
Before Meet You

Romance-fantasy-playboy What emotions arise when you observe your body laying weakly with several IV tubes piercing it throughout? Rian, the wealthy playboy, was involved in a tragic accident that left him in a long-term coma. However, something unexpected happened. Rian's soul overheard a paranormal voice asking him to meet the 10 persons he had selected to see ahead of the decision time. Determination is either going to come back to life or die. When Rian went to see his buddies, there was a commotion and great annoyance. Has the Inka's own Om sold it? Was Clara ill or a drug user when whatever occurred to her? Why does Tia constantly form a crush on a muscular man wearing glasses? Before the waiting time starts, Rian has a lot of things to go through. How did Rian the wealthy playboy's tale end?

Be_Maryam · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Magical Sounds

Rian opened his eyes gradually. He had the impression that he was just coming up from sleep. He opened his eyes and focused on the room's ceiling. He turned his head to the left and the right. He was resting in a hospital bed, it found out.

He stood up and sat down gradually. He made an effort to get up from the bed. Confused. There was still another leg on the bed when he lowered his own. Rian turned to his left with a startled expression on his face. Rian was dozing off.

When Rian gazed at his own body, it appeared translucent. Rian seized her hair with both hands as she was agitated. He sighed and wept. perplexed and frightened. He was experiencing things that he couldn't believe.

The space seemed eerily silent. There is just him present. Rian carefully rose from the bed and reached out to touch his still-lying body. His hands could not touch anything; he was like a shadow.

Rian yelled loud and long. crying hysterically and unsure of what to do. He was abruptly met by a voice.

Hello Rian! Get up! "Stop sobbing," a voice that wasn't sure where it was saying.

Rian attempted to look into the space because he was startled. But nobody was present.

Rian said again in a shaky voice, "Who are you?

"Me? He said, "I'm someone who will help you," and then laughed.

"Why do you say that? Please assist me. Let me see your form." Rian, who now looks to be standing and is looking around the entire room, stated.

"Hahahah! You don't have to be aware of my appearance. You only need to pay attention to what I have to say," he replied, seeming ecstatic at Rian's expression of bewilderment.

"halt it! Please don't make me insane!" Rian stated in a furious tone.

"Are you certain? I'm good! The man finally remarked after a protracted period of silence, "I'll stop.

Rian decided to leave the room out of frustration. He noticed numerous nurses working at the duty desk there. He approached the nurses but was unable to make physical contact with them. Additionally, he attempted to drop the pen and nudge the paper thus far. Sadly, the paper didn't budge at all.

Once more displaying confusion, Rian recalled the identity of the voice he had heard in his chamber. He could only converse with the voice. Rian made his way back to his room while crying and looking sad.

"Hey! Please respond to me, whomever you are!" Rian, who is currently in the center of the room, yells.

no sound or reaction. Rian became angry. To summon the voice figure, he yelled back. But once more, there was silence.

Rian, who felt bad, also decided to sit and hug his knees. He's currently simply a dog. He is helpless in the situation. Having a body that appears to be a wandering spirit and is in a coma, he is just quietly regretting himself.

A doctor and two nurses entered Rian's room at precisely midnight. They are monitoring Rian's body.

"His heart is steady, and his blood flow is regular. Oxygen levels that enter are also met by breathing. The results of the head's X-rays were negative. The Doctor said, "That indicates we simply need to wait for the patient to wake up. Other nurses then noted his progress.

"Good doctor! When the patient's parents come, I will let them know," the nurse, who was holding the paperwork in her hand, stated.

"Doc! It's me. What took place? Why is it this way? Where do I enter my body? Dear Nurse: Do you not hear me? Let's go! You must assist me "Rian, who appeared to be preoccupied at this time greeting the arriving physicians and nurses, said. Rian appeared to be preoccupied as he pulled the doctor's hand, struck the nurse in the back, and pushed the body of the other nurse. However, his body instead sat down on the ground.

Rian seemed helpless. Only that unusual voice, it seemed, could aid him. He understood why the voice had vanished. He also understood his error.

"Good, then! if you have this as your goal. I apologize. Currently, I need your assistance. Please!" Rian, who is now glancing at the ceiling with resignation, remarked.

A thunderous chuckle could be heard. However, the laughing made him grin rather than frighten him. Considering that this indicates that the voice will support him. His current sole chance is that.

The Voice arrogantly said, "Finally an Anggara Rian sobbing, imploring optimistically to others."

"I just want to be able to return to my body, whatever it is. That's it!" Rian said in a shaky voice.

"Man, it's not that simple. The speaker said, "You must first pass through a protracted period.

"Why do you say that? Will everyone in a coma experience this?" Rian inquired in a perplexed tone.

"Hahahahah! Rian, you are so cute. You are one of those people who this only pertains to, the voice remarked contemptuously.

"Why me? What went wrong?" In an angry tone, Rian questioned.

"What did you do wrong? Have you not felt sorry all this time?" the speaker said back in a funny tone.

"Wrong? No. "There is nothing wrong with me," Rian asserted with assurance.

"This is another of your errors. You never feel remorseful. Hahahahah!" The voice chuckled at Rian's arrogant attitude.

"Whatever! All I want is to return to my body. That's it!" said Rian, who appeared enraged at the insult the voice had directed at him.

"Good, then! Before I explain the guidelines. These are the two things you must possess. persistence; persistence. You won't be able to do this if you don't," Again, The Voice spoke. This time with such gravity.

Okay, I'll carry it out," Rian responded.

"Good, then! The Voice wished everyone a good night and added, "See ya later.

"Hey! The guidelines are absent. Rian asked, looking irritated by the mischievous expression the figure was giving him.

"Hahaha! Did I not tell you? Rian, you must practice patience," The Voice responded.

"Huh! I'm good! Tomorrow morning, I'll wait for your explanation "Rian spoke in an enraged manner.

"Hey! Why did you trick me? Be patient, please. You can count on me to tell you everything. The Voice said, "But I'm sorry, I can't promise when to inform you," and then vanished entirely.

"Oh, dear! I wish I could see and reach out to you. I'll then kick your behind. You're the only person who can assist me, dang. If I didn't hate you so much, I wouldn't be prepared to beg you like this," said Rian. He is currently reduced to simply looking at his corpse. Nobody came to see him.