
Becoming a Mangaka in Another World

A Story about a Mangaka who gets transported in a strange world. There he meets her goddess the one responsible for transporting him in another world and provides him an affinity of the elements aswell as the special magic,"The ability to draw manga that comes to life" The story follows his journey as he discovers the new world, and how his ability to draw manga affects it.

Yamiru · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

The Lost Magic: Death

"Welcome back, Ryota-sama and Kanna," Synthia greeted as they stepped out of the portal.

"We're back," Ryota replied wearily.

"You both look exhausted," Synthia observed.

"We are," Kanna sighed.

"So, Synthia, how many copies did you sell?" Ryota inquired.

"I'm happy to report that they're all sold out," Synthia replied with a smile.

"Really?!" Ryota exclaimed.

"Ryota-sama, Ryuji wants to challenge you to a duel again," Synthia said.

"Why does he want to fight me?" Ryota asked, intrigued.


"Well," Synthia began. Flashback to when she was selling the manga. A man wearing a masquerade mask approached her. "A familiar face. Where's your partner... what was his name again?"

"Ryota," Synthia replied.

"Ahhh, yes... Ryota. Where is he?" the masked man asked.

"I cannot tell you that," Synthia said, not wanting to give away Ryota's location.

"I see. I was hoping to challenge him to a duel again," the masked man said.

"It seems like you consider Ryota a rival, Mr. Ryuji," Synthia observed.

"Indeed. He was the first to escape my binding magic," Ryuji boasted.

"The first?" Synthia exclaimed.

"Yes, I was impressed when he also evaded my blade in mere seconds. It's unexplainable how he did it," Ryuji said.

"..." Synthia looked down, trying to hide her surprise. "Well, Ryota used the Lost Magic <Time> in that battle..." she thought to herself, not wanting to give away too much information.

"What are you selling? A book?" Ryuji asked, noticing the manga.

"This is a manga that Ryota created," Synthia replied.

"Interesting. How much is one book?" Ryuji asked.

"Fifty silver," Synthia answered.

"How cheap... I'll buy one," Ryuji said, handing her the silver.

Synthia handed him a copy of the manga. "Here you go. Thank you for your purchase," she said with a smile.

Suddenly, an orange-haired girl came running toward Ryuji, calling out his name. "Ryuji! Wait up! Don't you dare escape this time!"

Ryuji turned around and smirked. "Nature's calling, I'll see you later, Ryota's partner."

He then muttered an incantation under his breath and disappeared into thin air, leaving only a shadowy figure behind.

"Not another one of those <"Dark Magic: Shadow Teleport">!

The girl let out a frustrated groan. "Damn it!" she exclaimed before storming off in the opposite direction.


Back to present

"I see... For now, I'll go take a bath."

"Ryota-sama, did Athena-sama say something?" Synthia asked.

He looked at her and shook his head before heading outside to the room.

"And you, what are you planning from now on, Kanna Izayoi?" Synthia inquired.

"I plan to come with you guys. That's my plan," Kanna replied.

"Are you sure? Even though it'll be a dangerous path?"

"Dangerous path? I doubt it. With Ryota with us, I'm sure the path will be safe."

"..." Synthia paused and sighed. "By the way, Kanna."

"Hm? Yes?" Kanna asked.

"You're the Night Reaper, aren't you?"

"What are you talking about?" Kanna asked, feigning ignorance.

"Don't play dumb. I already know who you are from when I scanned you for the first time," Synthia stated.

Kanna stayed silent and looked at her. "And...what if I am?"

"I suggest you stop playing with your own lost magic," Synthia advised.

"Are you talking about that lost magic?" Kanna asked.

"Isn't it already obvious? Of course, the death magic. You're the true owner of the death magic," Synthia replied.

"I already sealed it. It should be fine, right?" Kanna asked.

Synthia then sighs deeply as she puts her hand on Kanna's shoulder.

<"Teleport"> Without blinking an eye, they disappear from the room and reappear in a rocky, flat area.

"Wh-Where are we?! What are you going to do!?" Kanna asks in a panicked tone.

"Relax, I just wanted to know if you sealed that lost magic of yours."

"Huh?! I already-" Kanna begins to say, but Synthia dashes forward without letting her finish.

"Stop this already!"

"Then stop me."

<"Light Magic: Radiant Blade"> Synthia's hand shines as light forms into a blade.

