
Dad's visit (96)

Sally had just gotten home from moving everything from Betty's home to the new office. Setting everything up will take a few days.

She started dinner when she heard a knock on the door.

"Dad... what a nice surprise."She said as she opened the door to find her father-in-law there with a bag.

"Just wanted to visit and see where my boy was living." He said.

"Come on in, Mike should be home soon. I was just making dinner. Dad make yourself at home." She then returned to the kitchen.

It wasn't long before Mike came through the door with Josh and Ben. "Honey I'm home. Look who I ran into downstairs?"

Sally came out and froze. She looked around but did not she her father-in-law. "What brings you two here?"

"We were stopping by to drop off a book for my sister." Ben said.

"Well it was good to see you. Next time stay longer." She said trying to get them out the door.

"What is wrong with you Dear." Mike asked.

Just then Harry Gillman walked out of the bathroom. "Hey Son." he said then walked over to hug Mike.

"Dad why are you here?" Mike asked.

"To visit. I wanted to see where my son lives." He said.

"Hi Dad." Josh said.

"This place is great. I'll just be in the guest room while you say bye to you other guest." Harry said.

"Dad, Josh spoke to you." Mike said.

"It's alright. It's been over six years now. I'll talk to you later." Josh said pulling Ben to the door.

Ben stopped him. "Mr. Gillman it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Ben Beauté."

Harry looked him up and down, "You one of those too?"

"Not sure what you mean, but I am dating your son." Ben said.

"Both my sons are married. So there is no way you would be dating either of them." Harry replied.

"Ben lets go, Bella is waiting for us to stop by." Josh said.

When Josh finally pulled Ben out the door he could breath once more.

"Dad that was rude. I told you to call first before coming. How long are you here for?" Mike asked.

"Two weeks. I figured it was better to come by myself then with your brothers crew." Harry said.

"I told you we are going to be out of town this weekend. We leave Friday night and we will be gone until Sunday." Mike shook his head.

"I know what you said but I just wanted to see you." Harry said slapping his son's back.


Bella was relaxing after she ate. When she got a call from Ben. Now as she read while she waited for him to show up.


As soon as the mother saw it she told One-Eye to break off some of the fruit. One-Eye went up to the tree, and pulled a bough toward her, to pluck off the fruit; but the bough flew back again directly out of her hands; and so it did every time she took hold of it, till she was forced to give up, for she could not obtain a single golden apple in spite of all her endeavors.

Then the mother said to Three-Eyes, "Do you climb up, for you can see better with your three eyes than your sister with her one."

Three-Eyes, however, was not more fortunate than her sister, for the golden apples flew back as soon as she touched them.

At last the mother got so impatient that she climbed the tree herself; but she met with no more success than either of her daughters, and grasped the air only when she thought she had the fruit.

Two-Eyes now thought she would try, and said to her sisters, "Let me get up, perhaps I may be successful."

"Oh, you are very likely indeed," said they, "with your two eyes: you will see well, no doubt!"

So Two-Eyes climbed the tree, and directly she touched the boughs the golden apples fell into her hands, so that she plucked them as fast as she could, and filled her apron before she went down.

Her mother took them of her, but returned her no thanks; and the two sisters, instead of treating Two-Eyes better than they had done, were only the more envious of her, because she alone could gather the fruit--in fact, they treated her worse.

One morning, not long after the springing up of the apple-tree, the three sisters were all standing together beneath it, when in the distance a young Knight was seen riding toward them.

"Make haste, Two-Eyes!" exclaimed the two elder sisters; "make haste, and creep out of our way, that we may not be ashamed of you"; and so saying, they put over her in great haste an empty cask which stood near, and which covered the golden apples as well, which she had just been plucking.

Soon the Knight came up to the tree, and the sisters saw he was a very handsome man, for he stopped to admire the fine silver leaves and golden fruit, and presently asked to whom the tree belonged, for he should like to have a branch off it.

One-Eye and Three-Eyes replied that the tree belonged to them; and they tried to pluck a branch off for the Knight.

They had their trouble for nothing, however, for the boughs and fruit flew back as soon as they touched them.

"This is very wonderful." cried the Knight, "that this tree should belong to you, and yet you cannot pluck the fruit!"

The sisters, however, maintained that it was theirs; but while they spoke Two-Eyes rolled a golden apple from underneath the cask, so that it travelled to the feet of the Knight, for she was angry, because her sisters had not spoken the truth.

When he saw the apple he was astonished, and asked where it came from; and One-Eye and Three-Eyes said they had another sister, but they dared not let her be seen, because she had only two eyes, like common folk!

The Knight, however, would see her, and called, "Two-Eyes, come here!" and soon she made her appearance from under the cask.

The Knight was bewildered at her great beauty, and said, "You, Two-Eyes, can surely break off a bough of this tree for me?"

"Yes," she replied, "that I will, for it is my property"; and climbing up, she easily broke off a branch with silver leaves and golden fruit, which she handed to the Knight.

"What can I give you in return, Two-Eyes?" asked the Knight.

"Alas! if you will take me with you I shall be happy, for now I suffer hunger and thirst, and am in trouble and grief from early morning to late evening; take me, and save me!"

Thereupon the Knight raised Two-Eyes upon his saddle, and took her home to his father's castle. There he gave her beautiful clothes, and all she wished for to eat or to drink; and afterward, because his love for her had become so great, he married her, and a very happy wedding they had.

Her two sisters, meanwhile, were very jealous when Two-Eyes was carried off by the Knight; but they consoled themselves by saying, "The wonderful tree remains still for us; and even if we cannot get at the fruit, everybody that passes will stop to look at it, and then come and praise it to us. Who knows where our wheat may bloom?"

The morning after this speech, however, the tree disappeared, and with it all their hopes; but when Two-Eyes that same day looked out of her chamber window, behold, the tree stood before it, and there remained! For a long time after this occurrence Two-Eyes lived in the enjoyment of the greatest happiness; and one morning two poor women came to the palace and begged an alms.

Two-Eyes, after looking narrowly at their faces, recognized her two sisters, One-Eye and Three-Eyes, who had come to such great poverty that they were forced to wander about, begging their bread from day to day.

Two-Eyes, however, bade them welcome, invited them in, and took care of them, till they both repented of their evil which they had done to their sister in the days of their childhood.


IleneMaecreators' thoughts