
Becoming The King of Forbidden Magic

A boy given a cursed blessing of eternal life. Destined to watch everything slowly crumble away, love ones, civilization, and even worlds. Will he slowly descend to madness from his eternal suffering? Or will he keep his humanity and watched the progress of the universe it self to the very end?

Night_Star_Gaze · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Gift and the Unfortunate Curse

<p>In the dimly lit, damp, and humid room constructed from rough concrete, a heart-wrenching scene unfolds. Stacked upon each other are several animal cages, each containing a frail, ans thin figures. The room echoes with faint cries, not of animals, but of innocent young souls trapped in this harrowing place. Each whimper reverberates through the room, a symphony of despair.<br/><br/>Suddenly, the door is thrust open, and a man storms in, he wore a strange black cowl with a lowered hood while his face contorted with rage. He hurls a bottle of beer at one of the cages, screaming at the children to be silent.<br/><br/>"Shut up! How many times do I have to tell you to SHUT! UP!" he bellowed as the bottle shattered on impact making the whimpering stop.<br/><br/>The room is momentarily illuminated by the light seeping in from outside, finally revealing the horrific sight within.<br/><br/>Cages are filled with emaciated, frail children, some barely moving, others lying motionless and forgotten. The room reeks of unwashed bodies, untouched and spoiled food that aren't for humans, and the stench of death. The man recoils from the overpowering smell, but it is nothing compared to the anguish and torment that these innocent souls endure daily.<br/><br/>"ughh!..Fuck.. You guys stink like shit!" the man gags and covers his nose before quickly turning back and closing the door shut.<br/><br/>One child reaches out a thin, sickly hand towards the light, yearning for escape, only for it to be cruelly snuffed out by the slamming of the door he was about 14 years old. The young voice pleads for a chance to go back, to return to the warmth of his parents' embrace, but his cries fall on deaf ears.<br/><br/>"n-no" a weak cry echoes. "p-please..... I.. w-wanna.... go back...." he begs, but no answer comes as his silent sobs join the other cries of despair.<br/><br/>He recalls the days of joy, his parents' smiles, and their soothing words. Everything changed when an inexplicable illness struck him, causing relentless pain that defied all medical explanation. His parents, desperate to save him, sought the aid of an unknown group. The memory of bizarre rituals and incomprehensible chants still haunts him. They declared him "cursed," and that he have died from the "curing ritual" and his parents, in their grief-stricken state, believed their child had perished, their tearful smiles a facade hiding their heartache as they whisper their .<br/><br/>He tries to convey his existence, to move, to scream, but his body is paralyzed, rendering him a silent spectator to his own demise he couldn't even move his eyes. And between life and death he finally passed out and when he woke up he finds himself in this accursed room, surrounded by other children deemed cursed and destined to become sacrifices.<br/><br/>The children's collective suffering echoes like a haunting melody, a poignant reminder of the cruelty that fate had bestowed upon them. In the darkness, they share each other's pain, clinging to the tiniest glimmers of hope, yet condemned to face their darkest hour together..<br/><br/>.<br/>.<br/>.<br/><br/>In another room, a group of individuals donning black cowls and red tunics gathered around a small table. Three of them were seated, enjoying bountiful snacks and food laid before them. Meanwhile, the other four relaxed on sofas nearby, with one reading a book adorned with strange and ominous symbols, while the others used their phones.<br/><br/>"Is it true that the 3rd eye found a child with a strong blessing from a God, and that kid almost awakened?" the woman with the phone inquired after finishing what she was reading.<br/><br/>"Yup," the man with the book replied, his face reflecting curiosity and awe. "And if I'm right, the ritual will finally be executed later on at midnight."<br/><br/>"Really?! Then will all of us finally be given the power we were promised?" the girl asked, her eyes brimming with happiness and excitement. "Ughhh I can't wait to kill those fuckers back home" <br/><br/>"Oh! I also heard that the Heart will receive the blessing of immortality!" one of the men eating chimed in. The woman with the phone looked shocked and envious upon hearing this.