
Professional opinion.


The explanation for the birth of a tribrid is so simple. Malivore, a being created by a vampire, a werewolf and witch. The three species combined, is its only weakness, the key to eliminate Malivore exist because nature don't like unbalance. Nature answer to Malivore is Hope Mikaelson.

To destruct it and release all the monsters it have comsume Hope will have to activate a werewolf and vampire side. Strangely she was affected by the chemical agent from the "2012 event" but it didn't awake something new, the chemical agent only strengthen her supernatural sides.

Having the protection of her parents she never had to kill someone and she was never kill either. For now the only abilities she have are the witch ones. This have to change, Sammael want to free the monsters inside Malivore and to do this, Hope have to become a full tribrid all the parts of her have be awake.

He have let her grow up without interfering but now this is the last thing he have to do on earth, after that exploring space will be his priority.

Sammael walk toward his prisoner, Alaric Saltzman, the director of one of the first school made specially for supernatural species and augmented individuals.

The Forbes boarding school. Caroline Forbes founded the school with Alaric and named it in honnor of her mother.

Entering Alaric mind he take a look at his memories, he begin to apply modification. The hate for the Mikaelson, he expand into a desire to kill Hope Mikaelson. He plant the idea inside his mind and grow it into a primary drive for Alaric. When Sammael finish he erase the last 45 minutes from his prisoner mind and replace it with different memories.

He already absorb enough of Hope DNA, he took her blood when she was a baby, but not enough to satisfied the virus.

This is why he took advantage of the battle with his family to obtain tribrid blood.

Unknown location.

The 11 loyals member of the Deorum de Terra are reunited once again.

They take their seat on the so familiar chairs around the table. A servant bring them drinks, small discussions between the members occurred as usual.

At 3h06 the meeting officially begin. December is the first one to speak, in these sessions he usually stay discret, its unusual for him to do this.

" I am sorry to inform you that this is our last meeting. " he announce to his oldest collaborators, they weren't expecting this.

" What do you mean ? You planned to leave the organization ? I'm reminding you that we swoar an oath when we composed the Deorum. " November argue back.

December ignore him, he take out his mask. Sammael face is revealed to the 10 members. None of them remember, but he is their creator. He personally choses and changed each of them.

His evolution reach a higher level, if he were to try tu turn something like he could when he was a vampire the result would be horrible. He test it, what happened is the degradation of the cobaye in a disgusting goo.

He is now completely incompatible with the humans species. Almost alien, even his appearance is a mask, an illusion. Sammael true form is a large ammalgam of biomasse. Each cells that compose him can act like any cells it have absorbed.

Billions of cells that can act as a gigantic brain, his processing power is comparable to a supposed super quantum computer, if not better.

These 10 vampire diurne are the last members of the species. Sammael assimilated each one of them, every diurne has been carefully selected for their intellect, connections and knowledge. Absorbing them was a pleasing experience for Sammael, unique individuals make better acquisitions.

" The lock is the key and the key is the locK. " Sammael pronounce the phrase to unlocked the memories of everyone in the room. He could have made the phrase more simple like Remember, but he had a twisted theatrical flair.

The first to react is September. He start to let out a low chuckle, slowly it change into an hysterical laugh.

" From the start... We were puppets. December or Alastair or whatever is your true name, you are the most disgusting person I have ever met in the 700 centuries I lived. " September says with a resigned tone, he is smart, he understand what will come next, now that their creator give them back their memories there is no doubt on how he'll proceed.

The others stay silent, for minutes nobody talk. The atmosphere is peculiar, the tension is palpable, in an instant the calm could transform into a violent and bloody spectacle.

" Why ? You, no, we built this. All of this, we have controlled and manipulated the most powerful governments, we pushed the advancements of humanity above its time. You personally have a hand in humans presence on Mars. So why ? You own us an answer. " April demand coldly, she stand up and punch the table, the wood crack under her strength.

The rest of the Deorum De Terra turn toward December alias Sammael and wait for an answer.

" You won't be satisfied by any response I could give. You all have served for a cause, you have been the witness to history, you saw the rise and fall of city. You particaped in wars that shaped landscape. I have given you this, but did you really think it was without price ? " Sammael says with a neutral voice, his eyes express boredom and disinterest.

" Do not blame me for your naivety, you willingly accepted the offer, I let you made yours own choices, be proud, it attest of my respect for every one of you. Alas all things must come to an end. Your guiding hands won't be remembered, your past actions won't be thanked. But know that you have mattered. For me and for the world. " Sammael finish his speech composed of truths mixed with lies.

He stretches out his arms, from them, appendages of biomass looking like tentacles extand and pierce trough the body of the 10 last diurnes. They dissolve into biomass and absorbed into Sammael.

Their memories and experiences are assimilated and processed in a few seconds, thousands years of memories add to Sammael already existing memory.

In a decade, he absorbed so many being, now it is like he have lived for more than 15 000 years. With only the memories of Arcadius and the Mickelson he became the oldest creature that have ever live on earth.

Looking around the empty room, Sammael spare one last though for his creations. There were one of the last link to himself. And their influences on the world was permitted because Sam needed it. He is leaving soon, he doesn't want to let the Deorum de Terra exist without his control over them.

Weeks later.

Usually Sammael can be found in his laboratory, but he decide to take a small break to think about his last actions.

The manipulation of Alaric Saltzman, the slaughter of the whole diurne species, his offspring in a way.

Maybe he haven't lost his emotions. Even before he fuse with the virus he already was like that, he would have make the same choices, he would have killed the Mickelson in the same way.

Walking amongst being you can shatter by just an act of will, the truth is that he have always felt superior to others. Even human, his siphoning ability and magical talent made him feel from a young age better than his peers. But now his own body, his own physical form agree with his mental state.

