
Chapter 912: Tripartite Balance of Power

The scene outside the United States Embassy was just a microcosm.

In Kiev City tonight, Tom was not the only one who died.

Who knows how many people, when arrested, harbored hope of escaping by either resisting or fleeing.

Without exception, the operatives didn't even bother to chase; they simply killed them on the spot!

Because before this operation, independent prosecutor Natalia had already ordered everyone not to spare any arrest targets alive or dead—they must bring back the person or the body!

Most of the team leaders of these action groups were transferred from Crimea, and everyone was well aware of the type of outcome Natalia or rather the higher-ups wanted.

Since those above bore the brunt, there was no need to consider the consequences. Why bother with any concerns? They just went on a killing spree!

For Wagner's men, killing a sensitive American right in front of the American Embassy was a piece of cake!