this, so she whispered.

"That's my revenge for daring to visit me at night. But you're doing this to save your friend, so I'll forgive you."

Arnold smiled and spoke respectfully.

"Thank you for understanding, lady Anna."

Inwardly, he was cursing.

'What night visit? You're too young for my taste, you stupid girl!'

While it was common to get married at sixteen, Arnold was almost twenty years old. He preferred blooming flowers, like Rose.

But this little brat was even younger than Rudolf, and Arnold had no idea where she got these strange ideas.

He blamed her parents for spoiling her.

'Crazy nobles.'

As he was thinking of this and that, Arnold belatedly stopped the horse. They had arrived at Baron La Fayette's residence.

This was a villa that only lost out to the Governor's mansion in size and completely trumped it in luxury. This was to be expected from the Merchant Class Holder, Baron Gregory La Fayette.

It was worth noting that Class Holders didn't have the same skills or class advancements. For example, Arnold estimated that his own Persuade and Flatter skills were very rare, whereas mind arithmetics and haggle were more common.

As Beggar was a Unique Class, he didn't know if previous Holders had the same skills as him, but the common classes all took shape after their Holders.

Talking about the Merchant Class, a merchant who traveled often would have an entirely different evolution line and skillset from one who owned a shop in an urban center.

Anna then told Arnold some crucial information about their target.

Gregory La Fayette, who came from a family of farmers, had a skill so powerful that even commoners knew of it.

"Money Tree"

By planting trees and caring for them personally, the trees had a chance to drop gold bars.

It was ridiculous.

This skill had caused countless waves in the world when it became known, and many nobles clamored to have La Fayette's head chopped. But somehow, decades later, the man was still alive and kicking, and no one knew where he planted his trees. But it was suspected that they were in the New World, and that's how he became wealthy.

Since Frederick became Porto's Governor a year ago, La Fayette had paid him no mind and dared to do anything and everything, offending Frederick greatly. Now he even found out that La Fayette had bribed the guards!

"Old Gregory! Come out and give me an explanation, or I'll have your expensive gates destroyed!"

Frederick shouted aloud, scaring the citizens nearby into hiding.

Arnold wished he could have a sweet drink to watch the show. Unfortunately, he couldn't guarantee that Rudolf would come out of this conflict unscathed.

Arnold suddenly felt little Anna hold his waist tighter. He rolled his eyes.

'Does she really think something will happen to her father? In his home turf? Stupid girl.'

Real thoughts aside, he still comforted the kid.

"Worry not, lady Anna. Your father is very strong."

The little girl secretly smiled.

"...hehe, of course he is!"

At this time, a slightly mischievous voice was heard as the villa's gates were opened.

"My, oh myyyyy, if it isn't the Governor. To what do I owe this veeery impolite visit?"

A handsome, gray haired old man bowed slightly in Frederick's direction, surrounded by protectors.

'Gregory La Fayette. That pervert.'

On the side, Arnold frowned.

'Is the old man ready to rumble? Interesting.'

He might have underestimated the recently titled Baron. It was time to watch these two old foxes play mind games.

La Fayette's mansion added in the Illustrations chapter. Thank you all for your support, reviews, comments and power stones!

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