
Before him, There was I

In a Land called Pangea there’s a variety of powers roaming about but the most cunning and dangerous are those of the humans, only rivaled by demons and dragons…but dragons are usually peaceful except for the ones whose reversed scale has been trifled with… Kaleb is caught in between a war that he had no idea was coming for him, one that was unknowingly caused with him at the center, even the ones hunting him doesn’t know this, either way he’s been saved by young girl who has told him is a long lost comrade of his prepared to join him in his long awaited voyage and arduous journey that’s filled with unknown hindrances and betrayals searching to impede this tragic adventure. But what is that to a Cultivator, a Being before it ALL!! Well find out here and now in the Land of Humans!!

Dark_Sovereign · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Rebuilding II

As Kaleb began to come to, he felt extremely weak and exhausted but he had no idea as to why, eyes are closed and all he can feel are the rough movements caused by his aunt who is still carrying him, not far from the house since too much time had yet to pass.

Kaleb slowly begins to open his eyes along with his other senses to get a better grasp as to why he was on his aunts back because the last thing he can remember is the story she was telling him and the smell of the food that was almost ready. His aunt doesn't notice he's awake and keeps running, probably because of how weak his aura currently is.


[Skill used : Soul Capture]

Kalebs eyes which were now gold had started changing into an ominously red and black color as he started to open them, completely filling his iris's. Leora looked back at her nephew and all she could do was stop in her tracks instantly as if something had forced her to do so. She was staring into Kalebs eyes which where a mix of gold red and black constantly interchanging with each other and she couldn't help but notice that her nephews hair was now completely wrong and all she felt was an aura overwhelming her so much she can barely think.

"WAIT STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING CALM YOURSELF!!" Yelled Loyal desperately from inside of Kalebs mind. Kaleb didn't know who or where that voice came from so in his reaction he opened his eyes even wider only to see his Aunt in front of him quickly losing her strength so much to the point she had fell somehow untying the binding between them both causing them both to fall. Loyal had no words for what she just witnessed, the only thought she had was how her Lord wasn't wrong about not being here much longer as she never seen him misuse his powers before today.

"AUNTY, WHAT HAPPENED!! PLEASE TALK TO ME!!" Yelled Kaleb frantically as he started to crawl to his aunt, his eyes reverting back to their original beautiful golden color. Sadly their was no response from Leora as her visage was that of a drained individual struggling just to maintain her breath with her eyes still staring at Kaleb, slowly filling up with tears but no they were not tears of sadness. They were tears of joy Kaleb had yet to understand.


[Mid Level Human Killed Experience Gained x250, Corresponding arts detected! Thunder arts (Thunder Arts —-> Thunder arts beginner Lvl. 1)]

[Soul Captured!! x1 (Leora)]

The screen which had appeared before Kaleb in his vision moments before this tragedy happens once again appeared. Kaleb was speechless as he laid there staring at the name of his Aunt with his only second thought being what is this atrocity which has stolen the only light left in his life. "lo…lor…..LORD!!! QUICKLY" Yelled Loyal desperately trying to capture her Masters attention.

Kaleb jumped back in fright obvious as to where the voice was coming from. "What?! WHO ARE YOU?! DID YOU DO THIS TO MY AUNT?!!" Kaleb Roared with the strength he had left desperately looking around to find the source. "Master please calm down, no I am not the cause of this. Im not even capable of what you did which was just astonishingly amazing I must add." Loyal said in a soothing voice hoping to quell her masters anger. " Kaleb paused. "Wha…what??, impossible" Kaleb said quietly as his aura started to calm down which he didn't even realize was causing the grass beneath him to die rather quickly and his aunts body to erode even further. "Master, Quickly her body, Look at it!" Loyal said trying to keep her master focused before it was too late.

Kaleb looked at his Aunt which was still recognizable but it seemed as if she had aged a few decades but her armor was perfectly fine and even her face still had a smile on it.


[Suitable Vessel found for 'Leora'. Would you like to turn corpse into raw material for future use or release Leora from Purgatory]

(Time Since Corpse passed : 1 minute 45 Seconds deteriorated 35% {increases or decreases depending on outer influences}

[Time Remaining : 3:15]

Kaleb his in shock, he can't agree with what this screen is asking of him and even if he did he doesn't want to, his eyes are glued in the word purgatory but he can't understand what it is or why his Aunt would be there. "Master, Purgatory is your realm where you keep the souls you capture, it was the place of all damned souls until you disappeared" Loyal said as if she knew what he was thinking…which she did. "I…disappeared? What are you talking about" Kaleb asked as he was still reeling from the shock.

"I'm sorry master I over spoke I shouldn't mention such thing as of yet" Loyal said dismissively as if she'd said something wrong. Kaleb dismissed it as well as there were more pressing matters. "Who are you? And what does this screen mean that I'm seeing?!" Kaleb asked as he can understand now that this voice he can hear in his head is actually coming from his body, since he can feel another life force within himself which wasn't there before.

"A friend, or more of a comrade I should say, But Master you should hurry if you want to save your aunt. You must use her corpse as a Vessel it's the only way to release her from purgatory!!"Loyal desperately yelled as if time was running out, and that's because it was. Kalebs white hair now even had a few strands of red in it.

"Why should I....This can't even be real!!" Kaleb could only respond as such because while he was thinking about how we was just preparing to eat with his beautiful aunt, his eyes were still glued to the screen, but something was urging him to select the second option and use this body as a vessel for her, he can't imagine that he had caused this to happen to his aunt and he wanted to save her if he can, why wouldn't he. Of course he would…right?

[Time Remaining : 1:50]


[Name] : Kaleb/#?%^

[Race] : Dark Human

[Bone Age] : 17

[Health] : 1000/1000

[Strength] : 10

[Intelligence] : 10

[Stamina] : 10

[Agility] : 10

[Level] : 1 (Exp 250/15,000)

[Souls] : 1/10

[Stage] : Golden Core Realm Lvl. 1

[Secret Arts] : Dark Shroud, Life Drain, Thunder Arts Beginner Lvl. 1, Flash Step

[Bloodline] : God's Blood (Passive) Lvl. 1, Darkness Lvl. 1

[Skills] : Inspect Lvl. 1, Return Lvl. 1, Soul Capture Lvl. 1, Dark Descent Lvl. ?
