
Before I Knew it I Came back in the past with a System

I'll redo my life! I swear As I Reached out my hand towards the moon and before I Knew it, I came back in the past.

sm_yesa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

I Died, Right?

Am I really going to die here? "Hahahaha!" I cried out in my mind while laughing like a crazy one would do while my body is dripping with too much blood.

I guess, I'll die here huh?.. W-wait is it really gonna be over now?.. I-I mean m-my mom, my dreams my family, I haven't done what I promise to myself! Please hold on, just wait a minute! "Kuah! Argh!" I cough with blood streaming out of my mouth, hoping that it's still not over while agonizing from the pain, I reached out from the moon even though I know I wouldn't reach it and so, "I swear if ever I get a chance, I'll redo my life!" and took my last breath.

"His name will be mark from now on." A light tone of voice came from above, I opened my eyes, curiously confused who called my name with such a beautiful voice. I saw a blurred image of a woman.

I focus my eye sight to her and it gradually became vivid and I see her face.

Mama?... I was shocked, can't understand what's happening right now? Why would my mother held me in her hands when did I just died a moment ago? Am I reminiscing my past? Hahaha, right, isn't there a saying that your life will be flashing before your eyes before you die? Is this what they're talking about? I'm seeing my mother in her 20s.

"Alright, alright" she pat my head gently and move me towards her breast, she made me suck on her nipple and drink her milk like any mother would do.

What is this feeling?..I feel really good, I hope this last forever but there's no way that would happen right? I'm just reminiscing the past, after all.

"I-is that our baby?" A man came from the door, head towards us and gently reached my head and rubbed my face with his tough fingers.

As I look towards the man, I see his face resembling my father who look younger than ever. Papa?.. I paused and looked confusedly at my parents then thought, "I'm sorry for everything!" and close my eyes.

"Honey, I told you to not touch him as soon as you get home!" my mom reprimanded my dad as he pinch my cheeks. "Wash your hands first and change your clothes!" she pouted and suddenly hold me and get me away from my father.

I don't know what's happening but I'm still here in my dreams, I don't know why I'm still here though and in all of my past why is it have to be when I'm still infant, I can't even express myself to them. How sorry I am and Ugh! Hear me out mom! I tried to speak so many times but it's useless.

My everyday life as an infant past by like this and,

"Wow! our Mark can finally walk on his own!" My mother enthusiastically praise me as I was able to walk towards her. This is the first time I was able to walk on my own, but that's not what I'm having trouble right now, yeah it's not, what I'm curious is why I am still here even after one year? What the hell did just happened from that one year, I feel like this is not a dream anymore, there's no way a dream would last for a year!

"Oh, Yipeee!" My dad caught me and rose me up while having a big eye bags.

One year since I was born huh..

Wait, Isn't this near the time when my father will be diagnosed with cancer?

That's right my father has been diagnosed with an unknown disease that will be called cancer 20 years prior when I was 2 years old. So it should around some time.....

"It will alright! Everything will be fine, don't worry about us and just get some rest, I'll take care of the rest!" My mother held my father hand tightly while I was beside her, the time has finally come.

Shit! Why can't I do anything about this? Why everything is happening as if it was real? I'm still two years old and I can't do anything! Then Why should someone wants me to go through this again? just why?! I reached out my mother's and father's hands that's interlock with fingers and hold them tightly. Is this all I can do? Just what can I do in this situation?

[Option Notice:]

Option A: Just go with the flow

Option B: Search for a way to cure your father.

As I questions myself, unknowingly a translucent board appear in front of me.

Huh? What is this? A window board like in the games? Option A and B? The hell is this? Why there's such thing here?

I rose my arm and wave it onto the option and I accidentally touched the Option B and then..

The following has been shown.

[Option B has been picked, resulting to the route of destination...

.. Loading of a way to cure your father.....

[Suggestion]> Go to the nearest Library in your home and search for the theory of Marie Curie and Pierre Curie.]

The hell is with this?

I don't know what's happening but if it's a way to cure my father then, there's no reason to ignore this, I'll take the risk.

While looking at my parents, I clenched my other hand and swear that whatever is happening, even if it is just a dream I want this one to be better! At least make me have a happy life even if it's just a dream!

"Here it is!"

Opening the book by Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, I took a deep breath.

What shoul I do with this? Should I read this? or something?..

[Finally found the theory]

Searching for the suggestions...


This again? This window appeared with this suggestions again.

I finally have the theory book after I sneak in to my aunt to get here, and By the way, my mother is working so I was place on my auntie's care.

[Suggestion:> Read the book]

Huh?.. The hell? that's the normal suggestions anyone would give if you found a book you know, sigh.

"Hehehe, how cute, that kid is holding a book at his age and what's more it's complicated one." A girl giggled as she see me sitting on the floor while holding the book.

"Is a kid even allowed here? There are no books here that can children use though, where is his parents?" Wonder by the old women beside her.

Whatever, Just ignore them like you used to.

And So as I lie down on the floor I started reading it and before I knew it, the sun was about to set.

Shit! My aunt will be worrying by now that she noticed that I'm not in my room.

I rose up and put back the book and then.. A sound of click suddenly echoed in my surroundings.


This Again?

Why does it keep appearing?

[ Applying the knowledge you read in your mind... Loading...]


[ All of the things you read just now has been restored in your mind. New skills has been obtain.

[Reading Comprehension Application]

Do you want to use it?

Yes or No? ]

Oh I'm working with my other novel that is romance but I tried to do this shit so here we are, I hope I could finish both, though TSAMATGWAMO is still not updated hahah

sm_yesacreators' thoughts