

Izabelle woke up to darkness. The light in the room was like in the dawn, barely there. She could make out outlines a little clearer than when she had stepped into the Manor at first however the improvement in her view were little to none.

The room was strange and she knew it was now her home. But how is she to accept it as her ? Home is where the heart is.

She stood up from the velvet soft bed a little dizzy and unstable on her feet. ? Was the first question as she couldn't figure out the time. She stepped towards one of the two doors in the room and found that it lead to the hallway. An equally dark hallway.


Izabelle cursed out loud. Words came out of her mouth that will make her mother have a heart attack as she saw that everything was shrouded under a cover of artificial night. She needed the light. She had always been a sun lover and this man was not taking it away from her. How he lived in such an atmosphere was beyond her.

"Hello?" she called out again and like before her voice echoed. Frustrated when no reply came back, she went back into her room and felt everything.

There were some sort of thick curtains in her room and she did the only sane thing she could think of, she yanked them away. It seemed like early morning. Heavenly light poured in and she basked in the sunlight knowing all too well that will be furious. Huh, he wanted to marry her, he will have to deal with it. She would stay here and help around but in no way will she be a pet on a leash. Izabelle was more spirited than that.

Looking out of the window she found that there were thick trees just outside the border. The garden, surprisingly, was trimmed and very well kept and the fog made everything look unbelievably pretty from what seemed like the first floor of Willington Manor.

Her stomach growled and she stood up from the window seat. Searching around the drawers she found a candle and some matches which she used to illuminate the hallway.

She turned around the turns with the candle in her hand and within three turns found herself lost. Izabelle gave up crying.

She was lost, alone, hungry and missing her family while somewhat captured by a person who wanted to marry her but wasn't even a single bit nice. There is only so much a girl could take no matter how strong she tries to be.

"Dear Miss Edwards, what are you doing on the ground?" a familiar voice called out and she never thought she would be glad to hear it. Somewhere between her crying she had fallen asleep. The candle was burnt out and she was again left in the dark.

"I was searching for the kitchen but I got lost and no one was there when I called out." She said quietly and Lord Willington took her hand. It was icy cold making chills run down her spine. He was so much like a predator that she felt like a prey.

"This way. The schedule of this Manor is quite nocturnal. You should adjust to it soon. " He said and any relief she may have felt went out of the window yet again. With everything she had in her, she kept her mouth shut.

"Here, I'll send some food." He said and left Isabelle alone.

Izabella looked around and from the outline she could make, she was sure that it was night again and it was the room she woke up in. Sighing, she sat down on the bed. Thankfully, a fire was lit on one side of the room making it warm and cozy for her.

"Miss?" A timid voice caught her attention. "May I come in?"

"Yes," She said not knowing how else to answer. Smell of food hit her nostrils and she thought of her mother. She was an excellent cook.

Suddenly all her excitement from the thought of the delicious food went out of the window and all that was left was the pang of sadness and hunger.

In came a woman who looked centuries old. Her hair were white as snow and clothes as dark as night. Her face and hands were wrinkled to no ends and Izabelle couldn't help but wonder how old she was.

The old dainty woman put her food on the bed making Belle wonder if she would break her spine by bending even so little. How can her captor make this poor woman work?

"Do you need anything else Miss Edwards?"

"No, no I don't need anything. I am rather fond of doing my work myself so it is I who should ask if there is anything around the manor I could help you with?"

This seemed like a good idea. Helping the old lady would be a good way to pass Lord knows how much time in this forsaken place. This woman looked like she could use a hand even though she knew she shouldn't judge. Old does not mean paralyzed but a little help wouldn't hurt for sure.

"Oh no miss. Do not let the master hear you say that. You are going to be the mistress of the house and you can not work as a lowly maid. Forgive me but if there is nothing you would like me to do then I must go proceed with my other duties. "

Isabelle frowned again. She was not going to be one of those vain little girls who did nothing all day but look in the mirror and neither did she plan on getting this poor made whatever trouble she would get in for agreeing to her.

"Okay then..Can I get some books around here ?" The old woman nodded with a kind wrinkly smile. For some odd reason Belle felt connected to her. Maybe it was the fact she seemed kinder than others living in the place.

"Of course, I will get Toby to show you to the library. Now finish up dear. You look rather thin for a girl your age. "


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