
Before They Were Bulletproof // BTS.OT7xOC FF

18+ ONLY WARNING. Explicit content. Before they were bulletproof they were just youths trying to make their way through to debut. Jia, *cough cough* that's you, is a girl who stumbles across them while pursuing her own path and coincidentally has become a part of their everyday life as they strive to become what they are today. Bulletproof. Updated Note: This story is partly College AU to begin with but, it will progress more into an Idol/Criminal AU vibe. Just wanted to clear that up! ALSO very important disclaimer, the events and characters written are COMPLETELY 100% FICTIONAL

Gasaii · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

66. Always With Me


I was woken by soft tender kisses and the tickle of hair against my cheek. My eyes remained closed as I cupped Tae's face and pressed my lips to his. His presence makes my heart swell, leaving me feeling weak.

"You're crying again..." I felt his thumb brush my cheek. Was I?

"These are tears of relief, I think…" I stifle a teary chuckle. As I crack open my eyes the vision of him sweet and sleepy puts me at ease.

The loving gaze in his eyes, my cheeks pull into a smile at the sight. We indulged in each other's warmth for as long as we could before Tae had to leave for the agency. I could still feel the way his lips had touched mine.

Everyday seemed to be a different struggle, but today felt a bit different. A ray of light cracked through, and as I shower and get ready for my day I sit in my daydream. Wanting to stay a little longer in the warmth of that light peeking through all the hurt.

A text from Jungkook catches my attention. I pick up my phone off the coffee table and swipe it open.

JK: I got the afternoon off, wanna grab some Ramen together?

Jia: Sure, are you coming here first or should I meet you somewhere?

JK: Let's meet at 6, I'll send you the address 😘

Jia: Okie, I'll see you later ~

I put my phone away and wasted some time going on a run and reading until it came time to meet Kookie for dinner.

I'd changed into a black hoody and a ripped pair of blue jeans before leaving the house. The sun was setting on the horizon, streets bustling with the excitement of a Saturday night.

As I got closer to the small ramen shop I saw a hooded and masked figure that resembled Jungkook's build. As his dark eyes peered over at me from under the hood I was sure it was him.

"What're you doing?" I asked as I stopped in front of him, only for his eye creases to crinkle beneath his black mask like he was smiling.

"Waiting for you obviously. C'mon, let's go inside before anyone notices me." Jungkook gently grabbed my hand and tugged me into the small shop with him.

A light ding of the door was followed by a call out of greeting from the two staff behind the ramen bar.

We gave a small bow and took a seat on the end of the bar near the wall.

"I meant, what're you doing so covered up? Did something happen?" I asked him now that we were both seated. Jungkook slid a menu over to me, stealing a quick glance before looking back down.

"Not exactly, I just don't want to risk causing any scandals… That's all." I looked from him down to the menu in front of me.

"Oh okay, guess you're right. That would be bad. Luckily we're the only ones here and this ramen shop seems quiet."

Jungkook glanced around, took off his mask and shone me a small bunny smile, two front teeth sticking out handsomely.

"Noona. What're you going to order?" He asked.

I settled on a lighter Shoyu and Kookie a Tonkotsu. He poured us both a glass of water. We'd only started some small talk before my message tone pulled my attention. Kook peered over to see Jimin's name on the screen.

"Jiminie Hyung? He should be at practice right about now." He offered. I swiped open the message to see for myself.

Jimin: Hey cutie 🥰 I finish early tonight, was hoping to come and see you. What's you think?

"You know, he's so smitten with you." Jungkook broke into a smile as he read closely beside me. Almost as though giggling to himself.

"He's so sweet. It's dangerous." I laughed. Peeping him a look. Kook gave an all knowing nod. It wasn't a secret how coy and cute our Jiminie was.

"So, you gonna see him tonight?" Jungkook asked casually, tapping his fingers on the wool of the bench.

