

"Tomato soup? Are you alright miss Edwards?" Lord Willington said after taking a sip of his own soup. Standing up from his seat, he came up to Izabelle. The servants rushed towards her carrying a new spoon and some towels to clean the mess.

"It does not taste like Tomato soup My Lord." Izabelle stated shaken up remembring the salty metallic taste. She knew how tomato soups tasted. They definitely didn't have a cold, blood like metallic taste with a hint of bitter. She had been helping the herblist long enough to have treated people too and know how blood tasted.

"Let me taste it if it pleases you then. " Lord Willington didn't even wait for a nod and took the spoon from the maid and took a sip.  Like a ticking time bomb, the tense atmosphere that had built up from her droping her spoon blasted.

"Elber-!" Izabelle watched as the Lord called for the man who brought her here, the butler.

The servants were going into a frenzy and all the food was being taken away like something had been said or signalled in their own secret language. Yet again, a peaceful moment was ruined for a reason unknown to Izabelle. Unlike the other times, her heart was beating fast, she could hear the blood flow in her ears like a song for rebellion. A siren's melody played only for her in the background while everyone hustled.

"What in the name of stars and everything celestial is happening in this manor-!?" Izabelle screamed wanting to pull her hair out of her head as she saw Becka approach her. She didn't want to be in the dark anymore. She felt like killing someone. Her inside was burning in fury and head felt strained. Any sence of calmness she had retained since the moment she heard the news of her father's capture was gone. The only thing left were questions, anger, angst and amongst it an inner relief of letting it out.

"Becka, take Miss Edwards to her room please." The once shaken up Lord said in an eeriely calm tone. It was obvious to her that he knew whatever was going on around him.  Maybe not how she felt but the case with the supposed tomato soup, something she pledged never to drink again.

"Yes, Lord Willington." Becka said looking at the Lord and bowing her head slightly before turning to Belle.

"I am going no where Becka. I shall stay right here for I need answers and I need them now. I am overflowing with questions unanswered. My head, it literally hurts." Becka took Izabelle's hand and tried to save her from her Lord's anger but was unable to as Izabelle brushed the old lady off forcefully. 

"Miss Edwards!" Becka exclaimed as her small old body tried to balance herself with the sudden force nearly knocking her off her feet.   

"This is an unexpected behavior Miss Edwards!" Lord Willington exclaimed but Izabelle was too far gone. All she could see was red like the flame and all she could hear was the angry voice in her head telling her to hit someone, leave somewhere, kill something. The haunting melody played for her with more and more force, the blood pumping faster that ever in her veins and something unholy overtaking her.

"Oh no, you do not get to start about unexpected behaviors Lord Willington. You are rude, annoyingly secretive and frustrating to no ends!  I have no words or energy to even explain half the things I feel in this manor." Izabelle screamed at the Lord. By now, all the tabel had been cleared and all the gates had people she didn't even know existed in the manor watching them from a distance acting like a barricade. The only thing that could be heard in the room was the shouting.

"Miss Edwards try to-" Becka tried to talk to her but it seemed to be gibberish to her. It only added to the pounding in her head like someone was knocking down at her with a hammer.

"Becka do not go to her. She is not herself. I presume the witch put something in the soup the servants got to her. " Izabelle distantly heard the Lord say but couldn't decipher the words for herself. The only thing for her was the music, the headache, the heaviness settling in her body and the anger towards the Lord in front of ther.

"Yes, my Lord." Becka said with a slight bow and with a flick of Lord Willington's wrist, everyone made a circle around Belle as she screamed her heart out.

"Alberto? What do you think it is?" Lord Willington asked the loyal servant while they waited for  the  young girl to calm down.

"It does not looks like a curse or an enchantment. It started with the soup. It may be some herb my Lord. We would have to search which." The tall servant said in his raspy voice as he saw the girl scream and shout obviously frustrated and in pain as if something was eating her from the inside. If he could, he would have petted the girl.

"Go fetch the scholar while  I see to thie girl here," were the last words Izabelle heard before she blacked out of the overwhelming feeling. 