"Are you really... serious?" Kanna asks in disbelief.

Synthia nods. "I know you have your scythe. Use it, or you'll end up having a bad time."

"..." Kanna stays silent, looking down at the ground before raising her left arm.

"Using her Death Magic: Soul Scythe ability, Kanna summoned souls that swirled around her, forming a dark aura. Some of the souls coalesced into the shape of a scythe, glinting menacingly. Kanna's left eye turned purple as she fixed her gaze on Synthia, ready for whatever was to come."

"No hard feelings!" Kanna swiftly dashes forward towards Synthia, and the clash of their weapons rings out around them. But Synthia puts up a calm expression as she aims her palms at the ground.

<"Light Magic: Radiant Surge."> Synthia whispers under her breath.

A bright light emerges from the ground and engulfs the area, heading straight toward Kanna. But Kanna manages to block the attack with her scythe made of souls. The two spells clash against each other, creating a small explosion that sends both Kanna and Synthia back.

Kanna quickly stands up, ready to continue the fight. "I didn't want to do this, but it seems I have no other choice," she says.

<"Death Magic: Nightfall."> Kanna points her scythe toward Synthia, and a dark aura starts to envelop it.

Synthia stays alert and keeps her guard up. She knows that the power of the death magic is not to be taken lightly, and she needs to be careful. But then as Synthia's eyes fixated on Kanna, She realized that she disappeared.


Synthia suddenly uses her <"Light Magic: Radiant Blade"> to block her back. "We're just getting started."

Kanna then reappears behind Synthia, her scythe ready to strike. However, she quickly disperses into multiple illusory copies, making it difficult for Synthia to figure out which one is real.

<"Death Magic: Shadow Mirage.">

"Which one is the real Kanna?" Synthia mutters to herself as she scans the area, trying to find the real Kanna among the mirages.

As Synthia charges forward to attack, Kanna creates multiple illusions of herself that surround Synthia, making it hard for her to pinpoint the real Kanna.

However, before Kanna could take advantage of the situation, Synthia casts an ice spell that freezes the ground, creating a large AOE effect that binds all the illusions in place.

<"Ice Magic: Frozen Ground.">

Kanna quickly swings her scythe in Synthia's direction, creating a powerful vortex of dark energy that engulfs Synthia. The vortex seems to be draining the light magic from Synthia and weakening her.

However, Synthia is quick to recover and begins to focus her magic on her feet. Suddenly, she jumps high into the air, avoiding the vortex and landing behind Kanna.

<"Light Magic: Radiant Burst!">

A bright flash of light explodes from Synthia's hands, momentarily blinding Kanna. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Synthia quickly creates a magical barrier around Kanna, trapping her inside.

But Kanna is not one to give up easily. She channels her inner strength and channels her <"Scythe Style: Death's Embrace"> once again, causing the magical barrier to crack and eventually shatter.

Kanna charges forward with her scythe, determined to win this battle. Synthia reacts quickly, dodging and blocking Kanna's attacks with her own <"Light Magic: Radiant Blade">.

The two of them continue to clash, their attacks becoming more intense and desperate as they both grow exhausted. Sweat drips down their faces as they push themselves to their limits.

Despite the physical strain, neither Synthia nor Kanna shows any sign of backing down. They are both determined to prove their strength and come out on top.

"Tell me, Synthia! You just wanted Ryota to be all yours! Right?!"


"Huh? Lies!"

Although, There's a small chance that Synthia wants Ryota all by herself.

"Just for that, I'm ending this." Synthia then steps back and aims his pointy finger at Kanna.

<"Lightning Magic: Zap Stun">

A bolt of lightning shoots out from Synthia's finger, striking Kanna and causing her muscles to seize up, leaving her unable to move.

After the intense battle, Synthia and Kanna stood panting and exhausted.

"You lied about sealing your lost magic, and you lost," Synthia said, shaking her head.

Kanna scowled. "I had to do whatever it took to win."

Silence filled the air for a moment before Synthia let out a deep sigh. "At least you have some control over your lost magic. For now, I'll keep an eye on you."

Kanna looked up at her, her expression softening. "Synthia, what are you to Ryota?"

Synthia's smile was gentle as she gazed at Kanna. "Just a maid, dedicated to serving him."

Kanna pouted. "That's not what I meant, and you know it."