"Um. Are you not staying over tonight?" I questioned. In all honesty, I thought Kook and I were probably going to hangout after dinner.

"Yeah, I wanted to. We should invite Jiminie Hyung too. But, don't tell him I'm with you, let's surprise him." He cracked a cheeky smile.

"Okay," I giggled before texting back.

Jia: Yess, I miss my Jimine 😘

I slid my phone aside as our ramen arrived. Jungkook and I started to dig in, both of us way too caught up in the taste to talk, the looks we exchanged were enough to know we both agreed how good the food was. Then, he glanced down as the screen of my phone lit up again. I swiped it open and we both read the message.

Jimin: What do you miss about me? Hm? 😏

Jungkook nearly choked on his noodles but quickly recovered before rebutting.

"Ahh. This guy, seriously. Cute but a total pervert. You know, Hyung is always unbuttoning the top of his shirts on purpose. Especially in front of fans." Jungkook seems amused by Jimin's shameless ways.

"Sounds like something he'd do. I know, shameless but it's hot. Jimin's charm is high calibre." I shook my head as I giggled, recollections of fond times of us together coming to mind.

"Mm. Noona, let me reply." Jungkook's grin turned cheeky. I guess it would be kinda funny so I let him.

Jia: I miss your little pinky finger 😉 So cute ~

"Omg Kook! What?!" I burst into laughter. He was smiling so wide his eyes shut cutely.

"No no wait, I gotta see what his reply is gonna be." Kook and I held our laughter as we huddled together and watched my phone screen in anticipation.

Jimin: Just wait until I see you later Jungkookie 🙂

"Why does the smiley look so threatening?" I giggled. He really did know straight away that it was out Maknae messing with him, how funny.

"He's gonna want revenge." Kook sighed happily before clicking my phone shut. If messing with Jimin was his mission he'd definitely accomplished rileing him up.

The two of us finished eating, Kook covered up and we made our way back through the busy streets towards the club. We slipped in easily thanks to Grey who let us in without hesitation despite the long line awaiting entrance.

After we climbed the stairs and reached my lounge space we relaxed at the table. Kook pulled down his hood and took his mask off, revealing a flawless complexion and dark doe eyes. Even now, I find myself stunned at how blessed he was in the looks department.

At that moment, a worn-out Jimin trudged up the stairs. Hands pushing his hair back as he instantly spotted us.

"You two are in for it. But first, I wanna take a bath. I'm sore." Jimin pouted. I noticed the large gym bag he had slung over his shoulder.

"Aw Jimine, I'll run the bath for you. Come sit down." I quickly got up and tugged around his waist for him to sit down beside Kook who had a faint cheeky grin at his earlier mischief.

I left the boys to talk amongst themselves while I prepared to run a hot bath so that Jimin could wind down from his long day at practice.

Once the water had filled I added a tiny bit of light scented soap onto the steamy water so it was just right. I ran back to let Jimin know the bath was ready.

"Aw, aren't you the sweetest~" he gave a soft smile and ran an affectionate touch through my hair. He lingered for a moment before heading to relax and soak in the soothing waters.

Kook waited until Jimin had left before mockingly repeating what he'd said. Then, with a pull of my wrist I fell into his lap. He smiled cheekily as he copied the way Jimin had stroked my head.

"Hey. C'mon, don't be mean Gukkie," I giggled, bopping his nose which he scrunched at my touch.

"Jia, have a few shots with me. What'd ya think?" he leaned back on his palms, poking the inside of his cheek while he waited for my response.

"Okay, let's." I smiled before scrambling out of his lap and over to the fridge to grab the Chamisul and some shot glasses.

Kook watched as I poured three, a small sigh of realisation as he clicked that the third was for Jimin. I passed one to him and clinked mine against it before we both threw it back.

"Mmm. That's good." He groaned as he put the glass down on the table with a light thud. When the burn subsided I picked up the other one and told Kook I'd be back in a second.

