

vickysmart · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

CHAPTER TWO Facing life itself

At home, zee couldn't stop thinking of Thai and how she reacted to him. She kept rolling from one corner of the bed to another thinking of a way to apologize for her stupidity😟. As she thought, she deviated unintentionally to Thai's physique: he is a guy of average height, with a black sparkling shower hair with matching golden eyes, a tantalizing set of pink fleshy lip, glamoring fair complexion and a nice bold shape that a guy of his age should have. With all these, she felt butterflies in her stomach🥰 but ignored it. She then changed her thought's topic to Suga, she sincerely loved him but didn't know what he felt about her especially now his dating dale. Mean while, in Suga's room, he was on his way to dream world😴 when his notification bell rang. He checked it and it was the mischievous act 'He' committed to zeena that morning. He changed his position by relaxing his back on his foamy bed frame and began regretting his act as he soliloquies within himself: "What have you done Suga?" . "What an innocent girl you are causing so much pain to" . "But, Dale... 😠" in anger he said, " Dale is the cause of all these. Why am I the one to please her. Maybe because my mom wants me to get married to her to secure a fancy old family relationship stuff🙄. But that's not my problem, I think, I don't love her, I've tried my best in pleasing her but she gives me the left hand." . " AM FREAKING TIRED!! " He exclaimed angrily as he slammed his fist on his soft pillow and then calmed down a little and continued, " But zeena ain't that bad, she is cool, cute and sexy" he gave out a little chuckle after his statement and concluded that he loved zeena. but... won't tell her yet not knowing whether she likes him back. First thing tomorrow morning he would tell Thai, with that he went to bed to see the sparkling face of zeena😇, the next morning.

The next day was normal for zee, she wore a baggy black joggers with a Louis Vuitton shirt and also wore a pink slip-on and waited for the bus. In the bus, the only seat available was one beside dale which she hated. So as not to face the disgrace again, she calmly went to sit on the seat, before dale dropped her hand on the seat, "It is taken you vagabond", this made zee angry but she decided to let it slide so as not to create a scene. When she had decided to stand, she heard a signaling sound from behind her she looked back and saw Thai, he had made a comfortable sitting space for her right beside him and now he is motioning her to come and sit😇. She blushed, thanked him and was about to go when she heard her name again but this time it was from the front. She looked back and saw it was Suga, in front of everyone and with so much boldness he said with a smile, "I reserved this sit just for you". Zee looked at him with a squinted eye, "Am not up for your pranks Suga" she shot at him with an unnoticed courage mixed with rage and sat right beside Thai. This made Suga give Thai a suspicious look of danger, all Thai did was shrug his shoulders like he never knew what happened😏.

In school, Suga walked right up to Thai to face him like a man, "Hey" Suga shakes Thai's hand, "Xup" Thai said returning the hand shake, "Nothing much, you? " , "Same here" , "So... what's up with you and Zeena" Suga asked walking right next to him with his hands in his pocket, Thai looked at him with a strange eye, " Just Friends" , "really? " , "Yeah, any problem", "Just that she left me to sit with you. So I thought you guys were... you know" , Thai chuckles with Suga, "No we are not" , "Phew! that's a relief" Thai suddenly stopped and looked at him, " And what's that supposed to mean? " , Suga dragged Thai to a place almost isolated, " I want you to leave Zee", "What?! Why? ... Am sorry I can't" Suga held Thai by his shirt's neck, " I took you in Thai, Do this one thing for me. Leave, Her, Alone" , Thai shook his head with utmost disbelief, " Why you doing this Suga?. The girl has suffered enough already", Suga left his shirt and looked down, " That's not it Thai, this time it's love. I love her and I can't bear to see her with you of all people" , " You have to be joking" , " I swear, am not joking" , "But what you did in the bus yesterday...", "Yeah, I know, it's all Dale, I was... I don't know... on a spell or something. but believe me I regret it now😥. Please understand me". Thai was shocked to his bones, he didn't say any other word and he left. Suga was dumb, he couldn't believe his closest friend I'd actually challenging him. With anger, he struck the wall before walking briskly to his class😖.

