
Chapter 10

Chapter 10


How would you feel if the love of your life is smiling, no! Not smiling but chuckling and pinch your brother's cheek and said he was cute in front of your eyes.

Damn!! It hurts so much and I wish I was cute right then and there. *sigh* I am trying hard right now to smile and holding my tears from dropping.

My heart hurts so badly but hearing his laugh even if he is just chuckling after what he went through this past month make me so happy and that is enough for me. Seeing my two favorites person in the world happy is enough for me, I don't need anything else.

I was jealous, who said that I'm not. I didn't talk to my brother this couple of days accept for important things but not like usual. Yesterday he suddenly ask me if I want to join him to go see a movie, I decline at first but he said Gulf and Tay would join to.

As soon as I heard Gulf name I said yes I would join and here I am hearing Gulf chuckling but that is not the only surprise that I receive today. Tay dragging my brother was one of them; well I expect that to happen sooner or later.

Like I said Tay like, well more like love my brother and it was obvious, REALLY OBVIOUS. Tay would never betray Gulf or anything; I think he is just waiting for Gulf to reject Gun and when Gulf give that respond to my brother, I think Tay can't take it anymore and he is at his limit.

After a couple of minutes after Tay drag Gun away, the other thing that surprise me is that Gulf chuckle for the second time that day. Why you ask? Because apparently Tay message Gulf saying he and Gun would not joining them after all. How did I know?? I ask him about it and then he shows me the text message.

From The Dork :

"Bro, sorry for the sudden leaving, me and Gun would not be joining you guys and don't worry he is safe with me. Have fun you two, okay bye"

To The Dork :

"Bring back that kid in one piece if not his brother will kill you. Hahahaha"

From The Dork :

"Can't promise that; tell Mew that I'm sorry in advance."

That son of a- wait a minute "Do you know about my brother and Tay and their feelings for each other?" He nodded and said "I know after the second day that your brother was courting me, Tay is easy to read, he is obviously jealous of how Gun was being clingy with me and Gun always uses Tay to whenever he want to know where I was or to give the lunch box.

I did ask Tay, why didn't Gun ask for my number or give me the lunch box himself and Tay said he was shy. I didn't believe it because he was brave enough to confess to me and that got me thinking and then it hit me that they like each other."

Oohh...that's why Gulf knew and wait a minute that lunch box thing. I remember Gun ask me to make a lunch box for his lunch this couple of days, wait a minute?? no way!! NO WAY!!! it can't be!!! GULF ATE WHAT I COOK??!!! my eyes widen and my heart can't stop beating on that thought.

'Calm down heart...calm down' I repeatedly stroke my chest to calm my heart down. I have to calm down before asking him the ultimate question. The question that has been roaming in my mind this couple of days.

"Emm...so....do...emm... Do you like my brother?" I ask him with my shaking voice and my hand was trembling. "I do" I feel like my heart stop until he continues to say "I like him as my little brother you know like Phi Nong thing" I release a deep sigh, I was so relief I feel like crying but this time with happy tears.

Thank goodness he doesn't like my brother that way, I was looking at Gulf and when our gaze meets, I didn't expect Gulf to do that. What Gulf did really stop my heart. I really should go see a cardiac specialist or gone to the cop to report about Gulf.

What he did just know is illegal and bad for my heart. He really I mean REALLY shouldn't do this to me. I mean damn my heart stop beating. Do you guys want to know what he did??

(A/N : Any idea guys??)

He smiled while looking at me, not just a regular smile but he is smiling sweetly at me, the kind of smile that reach his eyes and it is full of sincere and happiness. I could die happy right know and damn heart stop beating so fast will you.

*cough* "Ehem...so still want to watch the movie?" I ask, "Sure, why not. Let's go then." We stand up and walk side by side to go watch a movie.

(A/N : You guys can imagine any movie ok. I don't have anything in particular)

After the movie ended, we decided to go to have dinner together outside the mall. I take him to my favorite place and I'm so happy that he want to come. We are now sitting in front of each other after ordering our dinner.

I still can't believe that we just watch a movie together and right now having dinner 'wait a minute, this sounded like a date... no no this is just two friends having dinner after watching a movie yeah that's it but...no Mew stop dreaming' I keep repeating that in my mind *sigh* if this is a date then I am the most happiest guy in the world right. How can I not be happy having a date with my dream boy, the love of my love, my one and only angel but I can only dream. *sigh*

"If I don't know any better this feels just like a date." Gulf said out of the blue. I choke on my water and cough so hard until he came near me and pat my back but that make me cough even more. He laugh after that I calm down a bit, this guy really...I don't know he like to tease.

Damn!! So cute!! Seeing him laugh make my heart bloom and the butterflies in my stomach twirling at the flowers that bloom in my heart. With that I bravely ask, "Do you consider this as a date?" I was afraid of the answer but I want to know. "What?? I was just joking" he said.

"Oh" That the only thing that come out of my mouth. I look down on my hands and bite lower lips *sigh* What am I hoping for really.

"...but if this is a real date then I wouldn't mind." Gulf said. What??!!! Did I hear it correctly?!!! Really??!! Did he just say that??! I abruptly look at him. Did my eyes deceive me now, I wipe my eyes and blink I don't know how many time because the person that I'm seeing right now it not the person that I usually see.

Gulf is blushing, HE IS BLUSHING!!!!! I almost got a heart attack seeing it. That pink dust coloring his cheek, the shy smile and he bit his lower lips. What a sight to see, he is so lovely and I'm so doomed.

"Well I... emm... ehem... emm I do-don't mind al-also." Did I just shutter damn I shuttered. He looks at me and just blink and then he lowered his head again but I can see, he is red till his ears now and I am also the same.

Is it hot in here or is it just my cheek. I am so damn happy right now, so so so so HAPPY!!!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!! I should thank my brother for this, if it wasn't for him this would never happen. I wish I can stop time now because I want to be in this moment forever with him.

        - End of chapter 10-

A/N : finally progress 😆😆 slow and steady na P'Mew go get him 😆😆