<br/><br/>"WHAT? But the 3rd eye is the one that saw the boy!" she protested with a pout.<br/><br/>"Tell that to the council, not me," the man replied with a small smirk, shutting her down.<br/><br/>"Hahaha! That's what I thought!" the man laughed the food on his mouth in display <br/>"Say, if you really like that 3rd eye guy, why don't you just go and tell him?" the other man teased with a wink as he took a bite of steak.<br/><br/>"He's a part of the body, and I'm just a follower! I'm not worthy! I mean, aren't we all?" she retorted, her frustration evident as she raised her voice.<br/><br/>"That's true... And we h—"<br/><br/>"I'm back! What did I miss?" suddenly, a man entered the room, leaving a trail of foul smells in his wake. Most of the girls recoiled and covered their noses, exclaiming in disgust.<br/><br/>"Ugh! Get the hell away from here! You reek!" the girl with the phone expressed her disdain.<br/><br/>"I'm eating here!" another person complained as he moved away, carrying his plates to distance himself from the man.<br/><br/>Ignoring their complaints while mouthing what they say in a mocking face, the man went to the fridge, grabbed a new bottle of beer, and took a seat at the table, placing his feet on it. The girl eating on the opposite side of him couldn't bear it any longer, so she stood up and left her food, heading outside in complete silence.<br/><br/>The awkwardness in the room was palpable as everyone watched the strange scene unfold. <br/>".... Awkward," the man with the steak said before taking a bite, trying to break the tension with humor. <br/><br/>. <br/>. <br/><br/>Outside the room, the girl emerged with a sense of urgency, her footsteps echoing with each step. Her beautiful face, usually composed, was now twisted in rage as she clenched her stomach with her left hand. The offensive stench she encountered within the room couldn't be dismissed; it was a reminder of the very reason she infiltrated this place.<br/><br/>Striding forward, she glanced around cautiously before retrieving a small round device from her bosom. It was no larger than a penny, with a small button in the middle. Another thin, rectangular object accompanied it.<br/><br/>With a crisp click, the round device sprang to life, and she wasted no time opening her mouth to speak. "This is Rosa. The ritual will take place on midnight, approximately four hours from now. Bring everyone you can. You know where to find me," she conveyed the message with quiet determination before swallowing the small device with ease. The rectangular object returned to its place in her bosom.<br/><br/>As she moved away from the area, she sighed deeply because of what she was about to do as a noise behind her made her turn abruptly. "3rd eye?!" she exclaimed, recognizing the man who had a reputation for his lustful tendencies. And now she's even more uncertain of what she's about to do. <br/><br/>His smile held a mix of amusement and desire as he teased her, "And here I was planning to take you in my harem since I found you beautiful. But who would have thought..."<br/><br/>Feeling cornered with no escape, she swiftly swung her arm and attempted to punch him, but he effortlessly blocked her strike, tightly holding her fist. "But never mind," he continued, undeterred. "I'll just have my way with you until I'm satisfied, and then I'll hand you over to the other followers. I can't wait to hear you scream."<br/><br/>Fear and anger surged within her, but she refused to let it break her spirit. Despite the danger she faced, she maintained a glimmer of determination in her eyes. Before winding her arms back and once again tried to punch him with her other arm. <br/><br/>The man called 3rd eye was clearly annoyed by this and broke her wrist with a simple twist making Rosa screamed in pain before he knocked her out and dragged her by the hair whistling along the way. <br/><br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/><br/>The moon is at it's peak, giving the world of night a faint light to guide them through the darkness. But in the end it can't guide those who have been imprisoned in the dark. <br/><br/>With a rattle of metal the children were awoken from their nightmares and happy dreams. All of them looked at the same direction. The door they all desire to come out of. <br/><br/>A man walks in but it wasn't the usual man who wore a cowl.. But a handsome gentle man. He wore a gentle smile and greeted then. "Hello kids.. We will be moving for now.. And soon you will be released in this cruel world.. So dont die ok?" the man said, the kids noticed that the man didn't even show any reaction from the foul smell of the room.. <br/><br/>But they didn't expect what