I knocked lightly on the bathroom door but after a small moment there was no response so I tried the handle. He hadn't locked it so the door opened slowly.

As I stepped in I saw that Jimin was naked, laying in the bath, head lulled to the side resting on the corner of the porcelain rim.

"Jimin? Are you okay?" I knelt down beside him and gave a nudge to his wet shoulder. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me slightly confused.

"Jimin, did you fall asleep?" I asked softly. His hair was wet a slicked back, lips plump as he gave a small nod.

"Yeah, I think I fell asleep." He gave a tired laugh before sitting up and regaining himself.

"I have a shot for you, did you want it?" I offered. He gave me an odd glance like I was a bit crazy before stifling a giggle and taking it from me.

"Seriously," he mused before drinking it down. He smacked his lips and gave a loud groan before standing up.

"You must've had such a long day. Wait, I'll grab your towel." I took the glass from him and put it on the bench before grabbing the towel off the hook and wrapping it around the lean muscle of his abs. I tried hard not to stare at his thighs or what hung between his legs as he'd stepped halfway out of the tub. But the way his muscles flexed was tingle inducing.

"Thanks baby, always looking after me. Honestly, I wish you'd brush my teeth too, that would be the most amazing thing. Ah, it's so tiresome even thinking about it." Jimin gave a soft smile, I could tell he was completely exhausted.

"I can do that too." I hummed. He scrunched his eyes closed as his smile widened.

I quickly grabbed the spare toothbrush that he used when he stayed over, Jimin didn't fuss as he opened up for me. I carefully took my time and brushed his teeth. It was weird but, at the same time, so intimate. It felt nice taking care of Jimin like this.

He only pulled away a few times because it tickled and after we finished up and he got changed we went out to find that Jungkook had made himself comfortable propped up on the pillows on my bed with my laptop open.

"What took you two so long?"

"Jia was brushing my teeth for me." Jimin giggled before cosying up beside Kook, peering at the screen to see what he was doing.

"You're so spoilt" Kook raised a playful brow as he glanced beside him.

"Wait, Jia, what's this?" Jimin pointed at my screen, ignoring what the Maknae had said.

Hm?" I hummed, crawling over into Kooks lap so I could see what he was pointing to. As I saw the file title 'Jimin and Jungkookies' my heart skipped a beat.

"Uhhhhh. No, it's not ready yet!" I quickly threw my hands up to try and cover it but they both broke into chuckles. Kook grabbed my wrists in one hand to hold them away and Jimin mischievously clicked open the file.

"Too late little missy, if it was a secret you should've hidden it better." He gave a sly glance my way before turning back to read what was now on the screen.

"Ahh, but.. it's really not ready yet.." I mumbled shyly, knowing that the jig was up. It was lyrics to the songs that I'd been working on for them.

"Serendipity?" Jimin read aloud, curiosity had perked both of them as Kook also leaned closer from beside me, his broad muscular chest pressing on my back.

"Jia, are these lyrics?" Kook asked plainly, still busy reading.

"Wait, there's another one. Euphoria?" Jimin read the title of the second song.

"Serendipity is for you, Jimin. Euphoria for Kookie." I felt like shrinking away and hiding as they continued to read.

"The lyrics are so pretty. Did you seriously write these?" Jimin's eyes soften as he looks at me.

"Yess.. It was gonna be a surprise. But you just ruined it." I mumbled. Jungkook finally loosened his grip on my wrists and reached to take the laptop off Jimin so he could scroll more closely through the second song.

"Just let me loveee youuu~" Jimin sang the words gently as to try them out. His voice was so soft and sweet, it was tingle inducing, just like I knew they'd be when I wrote the words…

"So you… Like them?" I asked hesitantly. But Jungkook interrupted.

"What about my song, what's the melody?" He looked up to me. I took a second before humming the lyrics a few times to make sure I got the vague idea I had so far was correct.

