

Izabelle sat in her room uneventfully. It had been a couple of days, maybe about four, there was no sign of Toby.

Upon inquiring, the only answer was silence. Lord Willington refused to meet her and most of her time was spent in the room reading books that Becka would bring to her when she ran out of the ones already there. A bundle of ten books sat in one corner of the room and the seating next to the fireplace was more used than any other part of the room. Extra wood laid around just in case someone could not attend to her.

It was anything but happy time to say the least. Every second seemed like forever and the young boy she was so taken with had her worried. If someone had told her a week ago all she had to do was sit in a room and read to her heart's content the best of the books, this restlessness would not have been her reaction.

It was morning time when it happened. The windows in her room were sealed shut but she had a gut feeling that the beautiful sun must be out because not a single soul could be heard or seen. Usually, Becka would come in and serve her breakfast in bed or another maid, Clara, a silent maybe shy worker, would come by and clean. 

Izabelle stood up. An unknown rebellion started in the pit of her stomach. Her thoughts jumbled and all she could think was nothing.

Then the world went darker, if that was even possible for her in the dark Manor, and something dangerously unknown took over. She did not feel like herself anymore.


"Miss Edwards, wake up Miss Edwards," Someone nudged Belle. Yawning, she sat up straight and saw the outline of Becka in the dimming fire light.

"Oh Becka. How many time do I have to tell you to call me Izabelle?" Belle said stretching her arms out. She felt strangely tired and tried to think of what she had done to feel as such.

"You are going to be the Lady of the house of Willington Miss Edwards. I can't dare to call you by your given first name. " Becka said handing Belle a shawl to wear over the night gown. The smooth soft fur made her giggle a little which she immediately bit back although she continued to relish in the softness.

"Then call me Belle. Any news on Toby Becka?" Izabelle inquired eagerly. Becka took some more wood and struck the fire more. The winters were getting harsher and Becka knew in the time she has spent serving Belle that she was intolerant to the cold. The lass would freeze to death if the fire went out for even a minute and the winter were only going to get harsher sad the days pass by. It would take a month before she could be a little less cared for.

"None dear," Becka said in a motherly tone and it struck home. All the caring she had done made her feel like family rather than a servant. Even when she was rich there has been a similar maid who worked for their household. Raven Smith was just like Becka, old, motherly and ever so kind. What was more was that many a times she would let her get away with things her mother was strict about.

"Hey Becka?" She said after a moment of silence, "Do you think.. Do you think Lord Willington would meet me? I.. I really want to see my family. I swear I will be back.. I.. I miss them so much Becka." Izabelle sobbed as she played around with the food and the fork. Not a single morsel made its way to get mouth.

"Don't cry. Shh... I really don't think you can meet them Miss Edwards. But, I think you can see them. " Becka whispered hugging her slightly. She knew the young girl needed a comforting figure. Becka's whisper was almost like a secret.

"What? How!" Izabelle exclaimed. She simply couldn't wait to see her family. She wondered how her brothers must have taken the news. They would be so furious that they let her go alone and she didn't come back. Their fears had been genuine.  She did not want them to curse themselves.  Especially Gilbert, he did that a lot. Asher in the other hand normally tried to think of all the ways he could get her back that very instant.

Her sister would be so red in anger that she would be swearing like a sailor making any gentleman's head bow down shyly. She was the proper lady of the society but it had never stopped her from knowing about everything she wasn't supposed to know.

And Her mother! She would be thinking of what a scandal it would be. An unmarried girl in a stranger's house. Stars forbid she may have a heart attack. She was rather fragile hearted.

"I will tell you. But first, be a nice young Lady and eat. I will go ask the Lord if he would allow you to look through. But eat first other wise we did not just converse about it. "

"I will. Now just go to him the first thing?" Izabelle pleaded. With a nod, Becka turned around and left leaving Belle to eat. For once, she felt hopeful.

Belle ate in silence. The fire crackled and the light embers took her into another memory as she ate the piece of the pie.

Back when her father was still very successful with the business, they had a contest. Each year on the occasion of Thanking Stars, pies were made. Being kids, Belle, her siblings and cousins would all get a pie made for themselves and see who finished it first. It was always one of the boys. But it was fun either way. That's another thing that as a victory the boys would try to stuff another pie and then get stomach aches and scolding. It was all so worth it.

Izabelle wondered if this Manor ever heard the sound of laughter. She remembered Toby. He never really laughed out like small kids doing some mischief. He had his moment but they were rather strained. This place sucked in all the happiness into its dark voids.

"Miss Edwards, are you done?" The old maid asked knocking at the open door of the room.

"Yes Becka, I am. Did you ask him?" Izabelle said setting aside the plate and standing up.

"I couldn't find him. He never goes out of the Manor but he has these secret hallways that even I am unaware of. I am probably one of the oldest working maids here." Becka said and Isabelle fell back against the wooden back of the bed. The carving on it dug in her back but she ignored it as the hope started to diminish.

"So that mean I can't.. I.." Belle held back a sob that made its way to her again.

"No, no dear. Don't start again. I can still take you. Just stand up Miss Edwards. I am sure he wouldn't mind. You know, dear, you should give him a chance. He is not that bad. " Izabelle felt like Becka was lying by the last line. The Lord seemed more like the bad guy than anything. She ignored it. Becka did just tell her she could take her to see her family. Oh stars above did she want that badly! She had never been away this long.

"Take me Becka. I couldn't wait another mement. " Izabelle begged and the old lady did just that by leading her out in the dark lobby again.