the man said next. <br/>"Ah.. The smell of death and despair... Isn't it wonderful?" and instantly.. The children who have finally regained their hope have their faint smile broken.. <br/><br/>"Wait.... Dont tell me.... You guys thought I'm freeing you all?" he suddenly asked when he saw their faces.. "Pffff WHAHAHAHAHA FUCKING STUPID HAHAHAH" <br/><br/>"P-please can you let us go?" one of the kid asked while he was still laughing.. The voice was feminine making him abruptly stop and stare at her.. She was about 11 years old. And just like everyone she was suffering from malnutrition. Her eyes have dark circles on them. Her hair was sticky and dirty. Yet her eyes remained clear. <br/><br/>The man inches closer to her. With his hand on his chin as he scrutinize her look with a serious face. "hm... Well... You do look nice.. I bet you'd be even more beautiful when you're all good and healthy" he smiled with a depraved goal. Making the other children who are old enough to understand look at him in disgust. <br/><br/>"How about you serve me? And I'll take you out of here lil girl~" he asked her voice oozing with disgusting lust. <br/><br/>"N-no! Dont! Dont take her! Don't go with him!" suddenly a boy just beside her finally broke his silence. Grabbing the mans wrist and pulling it away with his meager strength. <br/><br/>"DONT TOUCH ME!" the man suddenly screamed as he pulled his hand away causing the kid to be dragged into his cage and hitting the bars forcefully breaking his nose and making it bleed as he fall in the floor groaning in pain. <br/><br/>The man was about to break the boy's arm that hangs outside the cage by kicking it, but the girl from before reached out and put her own hand in the way. <br/><br/>"WAIT! I'LL GO! Please.." she begged but she noticed his eyes didn't changed so she changed her aproach "You dont have to waste your energy to this pathetic little shit... I never even planned on listening to him" <br/><br/>Hearing this the man shifted his eyes on her. <br/>"Oh?. You heard that? She called you a pathetic little shit after trying to save her.. How did it feel? " the man snicker to the boy who was groaning in pain. <br/><br/>"Well.. I liked your attitude girl.. I know what you wanted by doing that... Still, I liked how did it.." he looked at him with his usual gentle smile he wore when she first saw him. But looking at it now made the girl shudder. <br/><br/>"Well.. You're one of the smart ones.. So it'll probably take note time to train you into a perfect little slave.. So how about we start now?" the man offered casually.. But even hiding his plans and desire. <br/><br/>The girl bit her dry lips, she spare a glance to the boy who she have been talking to for 2 months. And with a faint reluctance she nodded her head. Making the man waiting outside her cage smile even wider.. <br/><br/>"Great!" he perks up as if he just got a nice gift. And with a step he got closer and grip two bars with both his hand.. And with seemingly no effort he bends it easily apart and offered a hand towards the girl inside.<br/>All the others looked at him as if they're seeing a monster not believing he just bent a steel bar barehand.. Well.. He is indeed a monster... Both in his fucked up morality and with his strength... <br/><br/>She slowly reached for it. Her hand shaking as she glanced to the boy who was still laying on tbe floor on the next cage. She saw him shaking his head no while biting his own lips to stipple his cries a habit all of them have received after countless punishment from being noisy. <br/><br/>But she suddenly felt someone grabbing her hand in impatience. As he saw the man looking at her with an annoyed look. "Ignore him.. All of them are gonna die anyway" and with a firm pull she stumble forward and took a final step over the bent bars and finally got out of the cage. <br/><br/>Seeing this the man smiled regaining his calm composure as he led the girl outside.. "Ah.. I'm Alex.. And I'm the 3rd eye of the Church Of Heillen.. And from now on.. I own you" <br/><br/>And with those word they stepped beyond the door they all wanted to cross. But at a great price of her own freedom and future...<br/><br/><br/>"Im done inside.. Go and collect them.. And transfer them quickly.. Those bastard from the Church of Light should be heading here at this very moment. So if you all still want that power.. Go ahead and make sure the ritual succeeded." the children watched the door slowly closed once again. Their eyes turning dull as all of them accepted their fate.. As they grimly listen to the mans word. <br/><br/>And with a metallic crash. The door shut closed.. Making the darkness return...