Zeena, is in her English class listening attentively as she learnt new words and their meaning before she was being distracted by Dale who was walking with Suga. She couldn't just stop staring at Dale. Why can't she be like Dale?, zeena wondered in her mind. Why can't she be noticed?, Why can't be worth dying for just like Dale? She definitely doesn't seem to have someone like Thai or Suga. Why can't I have a geng of my own? Why can't I walk proudly with my hair upright just like Dale. Maybe she doesn't just deserve it or Maybe it ain't her calling. Her attention was diverted to the core guy beside her, Suga. He too was worth dying for but not by an old rag like her. Her gaze hot wanting to go off him was noticed by Suga and he did something that kept he speechless, He blew a 💋 to Zee in front of Dale. Lucky, Dale was not looking. she was talking to another guy leaning on the outside wall of the opposite class. Zee looked to see who could get such attention from Dale and she recognized him as Thai. She was so excited🤗. Zee couldn't apprehend what was happening to her but she didn't blush for Suga even when he blew her a kiss, She only blushed when she caught Thai's eyes sneaking a glance at her and the both giggled. When Suga saw this, he was all jealous, he walked over to where Thai was obstructing ZEE's view if Thai and gave her his normal enchanting smile with one of his sexiest pose and he ran through his hair and winked at her but she didn't flirt🙄. Then Dale walked past Suga, " I can't believe you are doing this😒" . Suga attempted to go after her but his mind was drawn back to zee who was now smiling, giggling and laughing, thinking she was laughing at Dale and the situation, he himself began smiling. But then, she laughed harder even when he didn't do anything funny, he turned around and saw Thai making funny gestures at his back the whole time which was responsible for her laughter. Before Suga, could say anything to Thai, the principal came calling at them, "Hey!! " in a jiffy Thai was gone and Suga followed suit. When the principal reached zee's window, he looked into the class to check any suspicions, at the slight movement if the principals face, zee turned to her book, pretending to be writing and at the same time hiding her obvious giggles🤭🤭. When the principal was gone, she tore out a piece of paper and began imagining the difference between Thai and Suga. Her English teacher, Miss Lizzy noticed Zeena's absent mindlessness and decided to intervene. " Miss, could you help us spell the word corpse?". All eyes went to the back where ZEE was scribbling in the paper, smiling to herself. She looked up due to the unusual silence and saw all eyes on her and her heart sank to her thighs. She looked at the teacher with widened eyes. The teacher repeated the question again, zee shylisly stood up not knowing what to say or even answer😟. "Miss zeena, we are waiting " She had to swallow her saliva a million times before she attempted to speak, ".uhm... C... O... R... P... S... " beside her a girl whispered an "e" to her, "...E" . The teacher gave her a warning look before she permitted her to sit. She sat down and her heart regenerated and she soon went back scribbling✍️✍️.

