
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Kevin's brutality

He kept struggling forward, he was unwilling to give up.

Weaker beast men would have reverted back to their beast form by now or they would have just ran away from the start, no one would have been able to do what Vince was doing.

Vince kept going until he felt that he couldn't take it anymore.

He was now on all fours but still didn't transform to his beast form, he had also suffered some internal injury from the aura alone. He gritted his teeth and force himself to stand up, it was only when he stood up that he saw Hao Shen.

He was surprised to see Hao Shen there and was even more shocked at the lack of reaction from Hao Shen, although he could only see Hao Shen's back view, he noticed how at ease Hao Shen was.

He immediately knew that Hao Shen was not affected by the aura at all, it was as if he wasn't even standing in the middle of a level 3 beastman's aura.

'This is strange, how could a weak beastman that isn't even at level 1 be able to stand this pressure, is he really a beastman at all?' once this thought manifested in his mind it got stuck their and he couldn't help but ask "what are you?"

Just because he thought that Hao Shen wasn't a beastman didn't mean he would think that Hao Shen was female. They both stared at each other with shock reflecting on their face's.

Hao Shen was surprised by the question and even more so by the person asking it. He took two steps back, forgetting that there was a hot spring right behind him.

His leg slipped and his body fell backwards into the water.

The sudden fall caused him to gasp for air, but instead of air, hot water rushed into his mouth choking him and while trying to cough out the water he swallowed, more just gushed in.

Hao Shen was struggling in the water and Vince could only watch as he drowned, he couldn't move any closer to Hao Shen because of Kevin's aura .

Vince was confused as to how this happened, but before he could think of what to do, a gush of wind dashed past him and the next thing he knew was that Hao Shen was pulled out of the lake.

Thankfully Hao Shen had not been drowning for long and as soon as he was pulled out he started coughing out the water he had swallowed, water was leaking from his nostrils.

Tears was even rushing out of his eyes as he coughed, this was a painful experience for Hao Shen, his throat and chest felt like they were on fire, his heart was beating really fast as if afraid of suddenly stopping.


With out Hao Shen on his arms Kevin was able to run much faster, the cold wind from his sprint was able to calm him down, he didn't know what Hao Shen needed but he grabbed everything he knew belonged to Hao Shen and rushed back.

He was just a little close to the hot spring, when he picked up the muffled sounds of someone drowning, he immediately knew who it was and rushed over, he transformed into his tiger form to increase his speed, and was able to get their in time.

Mid run, he turned back to his human form and pulled Hao Shen out of the water.

Only after seeing that Hao Shen was stable, that he left Hao Shen to vent his anger on Vince who was the only suspect at the moment.


While Hao Shen was drowning all he could think of was 'would Kevin be able to save me', ever since he came to this world the only person who cared for him was Kevin, and Kevin had also saved him before so he couldn't help but to subconsciously hope that Kevin would come save him.

But when he was about to faint, all hopes of Kevin ever coming to save him vanished, he knew how far the cave was from here, he thought that Kevin wouldn't be fast enough to save him in time.

Warning: a little bit of gur. caution while reading


Just as he was giving up and accepting his fate, he ended up being dragged out of the water by non other than Kevin.

Hao Shen wasn't able to see who had saved him but he was very grateful, he wanted to thank him but he was not in a good state.

He was finally able to cough out all the water he had swallowed, he wanted to see his saviour and thank them, but when he looked up, all that he could see was blood, he froze at the spot, the cells in his body was asking him to stand up and run.

But he couldn't, his body was paralyzed, he was stuck to the ground watching the seen in front of him, he couldn't take his eyes off what was happening.


Kevin didn't notice the frightened gaze of Hao Shen, his eyes was red with fury, he didn't care if he left a witch doctor half dead, all that was in his mind was how this witch doctor would have caused the death of his future mate.

With his hands firmly holding on to Vince's neck while his long nails sunk into his skin, Kevin raised Vince off the floor before slamming him back to the ground. It was a miracle that Vince's neck didn't break from the impact.

He finally let go of Vince's neck, but he hadn't had enough, he used his sharp nails to dig into Vince's stomach, grabbed what ever organ he laid his hands on and then pulled it out, but because he didn't want Vince to die so easily, he didn't forcefully pull it out completely and just left it hanging there.

But he was still not satisfied as he turned the back of Vince and started slashing at his back with his long nails.

He didn't stop until no ounce of skin could be seen, it was all covered with blood. He still hadn't had enough yet but realizing that if he continued Vince would most definitely be dead by the time he was satisfied, he picked up Vince's left foot, which also raised the rest of Vince's body before flinging Vince far away just so he would not get angry again and end up killing him.

Fear gripped Hao Shen's heart and he wasn't able to breathe properly his breathing was ragged as he watched Kevin's brutality from beginning to end without blinking, he witnessed every single drop of Vince's blood spill to the floor, turning the previously purple scenery red and bloody.

Every where he looked at was red and he felt that in Kevin's crazed state, he would soon face the same fate as Vince.

He couldn't bare to watch anymore as he forcefully closed his eyes. But what he saw when he closed his eyes frightened him even more, he saw Kevin ripping out his own intestines. His eyes automatically swung right back open, he glued his eyes back at Kevin as his chest heaved up and down.

And after seeing Kevin through Vince away, and looked at him, he felt like a prey that was being eyed by a vicious monster. 'is it finally my turn'.

He was unable to see the gentle smile and worry on Kevin's face as his face was covered with blood and his smile looked very much like that of an excited hyena.

The fear Hao Shen felt at that moment was strangling, and when Kevin tried walking toward him, Hao Shen's body finally could take it no more and moved backwards, forgetting the still lake which had almost drowned him to death moments ago.

He was extremely scared that he let his fear cloud is good judgment. a lot of frightening thoughts filled his mind but one thought kept repeating itself over and over again in his head till he felt that it was true.

'maybe Kevin wasn't the kind saviour he portrayed himself to be, maybe from the beginning Kevin had planned to eat me but I was too skinny so he...'

author's thoughts: Took me a while to write this particular chap. I won't lie, I'm not good at gurry seen's.

Took me a while to write this particular chap. I won't lie, I'm not good at gurry seen's.

LaraK9creators' thoughts