<br/><br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/><br/>In a dark and cold forest where fog covers most of the lands and only the moon's light providing illumination throughout the land. A long Tilt bed trucks is parked. And long container is mounted behind it. <br/><br/>As children be it boys or girls are getting out of the container one by one... There are even a few adults in the line. Their hands are chained ans cuffed together while a group of followers of the Church Of Heillen watched them to prevent anyone from escaping and also to beat those who are not cooperating. <br/><br/>After a bit of walking in the forest they reached a clearing and what appears a river side. The floor from here on was a solid stone and there's a few boulder here and other. While a dozen or so cars are parked around the clearing, shining bright lights in the middle <br/><br/>And as they get closer they noticed something in the middle of the clearing. Where all the car's lights are pointed to. <br/><br/>Its a carving. The boy from previously the one who got his friend taken thought it was similar from the manggas and manhua he reads.. It's like a magic circle carved on the stone and spreads out in all directions with different symbols amd writing all over it. <br/><br/>But a small circular space was left at the very middle. While other small circle surrounds it in a C formation.. And one circle is connected to it at the northern part of the circle.. <br/><br/>Making a ( o - • symbol of you look at it from above. <br/><br/>Soon the kids got their cuffed removed and all of them are told to stand on one of the circle that surrounds the one big circle on the middle. <br/><br/>But when it was the boys turn he was confused as he was led to the middle. <br/><br/>While an old man walked into the last lone circle just the north of the middle one. <br/><br/>But he noticed one of the surrounding circle isn't occupied. But then he heard another car parked in. And a woman was slowly dragged into the clearing. <br/><br/>She was completely nude, beaten and too tired to even fight back. Around her breast was bite marks her neck is red too and more marks and bruise in her stomach.<br/><br/>Her eyes were swollen too and her lips were busted. And most of her face is covered in white slime. And so does her swollen and bleeding crotch. The boy couldn't help to look at her body. But he felt more pity than lust at this point. He knew that she was brutally raped and beaten by just glancing at her. <br/><br/>He tear his eyes away from her.. Not wanting to feel bad any longer as she sigh and look in the night sky. <br/>'... So this is it huh?... Being used as a ritual sacrifice by insane bastards? It's death.. But at least it's a bit unique' he thought as he faintly smile.. But at the same time tears slowly rolls down her face as he couldn't stop crying at the thought of dying. <br/><br/>And the other victims too.. They started crying.. But the girl Rosa she smiled.. "You wont get the last laugh you son of a bitch! The Church of Light is coming!" she screamed. <br/><br/>"Hah.. Cant you see we already moved the place.. Even if you reported it on advance you cant possibly tell them about the recent change when your mouth is filled with cocks!" The Heart mocked as he laughed. His aged voice could be heard at the entire field.. And even with his age his eyes and move are filled with vitality. <br/><br/>"Enough wasting time.. Let us start the ritual!" the oldman yelled.. His face contorted in twisted joy as he gestured towards the followers and the parts. <br/><br/>Soon each victims of the sacrifice was approach by a member of the Church Of Heillen each of them holding a ritual knife. <br/><br/>Once in position everyone looked at each other and nodded. And all one of them pulled their arms back preparing to swing.<br/><br/>"N-NO-" a loud scream was heard but it was quickly cut off by a sound of gurgling as the man choked on his own blood. <br/><br/>"ARGH!" <br/>"PLE-ERRRGH" <br/>"NOO-UUGGHH!" <br/>"For the church of li-! Ughrgh!!" <br/><br/>A symphony of cries and begging echoed but every single one of them turned into painful groans and gurgle as they choke on their blood while having their throats slashed. <br/><br/>But it didn't end there.. As the followers moved and started cutting their neck.. Slowly.. And within a few moments all of them were beheaded.. And they experience it while they're still choking on their blood.