
Before him, There was I

In a Land called Pangea there’s a variety of powers roaming about but the most cunning and dangerous are those of the humans, only rivaled by demons and dragons…but dragons are usually peaceful except for the ones whose reversed scale has been trifled with… Kaleb is caught in between a war that he had no idea was coming for him, one that was unknowingly caused with him at the center, even the ones hunting him doesn’t know this, either way he’s been saved by young girl who has told him is a long lost comrade of his prepared to join him in his long awaited voyage and arduous journey that’s filled with unknown hindrances and betrayals searching to impede this tragic adventure. But what is that to a Cultivator, a Being before it ALL!! Well find out here and now in the Land of Humans!!

Dark_Sovereign · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Calling Part I

"Of course Aunt Leora." Said Kaleb as Leora started recollecting her thoughts

She started looking for where her place was in the story when suddenly, they both began to hear a loud noise, it was so loud the house started to shake and Leora instantly became vigilant.

She pulls a blade out of thin air shocking Kaleb, the most beautiful blade he could imagine, half the length of his aunts body dominated by an icy blue hilt, followed by the blade which was very sharp laced with very intricate designs that he couldn't understand, brimming with power but somehow he was able to look upon it without an issue while Leora took up a a Fearless stance.

"Kaleb! Go to your room and hide under your bed hurry!" Said Aunt Leora more desperately than Kaleb has ever seen her been.

Kaleb starts running towards his room and while he's almost there a huge explosion goes off near the side of the house where the food was being prepared, Kaleb was blown to the wall only barely clinging to life being struck so unexpectedly.

"Kaleb!!" Leora Yells, but there's no response and she angrily shouts " Who's there!?, WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?"

Then seemingly out of nowhere, 7 shadowy figures suddenly appeared completely still…face to face with Leora. "We will not allow the !?#% to find his Vessel you can not stop the *%€#!! If you impede our will you shall know no mercy! The !?#% Shall never DESCEND!!!" The Leader said in a terribly unpleasant voice that caused Leora's ears to slightly hurt.

Leora was shocked. She didn't understand what they were trying to say, so she did what she knew best and acted. She went so fast the normal human eye wouldn't of been able to keep up but somehow they did. Instantly, Leora was blown back to the chair she was in crashing into the wall behind it, coughing out mouthfuls of blood. She was paralyzed staring at her nephew still unconscious as the shadowy figures approached him.

"Today is the day we claim an innocent soul" The one Leora assumed to be the leader said.

He started chanting in an incomprehensible language causing the air around the cabin to seem alive, whilst at the same time hurting Leora's ears even more which he then channeled all the energy into an attack aimed at Kalebs heart.

Leora tried to move but she couldn't… she just wasn't strong enough sadly. She could only lay their in her own blood watching her nephew be killed, and their she saw her sisters son breathe his last as he was struck with this unknown power.

"Our deed is done, Hopefully nothing like this occurs again in the foreseeable future, with this we shall depart let's go fellow ?!%#*." Said the mysterious figure. Then all 6 of the unknown entities left, leaving Leora and Kaleb in disfigured states and the surroundings oblivious to what had just happened tragically.

The only thing left as evidence to that they were even there is broken furniture and the injuries they left behind in their wake and the piece of cloth on the floor Leora somehow managed cut off from the Leader when she was close enough to strike, still mysteriously lingering with shadows that seem alive.