

75 years ago

It was a little after the sun had gone down.  Birds had found shelter and main work for the day was done.  Midst of all this, a girl was out in the woods, lost.  Bruised badly and on the verge of crying and giving up,  she thought that it was purely good luck that had brought her to the doors of the Willington Manor hidden in the woods.  The girl didn't know that it was purely bad luck.  She didn't know that soon she would be wishing she was out dead in the woods.The girl knocked on the gate but heard no answer from inside.  The door was hard to open or maybe locked from outside, the girl didn't know.  All she knew was that she needed shelter and some rest.  With that in her mind she wondered. Unable to walk much and stumbling often, the girl once again was lost, this time inside the manor's boundary. This time she fell on a rose bush where she was lead subconsciously.


Izabelle was enjoying the setting sun not knowing what was to come.  Light peaked in through the large window as she sat cross legged on the chair reading the book left behind.


"Izabelle? Would you please lock all the windows. I would be home in a few minutes." A voice brought Izabelle out of the book.  She could still see images of each place in her head. She searched for the source of her disturbance but found none.  Still seeing as how the voice has resembled  Eliana's she decided to obey. Little did she know what Eliana had up her sleeves.
