
Free ride

Oliver prayed that when he got downstairs, he should not bump into Lisa. After bumping into her when he got home yesterday, they hadn't crossed paths again even though they both lived inside the same house.

He had eaten dinner alone just like he had been doing for the past one month since he started living here.

He didn't want to bump into her on his way to school. It would be awkward.


He froze on the stop when his name was called just before he got to the door, but he was relieved when he realised the voice wasn't Lisa's. It was Paula the housekeeper and maid.

"Good morning Paula." He greeted the woman who was in her early 40s. She was in a trim black skirt, white shirt and also wearing an apron.

"Good morning to you too, Oliver. You should have breakfast before you head to school." She spoke in her usual polite tone.

"Uhm.. I'm sorry but I'm running late so I have to hurry—"

"Madam Lisa gave specific instructions to make sure you ate breakfast before leaving for school. She didn't like it when she realised you have been skipping breakfast for a long time."

Really? But why would Lisa care? It wasn't as if she liked him or was worried about him, right? Maybe she was doing it for her husband.


"No buts, Oliver. You must have breakfast before you leave. Even if it's not Madam Lisa's instruction, I am advising you as an elder. Also, I already packed some dishes—"

"I won't take a lunchbox to school!" He interrupted, looking horrified. He would do anything else but that, even if it meant disobeying Lisa.

Paula laughed. "No. You aren't taking it to school. But they are going to be in the fridge. You have to heat them up when you return and eat it."

He sighed in relief. That was fine. He didn't like to eat but he would agree to anything just so this woman would let him be.

"You are looking thin. You shouldn't continue like that." She sounded worried now.

He nodded and relunctantly followed her to the dining table where his breakfast was already served, then he took a seat and looked intensely at the plates and spoons for any sign of dirt or debris. As usual, Paula did a great job but that didn't stop him from cleaning his spoon with a serviette before using it.

"Madam Lisa wanted me to let you know your bike has been fixed and is parked outside. So you can get to school on time, here is the key."

He smiled as he received the key from her. This was a good news. Great news in fact!

"Thank you Paula."

She nodded. "Are you sure you do not want me to clean your room or do your laundry?" She asked.

Clean his room? His room was perfectly clean. He also didn't have any laundry to take care of. And most importantly, he didn't like people in his room, neither did he like people touching his things.

"I know you keep saying no, but you shouldn't be shy to tell me. It's my job. Just let me know whenever you want me to."


"Anytime Oliver."

After breakfast, he went outside and saw his motorbike outside just like Paula had said.

"I missed you." He spoke softly to the machine as he touched it with a smile plastered on his face.


Liam had thought he wouldn't be able to sleep well since he wasn't at home, but the exhaustion made him wake up late the next morning.

As embarrassing as it sounded, his 6 years old cousin, Cindy had been the one to wake him up.

"You are going to fall if you keep running around." Cindy said in her usual quiet voice as she watched him scamper around, trying to get his things.

"Sorry dear. Are you going to be okay by yourself?" He asked. He still didn't understand how a 6 years old could stay by herself. At that age, kids usually liked to make friends and play together, but not Cindy.

"I'll be fine. My home teacher is going to be here soon. Also, aunty Chris."

Aunty Chris was the elderly lady who kept the house in order. Cindy was used to her presence but it didn't mean she liked to have them around.

"You will be late." She reminded him.

"I'm sorry for leaving you. I'll be back as soon as classes ends." He promised.

She bobbed her head up and down before waving him bye as he hurried out of the house.

Now, the problem was, how was he going to get to the estate's gate and find a bus?

His aunt had told him to order a taxi to the estate to pick him up, but when he realised how expensive it was just to take him from the estate to his school, he didn't think twice about it. He wasn't with his sport's bike since he left it at school yesterday. So the only solution at the moment was to jog.

Just when he decided to start jogging, he heard the sound of a motorbike behind him and quickly moved out of the way.

It was Oliver.

This particular motorcycle was different from the one he saw yesterday. He guessed the red one from yesterday belonged to Amanda and this was his. His was a complete black motorbike and was almost a similar model to the red one.

He was certain Oliver had seen him since he was standing by the side, but the boy surprisingly drove past him.

He stood there in disbelief as he watched the motorbike speeding off.

Of course, he didn't want to ride on the same bike with the weird boy, but since they were going to the same school, and they were neighbors and even classmates! Wasn't that enough reason for Oliver to offer him a ride? Even though he was going to decline the offer.

He really didn't have a good impression of him. He was very rude. Maybe because his family was rich, Liam wasn't surprised.

He decided to continue jogging when he noticed the motorbike had reversed and was heading towards him.

"Huh?" He didn't even see him reverse because he had been too lost in his thoughts.

He guessed Oliver must have forgotten something at home and was going back to retrieve it. There was no point paying any mind to him, so he continued jogging. But surprisingly, the bike stopped in front of him, making him also stop to raise a brow.

Oliver raised the visor of his helmet to look at Liam. "Get in."


Liam still didn't believe it. What was this guy playing at? Didn't he just drive past him? Why was he trying to act nice all of a sudden? What exactly was his real nature?

"We are both going to be late." As Oliver spoke, he tossed Liam the spare helmet. Liam caught it out of impulse but still didn't move.

He should just reject his offer right?

Oliver was getting impatient. He didn't want to help Liam. He didn't see any reason why he should help Liam when he didn't like him, but his conscience could not allow him drive out of the estate and pretend he hadn't seen him.

"See this as me thanking you for the tour guide two days ago, as well as taking me to try out my uniform."

Liam still looked very skeptical about joining him. He was still pissed the boy hadn't offered to help him yesterday. He knew it was petty of him but he didn't care.

But this was not the time to let his pride win. He was late and here was a free ride.

Hesitantly, he wore the helmet and joined him on the bike.

"Try not to touch me." Oliver said before zooming off, ignoring Liam's scoff.

Are these boys ever going to be friends????

ThatAmazingGirlcreators' thoughts