

"Look, its snowing!" The young Prince said to the older one as he ran to a window. Being from the a tropical country sorrounded by water he had seen the beaches and the beauty of the sea but it was the first time he had been able to realize just how mesmerizing cold can be. Whenever he heard that his cousin was from a place where it snowed and had no beaches and plants like his own kingdom did, he often pitied him. Not anymore. All he wanted to do now was run out of the castle walls and enjoy the snow.

"Eric," his cousin said catching up to him. The young prince was a handfull and Prince Drake's father insisted that he spend time with the kid. It would be good for future relation he had said. Being prince from far and different kingdoms meant they rarely saw each other even though they were family.

"Adam lets go out and play! Please!" The young prince said as he jumped up and down in his usual happy attitude. Like most of his family, Eric insisted on calling the older prince with his middle name.

"We can not. Our fathers require our presence in the courtroom." The older prince said sternly. A sad look passed over the young prince.

"But Adam-" he whined but decided not to continue as he saw the pointed look his cousin gave him.

"We can not. Not right now." The older prince said with a plan forming in his head. He may not care much for the young prince but seeing him sad stirred something in him. Sitting on one of his knees he looked his cousin in his eyes and spoke,"We step out when everyone is asleep."

To say the young prince's smile could light up the kingdom was an understatement. For the first time in months even Prince Drake had a genuine smile.


".. and that's how we caught cold." Izabelle finished with a tale of her past as she sat on a cold seat in the ice covered garden. A peaceful silent followed.

Lord Willington had been different for a while and just sat there listening, often giving in his input in form of questions. It was nice to have someone listen even if the person literally wore a cloak full of mystery. Even back at her home Izabelle was used to being told or helping while being invisible. People would either go up to Giselle or up to Gilbert or Asher. The only ones who came up to her were ones wanting to be familiarized with her siblings. The same happened in the village and the balls.

"You seem so different today," Izabelle voiced her thoughts without realizing she had done it loud enough for him to hear. Looking up from her feet to the man sitting besides her she asked him a question that nagged her since he had joined her out here amidst the snow,"Do you enjoy the snow?"

"Like it does for you, it does for me. Pleasant memories my Lady," the lord replied after a moment. Izabelle could not help but think he wanted to speak more. Being in a place as lonely as the Willington manor, it must have some effects. The secrets inside the walls were suffocating for her and she could not imagine what it must do to the man she sat besides. Before she could stop herself she felt her mouth move.

"Be careful what you wish for they say."

"An odd thing to say, my Lady," the harsh voice Izabelle was used to hearing stated.

"Yes. But something I can now relate to My Lord." Izabelle said looking at the winter birds chirp away. The Lord said nothing. How long had they been out here without a mishap happening like it usually does? Everyday she had spent in the manor something or the other has happened that she had never experienced before. The tale of the Dark Willington manor would be one she may write down someday and leave for someone like herself to read. It would be for the one who wanted adventure but was stuck amongst the society and things that were expected of her. It would be for the one who wanted something different. The mysteries were yet mysteries but she could not wait to uncover them.

"You are shivering Miss Edwards. You should head back inside. I will have someone start a fire for you immediately. " Lord Willington stated and stood up. Realizing just then that she was indeed shivering, Belle let the man order the maids as she followed him inside.

Not a minute later she was sitting in front of a fire with a blanket over her shoulders. She was drenched because of the snow and if she remembered correctly Becka had been told to get her a warm bath drawn. She was left alone in her room and only now had she started feeling the cold set in.

"How did your time with him pass?" A female voice came from behind her making her jump a little. "Sorry, did I frighten you?"

"No, no, I was just not expecting someone for a while. Except Becka that is." Izabelle said quickly recognizing the person in front of her as someone who had once drawn a bath for her.

"There are more people working here except dear old Becka Miss Edwards, " the girl said mockingly feigning hurt.

"Yes, yes of course." Izabelle said blushing a little. The girl in front of her looked around her age. Her hair were tied back in a braid and she wore a working gown. Izabelle wondered why she hadn't seen her around more than once before.

"So, how was it like spending time with ..," footsteps were heard outside and the young maid stopped talking. She looked at Izabelle and straightened her back.

"I shall ask again when I am back later. It seems like Becka is coming. Would you please not tell her I am not in the basement but here? Do not mention me to her." Izabelle heard the emphasis on the last part of her speech and nodded. She could not figure this girl out and hoped to ask about her but she understood that Becka may scold her for not being at her duty. She was coming back anyway and Belle would rather have a hot bath than a chat. Still she hoped she had at least caught a name this time.



