
Becoming A Vampire Monarch

Jonthan Cranes is an orphan who always wonder why his parents abandon him. Jonthan always got bullied by his peer in the orphanage for being weak. It got worse when he got adopted by the Springfields family. Not only did they treat him as a servant but they took all the money his parents left him. His adopted siblings also start bullied him at school from kinder garden to college. Jonathan was at death door, curse he would get revenge for all of his sufferings, but then he heard an angelic voice asking, "Do you want to live". after that he dives into the world of vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches, demons, dragons, elves, demons, gods, etc. In order to survive he must fight other and learn about his self more.

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6 Chs


 Thump thump... was the sound of a body hitting into the garbage can behind a run-down building.

"hahahahah look how weak and scrawny he is come on lad lets fight," said the boy.

He looks to be at the height 176cm, brown hair and eyes, wearing black jacket and pants with white sneaker. Beside him a girl with long black hair brown eyes, height 170cm with b-cup breast but has a big ass, wearing a black jacket with gold accent and black shorts with gold sneaker.

"Don't bothered he just a weak orphan who parents left him" the one who spoke was the girl.

Grunt was heard as a boy tried to stand up, spitting out the blood in his mouth in his eye you could see a fire burning ready to engulf his bullies. As he was finished getting up another kick was goanna hit him in the balls but was stopped by the sound of the polices siren. All three look to the direction the sound was coming from before the boy and girl rushed off, not before shouting.

"see you at school worm hahahah"'. 

 "Those fuckers they took my money then beat me up " sigh.

A sigh was heard as the boy walked from behind the run-down building headed onto the main street, as he walk he could not stop thanking fate for those annoying police sirens. As the boy walk for fifteen minutes to get home, he came upon a house that is white with brown roof top and also is a two-store house with a garage big enough for three cars, with a name tag on the mail book saying Springfields. Reaching the door he took a deep breath before opening the door to see a woman in her forties with orange short hair and eyes same, with an c-cup breast, wearing an orange one-piece dress her name his Camella Springfield his adopted mother. Behind her are two people look the same with orange hair, one with long hair and the other short and green eyes. They are twin Alex Springfield and Alexa Springfield his adopted siblings.

"Look what the cat drags in an orphan slave haha" said Alex

"Brother please don't waste your breath on him it not worth it" said Alexa

"Your right sis" said Alex they kept exchanging words about me to each other before." 


A voice was heard shouting, everybody turns to Camella. 

"You two go wait in the car while I talk to this runt". She pointed to me and said

"Go clean the guest room we are having guest and make something good while we go out to eat and don't think we are getting anything for you, there is money on the counter for you and disappear from in front of me".

 I turn to head to my room while holding my head down, as I reach to my room I open up the door to see a matrass on books, sheets with tear in them, broken windows, not curtains. I set down my bag as I got out a pair of clothes for my closet, the look torn and use, heading to the bathroom. Open the door to the bathroom and taking of my clothes that smell like rotten food and garbage. After taking a bath I stood Infront of the mirror, looking at the image of myself. Blonde hair reaching my shoulders, blue eyes, skinny body and standing at a height of 163. My name is Jonthan Crane an orphan with no parent and an evil adopted family who work me like a dawn slave. on my way to my room I fell into thought.

"Just you fucker wait I'll get rich and fuck you guys up so badly not even the poor will be sorry for you just wait hahahhahahha." 

Coming out of my thought I got to my room put on my clothes, went to the kitchen to see ten dollars on the counter. Exiting the house and making my way down the street, passing an alley way when I heard a sound, I stop and steer down the alley way before taking a deep breath and went down the alley way as curiosity got the better of me. Going further down the sound got louder until it was a snarl like a beast. I keep moving until I see a dog like shadow but it got bigger the closer I got, ignoring the sign to run I proceed until coming up onto the shadow, it look like black dog at the height of 160cm eating a human body. Sound of blood splashing, flesh tearing, bone cracking. Seeing it I back away slowly not to alert the beast of my presence. step by step I move back until stepping on a can which trip me. Thump...bang was heard as I fall and the can hitting against the ground the beast look up

"shit shit".

I curse a I saw the beast stop eating the body and look at me with it yellow glowing eye and growling at me, I got up to run but I was too scared my leg were shaking. The beast stood up on it back legs stand at a height of 195cm.The beast launch itself at me, it mouth open wide as it took a bite at my leg. 

SPLASH was heard following a horrible scream as my leg was ripped from my body. I kept screaming but nobody came to my rescue, I look on the beast face, I swear I saw the beast smiling at smile like it saw it prey ready to eat or was it me loosing blood. It stood Infront of me with it right hands with sharp claws rise to the sky, I saw my life flash between my eyes. SPLASH SPLASH was heard as my throat was slash by its claws, my body fall to the ground as my eyes lost it shine until it dull. In my mind I repeating that if I a second chance I would get my revenge on those who bullied me and Alway lives for myself never giving up, find my parents and asked why the fuck they abounded me.

"Do you want to live"