
Bed of Glory "Conqueror of all Worlds"

A novel about a young man with limitless power and his adventures on conquering/bedding Girls in different worlds with his might.

Mooncloud · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Wrath of Diaochan

Veins on Diāochán's forehead were bulging In anger as she looked at the sight of her one true love being sucked dry by her own teacher, It was a sad sight for a girl in love, usually the 4 year old girl will ran away and cry in her room as her parents comforts her, but not in the Min Clan, it was said that the Min clan was just a rich merchant clan but it was all false because they are powerful even in martial arts and some of their members attains the Soul Be 'xi at the age of 4.

"I will kill you, bitch!" Diāochán said as her little fragile body began to sprint towards the two, pity this girl, she did not know that she is only a tiny speck in the harem of the harem God, why can she spit words like birch you ask? It is because of her obsession towards Xìngbie that she could spit such words.

Her aura changed into a horrific tiger that hungers for blood, Diāochán squeezes Xi Xia's neck with her two small fragile hands but what's there within? Xi Xia choked not knowing what to do, her delicate neck was easily crushed by the strength of Diāochán, "this is for kissing Xingbie!" She said as she pulls out Xi Xia's tongue, blood gushes out of Xi Xia's mouth as her lifeless body was being tormented by a 4 years old girl.

"This is for having Xingbie's love juice inside your body!" She said as she used her hand to piece Xi Xia's womb, her delicate 4 years old face were covered in Xi Xia's blood as she kept using her hands to pierce Xi Xia's womb.

Xingbie stood there at the wall watching this very horrific scene, he was on a monk pose as he pray and channel his energy to transfer Xi Xia's soul to the world of Tristan, his own harem world that has the barrier against gods and it cannot be entered without Xingbie's consent "Oh please have mercy on her Diāochán" He said as he was about to walk towards Diāochán.

"Don't go near us... we're having a little girls talk here" Diāochán said as she smiled on Xingbie with her beautiful bloodied little face, it was a smile of a little devil who will kill for her master, Xingbie smiled it was a smile of a master who have fully seen the growth of his wonderful pet who he have been working hard to make it grow into a fully ripe one, it was because he has attained a wonderful yandere that will kill anyone who gets near him, surely a wonderful specimen but there is still something missing.

But it will be much more problematic once he stepped on earth again as the obsessive girls will come out of hiding once he have reached a forbidden MOE country. (Foreshadowing again)

Xi Xia's face were beaten so much and her body was fully covered in blood, even her beauty cannot be seen anymore as her face was heavily destroyed by Diāochán's continuous punching, her boobs were completely in disorder, nipples crushed into pieces, blood were gushing out of her vagina, and her tongue lying down on the floor.

"Oh, we're already finished talking, now Xingbie let's go home" Diāochán said as she hugged Xingbie with a smile crossing on her face, it was this time that Xingbie needed to face the consequences of his action whether he live or die depends on what he is about to say now, She still have no boobies! He thought to himself as he stared at the lifeless boobs of Diāochán.

"What do you mean go home?" He asked with a confused look on his face, "We will live together now as husband and wife" she replied as she touches Xingbie's penis "You can use me every day" her eyes was very beautiful even I the author will kill myself and live in my dreams forever just to have her.

"Diāochán, I'm a Gay…" Xinbie said as he puts his hands at Diāochán's shoulder with a serious look on his face, "I must be a monk to cleanse this filth and it will take me 10 years to master the perfection" Diāochán was shocked hearing Xingbie's words, "but I promise you one thing and that I shall return and take your hands in front of your father's very own eyes!" Diāochán's face flushed as she hears Xingbie's words "Ma… Marry!" Xingbie held her delicate face and began to kiss Diāochán, their tongues clashed as Xingbie began to grope Diāochán's small unripe boobs.


20 minutes later, Xingbie can be seen as he hides Xi Xia's destroyed and pitiful body in the mountain side, no one can see the tears on his eyes as he mourn for the dead Xi Xia "I will fuck you in Tristan!" He swore on his great great great great great great great great great great uncle that if he hadn't fucked Xi Xia again then his great great great great great great great great great great uncle's soul will perish into existence.

His tears never banished even as he walked in the road towards the monk school outside of the Floating city in the mountains of Xu Xu, it was all along because of Xi Xia's beauty that is the same as his fifth favorite woman character in Dynasty warrior and his long lost dream girl to fuck.


The road of a monk

Two years later Diāochán became a Martial artist and achieved the 3rd stage elementary mortal disciple and the death of Xi Xia was kept as a top secret of the Min clan, pity her lively body and boobs.

A small bald figure was on a meditative pose and his hand sign resembles Buddha's, his small fragile body was sitting on top of ten beaten monks, "Yet again I have attained power" He said as his heavenly body uses the beaten monks as stairs, an old monk watched afar as his jaw dropped on the ground in astonishment to the strength of a 6 years old kid, "Master I have defeated them barehanded" He said as he emit an aura of a Powerful man.. No a monster, "You have done well Xingbie" The old bald monk said as he walked down towards the waterfalls "Follow me we shall meditate" He looked at Xingbie as if amused and walked towards a meditation room.