His genetic make up is predatorial, made to become stronger by devoring other life forms.

The threshold have been crossed, his humanity shed.

He is not human, he is not a vampire or a hybrid. He is something unique, a new entity that couldn't have come to be, naturally in the universe.

October 2027.

The world suffered a enormous deviation because of the event that happened in 2012, philosophes and intellectual made countless scenarios on how the world would have evolved without humans with powers.

From 2012 to 2015, there was an explosion of criminality. Specially murder and thiefs, scientists and doctors agree that the cause of this massive increase in crimes was because people who already had motives but lack the courage or the right push to act on their impulse.

Suddenly these people who weren't criminals or a danger to society received powers out of the blue, the consequences were predictables.

Contrary to what a certain numbers people thoughts, no superheros made an appearance.

The majority of the population used and still use their powers in minor ways, principaly to make their life easier or for their work.

The governments were shocked of these developments, but what really raised concern, tension and fear amongst the politician, is that the armies that were already powerful became capable of much more.

Some major incidents occurred but were quickly erase and hidden from the public eyes, the live lost in one the worst of these incidents reach 1297 lifes.

The geopolitical climat was tense and could be seen as a re-do of a cold war but with much more dangerous actors now.

The poorest and less organized countries fall into anarchy, crime lords took control of large territories but they weren't a dangerous threat for the biggest players, the most annoying one were quickly eliminated and sometime even replaced.

The most powerful armies and security agency compete against each other in the militarization of powers, they research how to enhance them, modified them, the race never stop in 14 years. They had no real success until they start experimenting on captured Vampires, Werewolves and Witches.

These research gave birth to a special unit that belong to the U.S Army, a unit composed of supernaturals augmented creatures with the only objective of getting rid of the most dangerous element in the world. Like the situation Sammael created in New York, the unit was send to put an end to it and achieved their mission.

But these point are small obstacles in the long run in Sam opinion, what he predict will happen is something that will take much more time but it could also never happen.

Project Genesis had an impact only on the people present on earth, but the colony on Mars contained 96 person in 2012, these humans who were on Mars hadn't evolved as the humans on earth.

The gene in them wasn't activated by the agents released in the air, it could lead in thousand of years to a separation of huminaty into 2 branches, one who had evolved from an ancestor with their gene active and another who evolved without the activation of this unique gene, only time will tell.

All these informations and more are know to Sammael, but he made the choice to stop involving himself in humanity development and to restrain himself to a witness role, of course he reserved himself the right to intervene if he wish to.

The quiet almost inexistant emotions Sammael have can't keep him from feeling pride and satisfaction. He left a trace, marks on a intelligent species, he shaped history and evolution with his own knowledge and will.

No one will know how important he was in their story, but maybe someone smart enough will be birth and he or she will notice and understand the subtil trail Sammael left.


October 24.

The night is dark but this city is its own source of light. The moon is barely illuminating the streets but human ingeniosity compensate for the natural light... The cries of wolfs will not be hear tonight.

On the roof of one of the highest skyscraper, a handsome man in his mid twenty with short black hair styles in a classic haircut. is laying on the floor, his arm is holding something, more precisely someone, in the air. A man with grey hair that show his advanced age is desperately gripping the arm holding his jaw and keeping him from crahsing on the ground.

The man nails scratch against Sammael's skin but it don't draw blood or even pierce a millimeter his skin.

" Generally I don't do this, but an outside opinion could be benefit. " Sammael says with his head turned toward the relatively old man. " Let me explain, I recently accomplished what I have seek to do for a millennium, to be honest I never had a serious obstacles in the way of my ambitions. At first I thought it was my intellect, I was convinced that I was so advanced, so much better compared to others, that it was the explaination for my success. " he continue to explain his predicament but he's interrupt by the annoying man.

" Plea... Please le. Let me go! " The old man says with difficulties.

" Silence Bruce. " Sammael answer with a cold tone and a hard light in his dark eyes, his grip strengthen on the man jaw.

" As I was saying, I never considered another possibility, and how could have ? It could questioned my whole quest. But now, I can see myself clearly and with objectivety. " Sammael start again while he ignore the terrified whines of Bruce.

" The cold and hard true is that I am a monster, the one every parents warn their children about, the most vile entity lurking in the dark. I have killed millions of people directly and indirectly... My mother, my siblings, I erase they existence, I damned their soul. And you want know the worst Bruce ? I.. I just don't care, and if there whose a day I did, I don't remember. " Sammael finish his monolog and look at the starry night sky pensively.

He is once again interrupt, but this time it is by a laugh, a desperate almost hysterical laugh.

" Demon ! Fucking piece of shit ! This is what you are. You ar.... " While speaking, suddenly Bruce can't talk anymore, however the unshakable grip holding him is still suspending him in the air so he don't understand what's happening.

" Imbecile, do you know why you are still alive ? Even if I seemingly hold you using only my strength I don't, I am telekineticly holding you. " Sammael says with a sarcastic smile " Wanne see the difference ? " he finish with a wink.

The skin and muscles of Bruce's neck until his head is barely attached to the rest of his body, he fall unconscious a moment ago because of the pain. The rest start to tear themselves apart under the strain, until abruptly Sammael only have a head with the spine still connected to the head.

Except the head, the rest of the body fall and crash on the road below the building.

Sam let out a annoyed sigh, the purpose was to have an exterior opinion but he didn't let Bruce says his piece.

" This your fault Bruce, you should have stay quiet and listen. The best psychiatrist in New York, universities are not what they once were." He says to the bleeding head before launching it into the opposite building. The head explode against the glasses of the building, leaving a bloodstain and scaring the few people still working.