
Becoming a life winner from infancy

Reborn in a parallel world, Fang You landed on earth with the cry of a newborn! By achieving growth goals, he could unlock various unique talents, positioning himself to win right from the starting line! As a baby: Accomplish 1,000 rollover movements to unlock the talent "Reverse Life"; As a toddler: Master 10 paper airplane folding techniques to unlock the talent "Origami Celebrity"; As a youth: Secure 100 victories in "Three Kingdoms Kill" to unlock the talent "Rising to Prominence"; "Absolute Focus," "Eat without Gaining Weight," "Never Nearsighted," "Five Seconds to Sleep," "Photographic Memory"... With the continuous acquisition and accumulation of growth energy, more all-around talents gradually emerged... Starting as a well-known internet sensation baby cutie and accompanied by the neighborly companionship of a girl who was like a sister from another life, enjoy the sweet, loving daily life of winning from childhood to adulthood!

Cao Manjun · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
192 Chs

Ling Nai stopped smiling at 138

"Ah, what are you guys even talking about!"

Despite wearing a mask, it was clear that Asai Reina was very excited by Xia Nuo's statement; her ears had turned red as she fumbled her words at Xia Nuo:

"You are still children, you can't just do whatever you want!"

"We aren't being reckless, we have a plan, and we're following it step by step."

Luo Xianyu tugged at Xia Nuo's sleeve, "If we show her, she'll know what exciting things we're up to!"

Asai Reina's face flushed, she glanced at Fang You, who was calm and collected at the side, then quickly bowed her head, mumbling:

"No, no, we can't do that sort of thing..."

"Aren't you interested, Ling Nai?"

Xia Nuo tilted her head, her eyes filled with curiosity, "If you don't go, you'll just be stuck at home watching TV."

"Of course I'm going! Ling Nai is your big sister, I need to look after you all and prevent you from doing strange things."

"Then Ling Nai will have to get involved, too; she can't just watch from the sidelines."