<br/><br/>All the followers did whatever they can to make everyone bleed as much as possible.. Multiple stabs, slashes and mutilation. <br/><br/>And the boy watched them die as the one assigned to him didn't touch him.. But was here to make sure he didn't leave the line.. <br/><br/>Seeing them suffer and die he fell on his knees. He even vomited on the floor. As he put his hand on his ears so just to stop him self from hearing whats happening and what the man near him was laughing about. <br/><br/>Soon all the bloods flowed in the carved lines of the ritual circle. And the strange words being filled with blood. <br/><br/>Soon if arrived at the circle that surrounds the boy in the middle. <br/><br/>Suddenly one of them exclaim.. "s-sir! I found this inside the girl!" he reported while raising a circular device in a size of penny. There was a small red light blinking on and off. Giving an indicator that it was turned on. <br/><br/>"FUCK!.. Hurry and start the ritual! We must end this before they got here!" the oldman was furious as his face goes red and contort in rage. But he didn't move out of the circle.<br/><br/>So instead he ordered everyone to start chanting . Since the blood have flowed enough to reach all the parts of the cravings in the ground. And all the church members started chanting in strange tongue. And as they reach the end their voices became louder and louder. <br/><br/>And the ritual circle too started... Glowing.. Even the boy in the middle couldn't help but look up. <br/><br/>Only to be shocked as to what he sees.. <br/>'wait... Magic is real?.. How i-' suddenly his thought was interrupted by a sudden surge of pain in his body accompanied by a sudden beam of light bursting out of the circle he's on. <br/><br/>"ARRRRGHHHHHH!" He screamed so loud that everyone was surprised he still have the ability to scream like that. <br/><br/>The boy felt as if his vocal chords was about to break but the pain was just too much for him to care so he kept screaming and screaming. His life was flashing before his eyes. And he couldn't help but scream even louder.. But this time.. Not of pain.. But anguish, rage, frustration, and sadness. Until everything cuts off as he died. <br/><br/>And once he died.. So did the ritual.. The Heart too fell on his knees making all the present followers run and help him. "W-what's happening??!" he asked in panicked. <br/><br/>"My mana!...my magic!!.. EVERYTHING IS GONE!!" but he couldn't despair longer as cars and even helicopter could be heard slowly closing in. <br/><br/>"Fuck! Protect The Heart! And ready the vehicles we are leaving!!" one of the high rank followers ordered. And soon they started moving as well and they escorted the despairing heart into one of the car before speeding off in the opposite direction of their enemies. <br/><br/><br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/>. <br/><br/><br/><br/>'Who am I?' a thought asked in the vast void. And it answered it self. <br/>'Ah.. Right.. I'm Cain... I... - I died...' although it was difficult he could still remember most of his life.. But not much to the latter moments of it. <br/><br/>'Where am I?... Is this death? How long have it been?' it asked.. But again... No one answered. <br/><br/>'So... Is there a God?' It asked. <br/><br/><br/>"Yes" but this time someone answered.. <br/><br/>Cain looked behind him.. Although he doesn't need to as he could already see in every direction.. And he doesn't have a head anyway. <br/><br/>'huh? W-what?' he was confused.. He raised his arm.. But couldn't.. As he no longer have his arms. <br/><br/>'W-what the fuck!' he was panicking. To the point that he forgot about the voice. <br/><br/>"Relax, child.. You're not bound by your mortal vessel anymore.. You did not lose them.. You simple don't have them in the first place" the voice said. It sounded warm and motherly. <br/><br/>Hearing this cain suddenly stopped.. And slowly "turned" around. And infront of him was a giantess glowing in ethereal light. <br/><br/>He couldn't see how she looked yet he's already admiring her beauty. "Fufu.. Thank you, child.. Although I'm not a giant... You are simply very small" she said as he slowly reached out to Cain's "Body" and raised and bright him closer to her. <br/><br/>"I cant believe those foul creature defiled such a pure ritual.." she said sighing as she look through Cain's life in a single glance. <br/><br/>"What's more, they misunderstood something... The one who's supposed to be the sacrifice should be placed the the southern circle.. And the one to get the blessing is supposed to be in the middle.. Unfortunately since you still haven't awakened your core.. You have died." she chuckled. <br/><br/>"But I suppose they deserve it.. They're not worthy to have this boon." but then her being flicker as if she's in conflict with her self. "Although.. Some creature would say it's more