
An intellectually stimulating argument

The next class was Ethics and Morals. 

Liam hated attending this class because of the baseless arguments they usually had during the classes. 

"Miss Peterson, can you tell the class how society helps to maintain laws and morals?" The teacher, Mr. Walker, a short man with a receding hairline, asked Rachel. 

Rachel stood up with a smile to answer his question.  It was as if she had prepared for it.

"Of course, we all know that everyone is part of a society and without a society, there would be no 'US'. So while we're in society, we need to maintain the rules and regulations that govern it. These rules made by the state are to ensure that the state progresses, and in the case of defaulters, we have the police who do their best to ensure that both laws and morality are maintained–" She was interrupted by a loud scoff. 

"You must consider yourself as Plato." Liam said to himself but it was loud enough for half of the class to hear.

"Pardon?" Rachel asked Liam. 

This was exactly why Liam hated this class. Anyone who heard her would think their city was the best place to live in. What a joke!

"You think your father is doing a great job as the commissioner of the police force?" He asked her from where he was still seated. Harry pinched him from the back while Sophie kicked his feet to stop him from saying further, but he ignored them. 

The teacher was also quiet because he seemed to enjoy these sorts of arguments in his classes. According to him, it was intellectually stimulating. 

Rachel's face went red from embarrassment. It was the first time Liam had attacked her. Did she do something wrong to him? Was he jealous because she was no longer flirting with him, but Oliver?

"The commissioner of police and everyone in the armed forces are doing their best to ensure that society is a safe place to live in, so yes, my father is doing a good job." She defended.

"And you don't think you are biased because he is your father? Why don't you try to objectively look at the society and tell me if it's exactly as you are painting it to look like? Corruption in the country is still high. The budget for the health and educational sectors has been diverted to personal pockets. If you were smart, you wouldn't stand there and spit out nonsense. Instead, go look at the hospitals in the city and see that they do not have enough equipment to treat patients. Look at other schools where the kids of bigshots do not attend and see if you'll be comfortable to go there." 

He was sounding really angry, and he seemed to be taking it personally. 

"What does that have to do with my father?!" She asked, almost on the verge of tears.

"That's my point. Everyone in power is crazy. Just like the other, your father is doing a poor job. The mayor is doing an even worse job. Everyone knows the government is doing a bad job. So how can these people ensure the state maintains morality when they are immoral? They keep throwing the wrong people in prison and letting the elites get away with their evil acts, and you say your father is doing a good job? You probably should go study more about Marx's perspective of the state and make yourself smart for fuck sake." He kicked the foot of the seat in front of him, causing the occupants to jump in surprise.

The entire class was quiet. They hadn't seen Liam react like this in a class before. He was always quiet during classes or making noise with Harry. But today, he had not only raised a valid argument, but he had also bashed the parents of half of the people seated there. Who knew he was smart? Most jocks were usually dumb but he seemed to know quite a lot.  

Many eyes went to Rachel, whose eyes were brimming tears. They pitied her. No one ever wanted to be at the receiving end of Liam's temper.

"That's enough. You can sit down, Miss Peterson." The teacher finally said, breaking the tension in the classroom. 

"That's a valid argument, Miss Peterson and Mr. Adley. But Mr. Adley, you need to get your facts right before accusing people. That is only the right thing to do—"

"Yeah right!" Liam scoffed. 

"Mr. Adley! " The teacher called in a warning tone. 

Liam didn't mind him but kept a rebellious look on his face with his hands folded across his chest. 

"Everyone here knows I am right, including you, Mr. Walker. Facts or no facts. If you also do not have facts, I don't see why you should conclude that society is as pure as you are making it out to be. Hell, if you don't have facts that I do not have facts then, do not say, I do not have facts!"

Everyone heard a light chuckle and turned to look at Oliver, who was reacting for the first time to something going on in the classroom. He quickly kept a straight face and looked down at his book when everyone turned to look at him, including Liam. 

It was only now that Liam realized he had also accused the Mayor of being immoral, so why was Oliver laughing?

The teacher was left speechless. "No cussing in my class, Mr. Adley. You should mind your language." He turned his attention to Oliver. "Mr. Sallow, do you have any contributions?" 

Oliver was surprised to be put in the spotlight. Honestly, he had felt a bit weird when Liam talked that way about the city's mayor and he was glad no one except Liam knew the relationship between them or else, they would probably be staring at him like they were doing to  Rachel. 

"No." He shook his head. 

As much as he hated to admit it, Liam was smart, and he was right. If everyone looked at the city with an objective view, they would realize Liam was right. He truly hated the fact that he was agreeing with him right now. 

"Which view do you support then?" The teacher asked.

No, do not do this. Oliver pleaded in his head. 

"Mr. Adley's view or Miss Peterson's?" Mr. Walker pressed for his opinion.

Oliver knew the teacher was aware of his relationship with the Mayor. And he was probably asking for his input so he would choose Rachel's and shame Liam. 

Rachel turned to quickly give him a pleading look. She wanted him to take her side. 


Even though he supported Liam, he didn't have to let everyone know, right? He didn't like Liam in the first place, so he was going to take Rachel's side, obviously. 

"Mr. Sallow?" The teacher called again. 

'Just say Rachel.' His brain said.

He opened his mouth and said, "Liam's view." 


He answered, shocking everyone, especially himself. 

His eyes widened a bit. 

Did he just say...?

He turned to look at Liam and noticed Liam looked a little surprised. When their eyes met, Liam's lips curved upwards slightly. 


Did he just.....????

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