Jungkook broke into a small smile, humming it to himself before singing a few of the lyrics.

"Take my hands now, you are the cause of my euphoria," his voice was so clear. Even more-so than the last time I'd heard it, if that was even possible.

"I'm emailing this to myself." Before I could protest Jungkook had pulled up the file and hit the send button. I felt a warmth in my heart.

"I'm just so relieved you like it." I admitted. Exchanging small smiles between the three of us.

"Of course we do, you're out little genius song writer," Jimin pinched my cheeks cutely and Jungkook just stretched out and lay back into the pillows and relaxed. I felt his hand carelessly reach for my neck and start to massage it so I relaxed back and laid on his chest, my legs draping over his thighs.

"Feels so good." I mumbled.

"Me too please," Jimin rested his head on the pillow in front of me so I reached up and started to play with his blonde hair. As we relaxed I decided to tell them both a little more about the lyrics and my choices behind them.

"Serendipity, finding something beautiful without looking for it… It's not a coincidence, and it's something you can just feel is right. As though the universe willed it. Our happiness is meant to be, so much so that without missing a single thing the universe moves just for us."

The boys listened quietly as I moved on to Kookies.

"Euphoria, that rush you get when you're happy. The feeling of it... It's like the sun rising. Like the reincarnation of childhood dreams. Those feelings, those emotions. The clarity and safe place it brings with it. The ultimate comfort. When you take my hand, it's euphoria. When I'm with you, it's euphoria."

A small silence sat between us for a moment. Jungkook's massaging of my neck loosened and I noticed Jimin rub his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Is it too corny?" I mumbled. Their silence was making me feel nervous, maybe I shouldn't have shared so much…

"Are you kidding?" Jimin suddenly scrambled to sit up cross legged. I noticed a wetness on his cheeks which he tried to wipe with the sleeve of his jumper.

"Jimin? What's wrong?" I panicked at the sight, getting up to try and check on him.

"What do you mean what's wrong? Come here dummy, let Jimine Hyung cry in peace," I felt Kook pull me back into him and proceeded to smother my face into his chest.

"Gah. What the hell. I wasn't expecting to be hit so hard in the feels. Seriously, these files need to come with some type of warming," Jimin went on, Jungkook just chuckled at his Hyung and the cute way I struggled to escape. Finally he released me and so I sat up and stared between the two.

That's when I noticed the gaze they held for me. It was soft, filled with affection. I was about to rebut but instead I faltered, my smart mouth failing me.

"I'm so sleepy," Jimin finally said, breaking the small moment.

"Me too," Kook agreed, letting out a yawn before rolling over and hugging the pillow between them.

"Let's call it a night then," I carefully got up to turn the light off before crawling back into bed between the two muscular bodies snuggled in my bed.

As I climbed under the sheets I was instantly wrapped in their warmth. Jimin pulled me into his chest and Kooks body pressed perfectly behind me, his hand resting on the curve of my hip. I could feel his light touches grazing the skin of my thigh.

"Goodnight," I nuzzled my face further into the warmth of Jimin's jumper.

"Night night," Jimin cupped my head and held it close to him. Kook gave a tired hum which I took to be his 'sweet dreams guys'. The warmth of his breathing tickled at the back of my neck.

It was moments like these that I was the most scared about losing… but.. tomorrow was tomorrow and today is today. I want to hold on to this feeling for as long as I can. Until the last second.


So, there's only one more and the epilogue to go after this one (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥⋆)

I kinda feel a bit sad, even though the sequel is underway as we speak,

can't help but to be a bit bummed that it's coming to an end after nearly a whole year..

Leave me some love down below ples and tell me everything gonna be alright (* ´ー`) ✿*゚¨゚✎・

ON a happier note, the sequel is gonna be soooo good!!!!!

I'm actually even shocked at my self how much I'm enjoying writing it ۹( ÒہÓ )۶

Are you guys excited too?~~ hehe