
Becoming Legend

"I was supposed to be sent to earth. But I ended up in a completely different world. A world where magic exists. And here I thought I`m a Hollow—born without magic. That was until my system activated and guided me to embrace my past, deal with my present, and prepare for my future." "With the memory of my past, information from the earth, and a bizarre world I`m in, my implanted A.I. will do everything to ensure my survival and venture the unknown. But first, I must deal with my past to move on, leave the island, and explore the world and become a Legend!" "But how can I, if my Master is all weak and alone?" "May the Maker have mercy upon my enemy, Because I won`t" - Ned, Becoming Legend.

Neorealist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
465 Chs

Elf: Faeranduhl, V

"Ain't you a sight with that dagger?" Dolaz said behind him Faeranduhl.

If he's going to survive, Faeranduhl must learn the names of the people he must rely on. But he doubted what the half-elves' leader said was a compliment. Two ghouls laid dead before him with their throats cut open. Sticky black liquid kept leaking and smudging the ashen sand.

"Not really," Faeranduhl said, wiping sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. Iron and wood paddings clunked and felt heavy on his movements but they were required, they at least gave extra protection (minus the hindrance on his movements). "I could be better with a sw—"

Swords were forbidden. Unless he was one of the three great elves, Faeranduhl must not boast about his choice of arms. He instead wiped the black blood on his dagger with the cloth of his armor and turned to face the horde of ghouls.