

"What do you mean?" Izabelle asked gripping the hand of the wooden chair.

"Eliana messed with black magic. She was able to stop the Prince from dying because of the first Rosa by giving him two more chances. In Return of the two more chances he was turned into a monster worse than Elena had made him. Elena took his looks, Eliana took his humanity. I can not tell you how for that is something you should see for yourself. You being in a dungeon? That was Elena's doing. Any chance of love he may have, she turns it around.

The second Rosa, it was a girl who came wondering in. The prince himself plucked the rose for her. She was that perfect to him. However no matter how much Eliana tried to get them together so the curse would end, Elena parted them. She made the Prince kill the girl by the alterations to the curse. Curse, alter curse,another curse. It went back and forth.

She took the prince captive and made him hungry. Do you know what happened next? She let the hungry Prince meet the young girl. Just like how she was going to do with you if I had not seen the signs. "

"You, you are Eliana are you not?" Izabelle whispered staring at the lady in front of her as realization hit her.

"Yes Izabelle and that's why you should listen to me. Elena is dangerous. Even after the prince dies she will not be sated. She has already destroyed a lot. Do not let her win. " Eliana said and seemed to be on the verge of tears.

"But I don't love him. I don't feel anything for him now. Not even anger." Izabelle said frowning.

"The alterations. It's no longer about you loving each other, if he just learns to value love, he won't die. However if he isn't loved back in the beast form, he will be stuck like that even if the curse of the Rosa is broken. " Eliana said getting up.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Isabelle said as a thousand questions swarmed in her head.

"For a walk," The lady answered and Izabelle started getting up,"Alone."

"I have questions!" Elaina shook her head.

"I will answer just one for now. "

"Where is Toby?" Izabelle asked hoping the little kid was alright.

"That little kid stuck in the curse? I made him invisible. The moon, it was making him fade away. If he were invisible light wouldn't fell on him. Why do you think the castle is always dark? " Eliana said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't know?" Izabelle was confused and had no idea what to make of the lady's words.

"I haven't gotten to the effect the curse had on other people. I need a walk. Ugh, do not look at me like that. I am sure you need to let this all set in before you hear more. I have work to do. What do you think Elena is doing now?" Eliana said and Izabelle gave an annoyed expression. She was curious however now that she thought of it, Eliana did say that something had happened to the beast. The beast, she still couldn't get herself to call him Prince.

"I.. I didn't see Lord Drake in the last few days. I don't-" Izabelle stuttered and understood what Eliana was talking about. Eliana seemed to care for the lord still. He was still her prince and it was time for the damsel to save the Prince in distress. If her story was to be trusted then she has been doing that for more than a century.

Eliana turned and gave her a pointed look," There is a book. You will find it in your room when you get back in.  You may find it interesting. Another thing. This location is under protection. Do not under any circumstances leave the borders of this house. It for your own good. "

Izabelle nodded and in a blink of an eye she was alone and in the room she had woken up in with a red covered book in her hand.  Tale of the golden kingdom, it said.
