
Becoming Legend

"I was supposed to be sent to earth. But I ended up in a completely different world. A world where magic exists. And here I thought I`m a Hollow—born without magic. That was until my system activated and guided me to embrace my past, deal with my present, and prepare for my future." "With the memory of my past, information from the earth, and a bizarre world I`m in, my implanted A.I. will do everything to ensure my survival and venture the unknown. But first, I must deal with my past to move on, leave the island, and explore the world and become a Legend!" "But how can I, if my Master is all weak and alone?" "May the Maker have mercy upon my enemy, Because I won`t" - Ned, Becoming Legend.

Neorealist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
465 Chs


Magical Creature's Grade was divided into Low, Medium, High, and Peak Grades. In order for a magical creature to evolve, they must be on their Peak Grade. And with enough Mana and resources, a Peak, Grade E Monster may evolve to Low-Grade D.

According to the Hunter's Guild Association. Monster Grades are Grade E as lowest, followed by D, C, B, and A. Above A are special Monsters with Rank as S or Rare, SS for Epic, and SSS as Legendary Grade Magical Creatures.

Magical Creatures who were not yet ranked or cannot be ranked. Or not yet to be discovered, were called Mythical, Unique, Ancient, and Unknowns. These mysterious creatures could either be just weak or very powerful. But each of them has its own kind of Magic that separates them from the rest. It could be a rare kind of Element that manifest them since they were young and became Mythical. Or a Magical Creature that lived for more than a thousand years and became an Ancient. It could also be a Magical Creature who created their own Magic and became Unique.

If two different species mated and gave birth to create a new creature. They created a new kind of monster called Hybrid. A Grade D Orc could mate to a Grade E Goblin and gave birth to a Hybrid called Goblin-orc. Its grade could either be E or D or stronger by one, which is C.

Hundreds of years have passed after the founding of Hunter's Guild Association. They discovered that when a monster breaks their Limit and evolved. They will become a new kind. Not Mythical or Unique, but a new kind called Lord.

Instead of becoming a Grade D monster. If a Grade E broke its Limit, it will become a Grade E Lord. After they become a Lord, their potentials are unknown and limitless.

Lords could become Mythical, Unique, or Ancient. Depending on their will. But of course, A Grade E Lord is weaker than A Grade D Lord and so on. Given time, and experience, a Grade E Lord could battle a normal monster Grade D, C, or even A.

Currently, there was a handful of Lord known to the Hunters. Some Lord was too strong that the head of Hunter's Guild Association made agreements with them.

Goblin-orc Lord Gazul could be a new kind of Lord. With the help of Ned's blood, which contained a large amount of Pure Mana, Gazul was able to break its limit and evolved to Lord.

But Ned's blood doesn't just contain Pure Mana, it also contained some of his memory. That was why Gazul was able to recollect some of Ned's memories.

Inside a white room, number of beds was aligned neatly. Lamps made of stones were attached to the walls that brightened the area. Two particular participants occupied this room. Ned who was bedridden for quite sometimes woke up. Lying atop him was Coco whose eyes were completely shut and blissfully sleeping. Beside him was Toni, sitting and half asleep.

"Toni," dark rings formed on Ned's eyes, cracked lips and aching body, Ned slowly opened his eyes and moved his fingers. Bit by bit his consciousness was coming back. "How long w... unconscious?"

"Almost two days... Ned," it wasn't just Ned, dark rings were also hanging on Toni's eyes but she felt relieved that Ned woke up. Toni was watching Ned for almost two days. She then unintentionally held Ned's hand. Her sleepless face blushed and back to normal when she retracted her hands. "I'm sorry."

Unnoticeable, Ned arched a part of his lip, he smiled with the thought of someone cared for him aside from his Master.

Since only participants were allowed to enter the town square. And the limit of information going in and out, Master Will does not have any idea on Ned's condition.


"Outside, he's in the other room," Toni caressed a part of her hair, her gaze switched outside the door. "Xi was also wounded, so healers mended his wounds."

"Healers," Ned mumbled, he lifted his arms trying to reach for Coco who was soundly sleeping. "Two days...." with a thought, Ned commanded ICE. ICE, how's my status?

[Evaluate complete.]

[Energy at 8%.]

[Mana Points critically low.]

[Current Mana Points are 6/610.]

[Due to recent events. A part of your body, especially your muscles, were damaged.]

[With the help of Nanites, proteins were delivered to your muscles. Slowly repairing it and was made stronger than before.]

[As your body break. The repair will occur and grow. Your Mana Storage Capacity also increases.]

[No skills available left.]

[Overclocking not available until the host's body is fully recovered.]

[Overall body status. Unstable.]

[Ned. Your body needed more time to repair. I suggest you rest for two more days and eat more to regain your energy.]

ICE's accented mechanical voice echoed on Ned's head.

Thank you. Ned knew that thanking a system was not necessary. But without his system, Ned could be long dead by now.