Her teacher called out again " zeena, could I see what you are writing, it seems funny to you" after watching her for close to 10 minutes smiling and giggling to herself. "Miss Lizzy, it's nothing, not funny at all" , "Oh really?", Zeena nods, "Well... I still want to take a little peek at it". She reluctantly moved to the teacher and handed her the paper. At the sight of the word "sexy" , she was alarmed and she set zeena out of the class, as zeena was going out she could her Lucy convincing the teacher to read the writings out. She went out into the corridor where she became a wanderer just like Thai, "Mean while where's Thai" She thought aloud. "This could be the best time to apologize". She walked up to every corner, edges and bends but Thai was no where to be found and it was way far from break. Ugh! how she hated stuffs like this😫. She sat just beside the toilet door doing nothing more than throwing sticks at the wall. About 10 minutes later, she heard a signaling sound, "psst... psst" she turned to the direction of which it was coming from and saw it was Thai. She quickly stood and went towards him. They were in the store room talking about themselves before the award silence came upon them. Zeena sitting on the chair with her legs crossed, Thai leaning on the table looking directly into Zee's eyes, "Isn't this the best position for lovers" Thai teased, "You Wish", and Zee chuckled out. "Well, I once wished I and Suga would be one day as close as you and I are now" Zee confessed, "Really? Suga of all people?" Thai bluntly stated out sounding jealous, Then that innocent look of being deserted and being left alone came upon Thai's face as he tilted his head upwards. Zeena watched as his mood changed and felt guilty again. She stood up walked over to Thai, looked at him, tilted his head back down and pecked him. She took his hands and wrapped it round her small waist as she caressed his soft cheeks, intensely looking into his eyes, "Now do you feel better?" Zee asked as she smiled at him noticing his surprised expression, all he could do was just nod slowly as he tried to understand what just happened😱. "Do you love me?"Zeena dropped another bombshell on Thai🤯, "Um... I... I..."Thai stammered thinking of what to say but was interrupted by Suga's presence. He was expecting such attitude from Thai but this, he saw unexpected he never thought Thai could go to this extent. Suga moved backward till he was out of the door then he began to walk away quickly not wanting to look back or wanting any one notice his angry teary eyes. Thai motioned to go after him to explain but was drawn back by zeena's chain which was now tangled to his. Due to the force, Zee came closer to Thai's mouth to the extent that she could feel his breath. She looked at his eyes, then his mouth and smiled, she made attempt to kiss him but he blocked it with his palm, "What guts you have, Naughty girl. We barely know each other", Zee nodded, "Now can you untangle us?" Thai said looking into her eyes. "Did he just say us?" Zee thought silently with a smile in her mind. Then she snapped back and brought up her stubborn attitude, "I won't do it, unless...", "Unless what?"Thai asked wanting to know what she got up her sleeves, "You drag me..."she didn't finish and she felt a pull towards Thai, with Thai's hands around her waist once again and their lips almost touching each other, Thai smiled mischievously, "Now the chain?!". Zee began to untangle themselves as though they were lovers. As soon as she was done, Thai still wanted to go and meet Suga, but Zeena held him, "Wait! I want you to know something", "Can't it wait Zee, Not now okay?", "Then when? You don't have time for me🥺". Thai caressed her cheeks and wiped her flowing tears, "You a cry baby? Don't worry soon enough" with that he dashes out to the cafe so as to meet Suga before he erupts or does something stupid. Zeena carefully stepped out of the room so as not to be seen by anyone because it was now time for break. She went over to the class, grabbed her phone and her lunch and went out to the cafe smiling although with her head upright throughout the walk, she was thinking of the experience she just had, whether Suga's half a minute sexy experience with her in the bus the other day was to match for this opportunity in a life time. In the cafe, she sat at her usual corner pressing her phone as she churned on her home baked biscuit. As she was enjoying her rare time when a shadow appeared once again but this time it wasn't Thai, It was Dale; "What does this skunk want now?"Zee asked herself. "Hey" Dale bluntly stated out as zee ignored the call. Dale felt insulted that a low – life zee was ignoring her call, she rolled her eyes and sat beside her. "Suga said I should pass across a message to you😈" Dale started trying to get her attention but looks like Zee knew what she was up to so she changed her strategy, "No really?" Dale said dramatically😈 which partially convinced zee that Suga actually sent her, "Yeah, and what would that be?", "Now you are talking!" Dale complimented with a smile of accomplishment😈, "Hurry! You are contaminating my privacy" Zee said impatiently sounding not yet convinced. Dale was shot in the heart by the sentence but she swallowed it at least to enable her accomplish her goal. "Well... Suga said I should let you know that he loves you" even by her tone one could sense that she was lying 😈but zee was carried away by the second to the last word, "Really?", Dale nods, "No pranks?" Zee asked trying to be sure. She nodded again. "But why would he send YOU, I mean... I thought you guys were dating", "Em... Yh... Yh, we were, but we broke up, long... Long ago, but don't worry, I've... I've gotten used to it" Dale lied🤥 and stammered not expecting such question from Zee. Zeena looked at her suspiciously because she knew Dale never stammered, and said hesitantly, "O...KAY". Dale then blinks a few times, "So what do you say?", "Um... tell him to give me time, please", Dale cuts in growing impatient and raises her voice, "What's there to think about? Just say the three later words already!!" After a few seconds, Dale noticed how zee was looking at her confused and said trying to think of a lie to cover up her temper, "Oops..., I overreacted, just that he said... he... he would leave the school first thing tomorrow morning, if... if... if you don't tell him your answer and, I know you can't bear to see 'poor handsome Suga' go away..., Can you?" dale awkwardly said after processing her perfect lie and blinked into zee's eyes a million times, Zee shook her head negatively, "No, I can't", "yeah. That's the spirit, so...", zee thought for some minute about Thai and Suga but Suga's love over shadowed Thai's, "Yes" zee finally answered. "Yes?"Dale asked. Zee took a deep breath and said feeling happy that she has at last gotten Suga's heart, "Tell Suga, that I love him too", with that dale leaped out the chair, walking out, "We are done here then, see you later zee" Dale turned and whispered to herself, "TIME FOR PLAN B". "Did she just call me zee?"Zee asked herself not believing her ears mixed with happiness of also winning Dale's friendship👩. Dale went to where Suga was, Suga was with Thai who was trying to explain but Suga didn't seem to buy the explanation. Dale came over to Suga and Whispered into his ear that she wanted to see hm. With that, Suga left without saying a word to Thai, leaving Thai hanging in his words. Only this action displayed convinced Thai that Suga didn't believe him. Suga went with Dale and began to apologise as soon as they came to a halt; "Am sorry dale", "Yes, you should be", "So... am I forgiven?", "Yes, why not? Well that's not why I called you out though", Suga looked seriously into her eyes, "Then why?", "It's Zeena" Suga sighed, "What about her again?", "She said..." Dale said keeping him in suspense and at the same time thinking of what to say, "She said what?" Suga said looking impatient. To make it look true, Dale held his both hands tightly and said, "She made a rumour that you... you are a rapist". This gingered Suga as he blast out loosening dale's grip, Dale tried calming him down so as not to result to him doing something stupid to Zee for what she did not do. Her therapy worked on him but he was very much angry with zee as he went to his class and rested his head as thoughts of zee came flooding into his mind😢😢.