like a curse." she paused as she leaned closer to cain. <br/><br/>".. Ah.. Little one.. Such a poor soul to have suffered all of this only to be given another trial.."But... Fret not.. You are one of my chosen.. And I have blessed your birth.. Although it is also the reason you suffered such a fate.." she sighed once again. <br/><br/>"So.. As my blessed one.. What do you wished of me?" she asked and finally went quiet. Giving Cain a chance to talk.. <br/><br/>But he too went silent as he thought of what he wanted.. <br/><br/>'I-... I want to live once again' he finally "uttered" with his "lips" <br/><br/>"I expected it" he couldn't see it.. But he felt like she was smiling. "I shall grant it.. But the rules is the rules.. So you can't live again in your world.. But in another.." <br/><br/>"well then.... Let us not meet again.. For if that happens.. You are probably dead.. But I highly doubt that" Cain heard her chuckles. <br/><br/>He could feel himself being enveloped by strange energy like a smooth blanket. And he could "see" the endless void slowly being illuminated by a bright white light. <br/>. <br/>. <br/><br/>"Good luck and.." <br/><br/>. <br/>. <br/><br/>".. Come forth... My little Immortal Child.. And enjoy my last gift" and with that voice slowly fading away he opens his red eyes he blinked a couple of times before moving his eyes and looking around. <br/><br/>Looking up, he saw a clear blue sky. "Huh.. My eyes are back to normal" he thought but since his mouth are back he accidentally said it out loud. <br/><br/>"Oh! My mouth is back!" he exclaimed in surprised and consciously grab hold of his lips. Making him discover his hands as well. <br/><br/>Eager to explore his current state, Cain sat up straight, taking note of his body's similarity to his previous form "Its the same as mine" he thought out loud as he realized his new body is quite similar to his previous one—healthy, unmarred, and clean. <br/><br/>And he was no longer malnourished and battered, he also couldn't ignore the strange sight of his clothing, reminiscent of his old garb but now clean and unstained, except for a blood-soaked portion near his stomach.<br/><br/>Apprehensively, he lifted his shirt, anticipating a deep wound due to the blood, but to his surprise, his skin was smooth and unblemished. Confusion crept into his thoughts but he ignored it as from the stories he read complete heal was a starter pack of revival, but he noticed something else, he was unusually pale complexion. <br/><br/>"Now that I think of it.. Aren't I a bit too white? I did spend many times in the basement but even with that i shouldn't be this pale." his brows were furrowed as he raised his arm to examine his skin. <br/><br/>Indeed.. It was too pale.. Too pale for a living person. <br/>"Am I still dead?" he couldn't help but asked him self. <br/>But he was also sure he's very much alive.. His beating heart brimming with vitality is the solid proof of that. <br/><br/>While wondering a chirp of a bird attracted his attention. "Ah right.. I'm supposed to know if I'm still on earth.." He looks up in the sky... Then around him.. And found himself in.. <br/><br/>"An alley" he muttered as he turned his body to the left and have his arm support his body to stand up. <br/><br/>His balance was off.. His leg was wobbly. Perhaps because he was on completely different body. And was not used to it yet. <br/><br/>And so he decided to take a few shaky step and head to the wall. And using the wall as a support he slowly headed straight into the end of the alleyway all the while scrutinizing his surroundings.. <br/><br/>'The architecture of this world is quite similar to earth..' he thought as the way the buildings around him were build was quite similar to the early 18th century back on earth. <br/><br/>As he walked, his movements gradually became more fluid, adjusting to his new physical form, allowing him to traverse the alley without leaning on the wall for support.<br/><br/>And with a final steps.. He finally reached the sidewalk. <br/>And beyond the alley, what he saw was a quite modern world. And he was indeed right.. The architecture of the world and it's advancement is the same as the 18th century in earth. <br/><br/>There were still no cars... Or maybe just not this place.. But in the road its mostly dominated by horse carriages or just walking pedestrian. <br/><br/>And as for the pedestrians.. They were wearing wonderful and colorful dresses.. While the men wears suits and top hats.. "Just like Victorian era.." Cain looks around some more and noticed some strange things. <br/><br/>"Are those... Are those knights??" he asked out laud. Making some nearby stranger give him odd looks. And one of them even asked something to Cain that he didn't understand. <br/><br/>"W-wait.. This worlds language... What is it?" he asked himself as he look around and found a building with strange letters on it. 