
Because You're Mine, My Ms. Right

"I like you, and I always did." "Well, that's too bad because I don't like you." Natalie Miller has been in love with her best friend, Jonathan hills, for years, she then confesses to him, but then he blatantly rejects her love. Not willing to give up, Natalie proceeded to do anything to make him fall in love, but when another friend came rolling into their lives, would Natalie's heartbeat for another?

Ephipanians · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


While Jiwon was freaking out, beside Natalie the person whose name is Tyler Ren extended his hand. He looks at her smiling softly and to be honest, it would be a bad manner to not shake back. Natalie didn't like the idea of being in here, but at least a shake in the hand wouldn't hurt anyone, right?

She was going to call it a night and shook his hands before - get it over with. Jiwon tried her best not to collapse. That is until Tyler had run to her side, helping her and making Jiwon melts.

"Woah… there you okay?"

"You are perfect, and please don't apologise. I bet Natty already –" Natalie was trying to drag Jiwon, who was still looking at Tyler with a smile –" The concert is perfect, and I love you, and everything is excellent, and did I tell you I love you?"

"Jiwon… I know these boys are your dream guys but please I –" Natalie whisper to Jiwon who was still looking at Tyler Ren with hearts in her eyes –"we're civilized people and we don't do this right?"

"Natty? That's your name, right? Hey, it's fine, I'm glad at least one of you enjoyed yourself tonight," Tyler looks at Natalie and she only smiles awkwardly.

"Natalie. My name is Natalie, but my friends call me Natty," Natalie said.

That made the boy stop and awkwardly, while trying to recollect himself, he moves on to Jiwon with the brightest smile, "Jiwon, right? Thank you! I hope you enjoyed the concert, and I'm sorry for making you worried about your friend. Is there anything I could do –"

"You don't have to, just about the ticket?" Ji Won was about to say something before Nami covers her mouth with a muffle of complaint.

"Ah… you don't have to worry, it was an excuse. There are a lot of fans, I don't want to cause another scene that might harm you and –"

"Tyler, right? It's fine, I should be the one saying sorry, and really you don't have to apologise it's fine, we'll get going now –"

Tyler looks at Natalie in surprise and understandingly was disappointed she didn't bother on staying for a while, it flustered him to know someone actually doesn't know them or bothered on staying, well it kinda bothers him knowing that she was truly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Before you go, would you like a –"

"TY! There you are the others are waiting for you and – oh…" Behind Tyler was a shorter male, his cat-like eye and otter-like smile suddenly smiles as he bow down –" I didn't know you were busy."

While Natalie was trying to contain a giddy Jiwon from trying to explode. It was going to be a long night for all of them.

"Hello! Are you friends with Tyler?" the shorter guy asks and Tyler walks beside him explaining the situation before he looks up and smiles.

"Ah… Hello! My name is Eric but usually Ricky is what my brothers called me," Natalie smiles politely and greeted the latter a hello.

"TY! You should introduce them to the others! It looks like her friend is a fan," Eric looks at Tyler and nods at the idea, but Natalie was trying to avoid that, she didn't bother talking or finding out the truth of her suspicion today.

"No! Really I –"

"YES! Can we Natalie please like 10 minutes –" Jiwon looks at Natalie who was debating on her friend –" 5 minutes please…."

Natalie was conflicted over the idea, one part of her knows it was rude to turn down an offer, and it could be an attitude problem if she turns down, if people knew she just rejected to meet the foreign swaggers, where would she put her face? But another side she didn't want to confirm her suspicion that he was there, that he was going to be sitting there laughing while here she was miserable, that she wouldn't admit seeing his smiling face was her weakness.

"I –"

"Oh… come on don't be like that! Let's go, "Before Natalie could answer, Jiwon had walked beside Eric who was walking side by side like they'd been best buddies. In contrast, Natalie was baffled looking at her best friend walking backstage.

"Come on, at least do it for your friend. Are we that bad? You don't even want to see the others for a moment. You know if we brought our fans here, they would lose their mind and run before we asked," Tyler Ren teased, and Natalie looked at him and smiled.

"Well, you know, you don't seem like bad guys but –" Natalie was about to spill the fact about a particular person, but she held her tongue because she didn't want to cause a single scene –" Nevermind, where are we going again? I need to make sure Jiwon doesn't faint."

Tyler smiles as he held Nami beside him, pushing her to the side gently as he shows her backstage. He was known as someone good at reading people's facial expressions, and he knew whatever she was about to say was a big deal, but he didn't want to press on it since it wasn't his business, and he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

As they were about to enter backstage to their dressing room, the managers were sceptical about the two, but Tyler had let them through and he called Natalie his best friend.

Natalie heard the loud screams and laughter inside the place, and she was ready. Tyler saw what was happening but decided to help her out as he gently pushes her inside, There Natalie was greeted with a loud thud.

Tyler who looks at the scene, then facepalms to see his brothers in this state. Nami was even surprised to see Jiwon sitting beside – whose name she hoped wasn't wrong – Eric, who was showing her something on his phone.

Natalie looks at Tyler uncertainly before he too nervously laughs, gently pushing Natalie inside before she grabs everyone's attention, while all eyes were on her, she was trying to confirm a confident boy who caught her eye tonight, but to her surprise, he wasn't there.

She sighs in relief, she was brought inside the room, and the place was a mess, Tyler Ren looks at her and smile nervously.

"I swear we're not like this…"