
Becoming Immortal

Reborn into the Twilight world 4,000 years before the start of the story. With powerful abilities, and a ruthless ambition. Aster will stop at nothing in his rise to power and immortality. -------------------------------------------------- Cover image is not mine.

SpareTire · Livros e literatura
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13 Chs


A day has passed since the Grand Ceremony. I'v spent this time coming to terms with this situation I find myself in, and going over everything I remember about the Twilight world, my world.

Recently I was able to narrow down where in the timeline I was currently in. Somewhere between 1800-1700 BC. I know this because according to modern history sometime in 1700 BC there was an earthquake that caused the collapse of the Knossos Palace among others all throughout Crete. That hasn't happened yet, and again from history it is said that construction on the palaces began sometime around 1900 BC. It is common knowledge here that the palace has been around for at least one hundred years.

According to the time line one of my main worries the Volturi, are a completely non existent threat.

Aro and the other leaders wont even be born for at least another four hundred years. Which means that the Romanian coven are the ones in charge. That explains why our immortal overlord Minos was so blatantly showing off his supernatural state to thousands of humans without a care in the world. Though I can see why they would worship him as a Demigod. Unaging, unnatural beauty, sparkles in the sun.

If I remember right the Romanians, or any vampires really, didn't care about hiding what they really were from humans during this time period.

It makes me wonder though. What does he need those kids for? Are they just a special snack he has every nine years? Is there actually some type of monster he is keeping in the Temple, and feeding the children to it?

I'm not sure, but I do know one thing.

I want what he has.



A near unbreakable body.

I know it now. My blood sings at the thought, that's what I was meant to be. I will live through the ages. I will personally witness Empires rise and fall. Vampire. The Apex Predator of the world. That is what I will become. That is when this new life will truly begin.

The question, is how to do that without getting myself killed? I cant force a vampire to change me. I may be able to control fire, one of their major weaknesses, but even I'm not fast enough to react before a vampire snaps my neck or throws a spear straight through my heart from 300 yards away. And I don't want to chance getting close enough to one to ask nicely.

Regardless it's not like I want to be changed anytime soon. I don't want to be stuck in the body of a teenager for the rest of eternity, that sounds like a special kind of hellish existence.

My powers make a whole lot more sense now though. I know from the novels that when a human is transformed into a vampire their strongest trait is brought into their new lives, with some being so strong that they from special abilities.

But then there are some humans who already posses special abilities that are only further heightened after their transformation.

Bella Swan, Jane, Alec, Alice Cullen, and Benjamin.

Benjamin, part of the Egyptian coven. I can't remember when he was turned but it was definitely closer to modern times. As a human he had the ability to conjure and control fire. After his transformation that turned into control over Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.

Extremely similar to myself. I will have to see if I can form any type of connection to the other elements. The stronger I can cultivate this gift as a human, the more enhanced it will become as a vampire.

I also remember some theories about gifts being passed down genetically, not sure if this was fanon or canon though. The only example I can think of is Bella, her father, and her daughter. But its reason enough to leave some children behind before my change, who knows what kind of gems might pop up further down the bloodline.

Knowing whats out there, Shifters, Werewolves, Vampires, and who knows what else. My main concern for now is continuously training and refining my abilities. And staying completely under the radar, no risky stunts.

Next chapter in a couple of hours

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