Coco woke up by Ned's relentless brush of his fur. "Hey there, thieving cat."


Coco was excited when he saw Ned fully awake. Jumping and rolling on Ned's chest, Coco was also relieved.

Evaluating his current situation, Ned tried to get up from his bed. Due to Overclocking, his muscles were strained, that simply getting up was too much for him.

"Take it easy," Toni tried to support Ned by holding his arms. "Healer says, you have the symptoms of Mana Burn."

"What?" Ned turned his head towards Tony and he was surprised that it was way too close. This was their closest contact yet so far. Both their heart skipped but Ned decided to go back to his bed. "But, I'm a Hollow."

For now that he was weak, Ned tried to cover everything about him. Especially his system. If people knew that someone was inside him. Scholars, mages, and others will try to learn and extract information about him. So he will cover everything until he was strong—strong enough that other people will depend on him.

"Yes, I was confused by it too." Toni knitted her eyebrows, "are you sure you`re not on pact with Coco?"

"What do you mean?"

"The only way for you to have Mana and cast spells is if," Toni paused and stood fetching a cup of water on the table beside Ned, "is if you made a pact with Fairies or other magical creature that are willing, like Coco." Giving the cup to Ned.

"No," Ned tried to be confused as possible as he could, "we were...Coco and I, we're friends," receiving the cup he then drinks the water. "Thank you."

Toni smiled, and continue to explain what the Healers told her. "Actually, this was not the first time you woke up. This was..." Toni rolled her eyes, and Ned found it cute, "this was the eight times already."


"Yes, these are one of the symptoms of Mana Burn, when your Mana is totally depleted, the first thing that will happen to you was to collapse, sweat started to form, and you will have delusion." She put the cup of water back to the table, they then both heard footsteps closing in. "The first time you woke up was yesterday, we thought you're fully awake, but," Toni looked down and was trying to remember something or someone. "But, the Royal Mage...I mean Lord Mage Park said that you were Mana Burned, so it`s normal to wake up but not fully conscious."

"So that's it," focusing his senses, Ned counted that there were almost three people approaching him and Toni. "So if it's two days...wait!" Ned cried at top of his lungs, Coco jerked a little when he heard Ned cried. Remembering something, Ned forcefully got up from his bed, "if it's two days then what about the Selection?!"

Toni looked up Ned and inserted her hands in her pocket, her cheekbones rose when she smiled. Pulling something out in her pocket, she then handed a token to Ned. "Take this."

"What's this?" Confused, Ned held up the token midair. The token was made of silver metal. The token was circular, resembling a coin. On the head side, was the insignia of the Griffith Kingdom. A dragon embracing a shield and on the tail side was a Magical Creature called Gryphon, wings fully opened, protecting a castle inside its body. The Griffith Academy symbol.

"Selection Token," Toni pulled another token on her pocket, "one for you, me, and Xi," tears started to form on her sleepless eyes. "Ned thank you, for saving and protecting us back at the swamp."

Ned thought that within just days, Toni talked to him differently. Before, Toni was stuttering when she was talking to Ned and she can't focus her gaze. But now, she looked Ned whenever she was speaking, she wasn't shy anymore, and the stuttering was gone. "I did what I needed to do," Ned said, "it was to protect you, and the rest of the team." He added, "but...how?"

The door made of wood was banged forcefully, three gentlemen then came in to check on Ned.

"Because of your bravery! Young lad!" It was Royal Mage Park Han Fu who pushed the door and answered. His narrow eyes flashed when he saw Ned fully awakened. A streak of gray flashed inside his dark long hair. Wearing a full Mage's clothing, dark robe piped with blue and purple. "Yes, my bad, I forgot to introduce myself. I`m Royal Mage..."

[and Gold Level Hunter Park Han Fu.]

ICE prompted on Ned's head. All the people Ned met were recorded on ICE's system. This means, meeting them once, Ned will have the complete description of all the people he saw. Even small details like blemishes, a streak of gray hair, and even their Mana signature. ICE will record everything Ned saw.

[At his back was the Diamond Level Hunter Sir Edwin Tulor Godefroy. Brown hair perfectly com to avoid any strings coming out. Brown eyes. Clean face. This arched eyebrows. Full armor. Silver, maybe higher. I need more data.]

Ser Edwin stepped forward and gave his hands to Ned. To show respect. Ned received Sir Edwin's hand and shook it.

"Kid." Ser Edwin said, "I have something to show you." He waved his hands then a Transmit Cube appeared.

[Spatial Ring. Low Level.]

Ice prompted.

Ser Edwin then gave the Cube to Ned. Inside the cube was a holographic view of an old man, eagerly waiting outside the town square. Sir Edwin's eyes narrowed, he faintly squinted and smiled. Smile of confirmation.

Ned received the Cube and carefully studied it.


a bit late. but here it is.

enjoy reading guys.

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