
Before 8teen:)

Welcome to the real world:) The world that the devil never sleeps, where one loses himself/herself, where love means ‘do this for me, I’ll do this for you’ , where forever isn’t forever but ‘as long as you do what I want, I’ll stick by you”’, where friends are enemies trying to know you better, where when you speak the truth “you’re the black sheep of the family”, where churches are businesses and everyone else is doing their own thing.

Dimpho_Elizabeth · Ficção Científica
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The beginning

At the bottom of Africa, lives a young girl : Me Blessings, they named me. You see my mother said it rained when she was giving birth to me but because I was born on my grandma's birthday, I was not one but a blessing to many. Little did I know is that I'm coming to "The devil's world".