'Fuck it's different too' he was about to step further forward but then stopped himself.. <br/><br/>And instead stepped back as he remembers something. 'wait... My wound.. Does this mean I was stabbed by someone too?' he thought as he took another step back.. Hiding from anyone's sight.. <br/><br/>'Who did it?... Why?' he began to wonder that's when a sudden harsh headache assaulted his mind. Making him grab his head on pain as he leaned to the right and fell back on the wall. And let him self slide down to the foor as he grab his head in pain.<br/><br/>And memories started to pour into him.. And soon he found out what happened to him. "... So this body died because of a robbery?" He spoke out loud as his hand slowly stopped gripping his head and he once again looked into the memories he was given. <br/><br/>As Cain further explored the memories of his newfound existence as Kayn, he discovered a harrowing truth—he and the other orphans had eventually parted ways, leaving him to face the harsh realities of life alone. The memories unraveled like a heartrending tale, revealing how Kayn had grown accustomed to the solitude and learned to rely solely on himself.<br/><br/>The separation from the other children had been bittersweet. On one hand, it granted Kayn a newfound sense of freedom, liberating him from the collective struggles of a group living on the streets. On the other hand, it left him with a profound sense of loneliness, like a solitary leaf drifting aimlessly in the wind.<br/><br/>Alone and resourceful, Kayn had navigated the bustling city streets, where hope and despair coexisted side by side. He learned to survive the unforgiving nights, finding shelter in abandoned corners and evading the watchful eyes of authority figures who might return him to the torment of the orphanage.<br/><br/>During the days, he scoured the city for odd jobs and opportunities to earn a meager living. Each day was a battle for survival, as he walked a tightrope between desperation and determination. Yet, Kayn persisted, fueled by an indomitable spirit, and held on to the memories of happier times he had shared with the other orphans.<br/><br/>Despite the hardships, Kayn's heart remained resilient. He found solace in the fleeting moments of kindness he encountered, whether from a sympathetic stranger who offered him a small meal or a brief conversation that momentarily eased his loneliness.<br/><br/>As he ventured into the world of adults, Kayn discovered a myriad of characters, each with their own dreams and burdens. The streets became a tapestry of intersecting lives, where the harsh realities of life often clashed with the beauty of human compassion.<br/><br/>However, with every passing day, Kayn's savings dwindled, and the burden of survival weighed heavier on his young shoulders. The threat of hunger loomed like a relentless shadow, driving him to seek opportunities to sustain himself.<br/><br/>And then came that fateful night, when desperation reached its peak. Confronted by another homeless soul equally desperate to survive, the fleeting moment of trust between them had shattered, leading to a confrontation that changed everything. In the end, Kayn was left wounded and bleeding, clinging to life while the one who stab him desperately loot his body.<br/><br/>"... Now that I know it's nothing but a homeless guy and not a hired assassin.. I should probably be ok to walk around again.." He scratch his head.. <br/><br/>"If only if this body is talented in.... Magic?" Suddenly his eyes widened.. He forgot one of the most mind blowing news from this memory.. <br/><br/>"Magic exist here!!" He yelled in pure shock. And he also realize something.. "Holy shit! I'm speaking Fuanian!" he exclaimed once again. <br/><br/>"Yes.. Magic exist.. What are you? Did you hit your head hard? And yes.. You do speak Fuanian.. What an odd lad" an old man passed by him.. <br/><br/>He came from the deeper parts of the alleyway.. Giving Cai-No KAYN a fright and making him freeze like a stone and watched the old geezer slowly walks away. <br/><br/>Kayn was about to sigh in relief when the man suddenly stop and turned around.. "Hey kid.. Did you eat some kind of magical treasure?" the old man asked. <br/><br/>"Uh.. No?" confused Kayn replied his brows furrowed.<br/><br/> "..... Hmm... Strange.." the man squints his eye. And suddenly asked. <br/><br/><br/>"... Speaking of Magic... Wanna learn it?"</p>