
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Bonus Chapter: Hao Shen Grew A Little More Hate For The System

On the way to the cave, Hao Shen remembered that he still needed the pot, he asked Kevin to go get the pot later, but as soon as they arrived at the cave, Kevin went back for the pot, leaving Hao Shen alone in the dark cave.

Hao Shen was really hungry now, he didn't remember the last time he had been this hungry, ever since he arrived in this world, he hadn't had something substantial to eat, he had only eaten fruits, in fact he enjoyed eating fruits a lot, but if he was to keep eating fruits throughout his stay in this world.. he really didn't know what would happen to his body, especially with this insatiable hunger caused by the system.

Hao Shen was glad that he now had a pot, he could finally cook anything he wanted to eat, but it was already too dark for him to start cooking, if it was in modern times, cooking could be done at anytime, but even if there was a source of light, he still needed ingredients to cook, which by the way, wasn't available right now.

'Guess I'd have to sleep with this hunger tonight, hope my stomach doesn't digest itself while I'm sleeping' sighing, Hao Shen thought of the system, he honestly believed he wouldn't be feeling this hungry if not for the acursed system. speaking of which, it was high time for him to check his systems notification to see if there was any new information, or by the fluff balls terms 'QUESTS'.

Remembering how to call the system notification bar, Hao Shen called out system notification in his mind, and an illusory tab appeared in front of him.


Name : Hao Shen

Age : 16

Occupation : Non. Student

Ability : Good at studies. Good Chef skills.

Hidden Abilities : Seduction. Cute. Clueless. Slightly Reckless.


Current World : First World : Beast world

Worlds Mission : Save the beast world 0/100

Mission Reward : Negotiable

Time Limit : Unlimited

Side Quest : Have ten followers (protectors) 1/10

Quest Reward : Ability, 200 systems points

Time Limit : Unlimited

Quest : Restore Lisa to full health 35/100

Quest Reward : Item, 20 systems points

Time Limit : 3 days 4 hours


System Download : 9%

A Word Of Advice From Your Friendly System : stop starving yourself and eat more. Dieing from starvation is real.


Hao Shen: flipping a table in him mind

First it was the hidden abilities.

Then came the sudden reducing of system download values.

And finally the system reminder that felt more like it was mocking his intelligence, no the system was through and through insulting him.

From everything Hao Shen read so far all that he understood clearly was that the system needed a beating, period.

After his anger subsided, Hao Shen reread the systems notification, ignoring the vein popping data, concentrating on the important details. Turns out saving Lisa was actually a quest, and he only had 3 days left to complete it, does that mean that if he hadn't done anything back then, in three days, Lisa would have died.

Hao Shen didn't know that it was because he had helped out, that he now had three days to save her, the system had cheated Hao Shen, his initial quest was to save Lisa, and he only had a few hours at most, but after she drank his medicinal liquid, he had already saved her and completed his original mission, giving her three more days to live.

Even if Hao Shen stopped at giving Lisa the medicinal liquid, Vince would be able to complete her treatment.

The system had previously used all 50% of it's energy to materialize before Hao Shen, and only for a few seconds at that. now that the system had used up it's energy, it needed energy urgently, so after Hao Shen saved Lisa, it converted Hao Shen's rewards and points for completing the quest into energy, it was way faster than eating, but the system felt that Hao Shen would not agree to this as most of the items provided are necessities Hao Shen needed, like pots.

It was obvious Hao Shen would pick the pots over the systems needs.

System's Thought : it's his loss for not checking earlier, and of course my gain tehe. I'm actually doing you a favor, so be grateful humph.

Eventually sleep won over anger and hunger, and before Hao Shen knew it he was gone to dream land before Kevin could come back.


When Kevin went back for the pot, he smelt a faint scent of blood in the are he left the pot and walked to the direction the scent was coming from.

Kevin felt a great sense of responsibility, if he would previously defend a tribe for the fun of it now he would do it to protect his mate. sensing something suspicious, he had to go and check it but upon getting closer he could recognize the owner of the blood.

Of course it was non other than Vince, who he had been the one to injure to that extent, upon realizing that it was nothing serious he went back and picked up the pot Hao Shen had sent him as he returned to the cave.

He left the pot right outside the cave before stepping inside only to see that Hao Shen was fast asleep. Closing the cave, Kevin transformed back to his tiger beast form and went to lay down close to Hao Shen who was curled up on the beast skin.

Kevin could see how uncomfortable Hao Shen was while sleeping on the beast skin, he wanted to help him sleep better, so he transformed into his beast form and allowed Hao Shen to use him as a large teddy bear.


The next day Kevin was the first to wake up again and he struggled to get out of Hao Shen's grip, Hao Shen dreamt that he was coddling his big white teddy at home so immediately Kevin escaped him, he instinctively went searching for his teddy.

Hao Shen was half awake now and was looking for his teddy, in his muddled state, he could only use his hands to feel around trying to grab the teddy he lost.

This act made Hao Shen's morning disheveled look seem adorable. Kevin who saw this sight gulped uncontrollably, and his already narrow thoughts became more chaotic after Hao Shen accidentally gripped his member, of course Hao Shen had no idea what he was holding.

Curious, Hao Shen 6 6 his curiosity was at max and his fright could not stand a chance, Hao Shen reached out his hands once a gain to feel the object in front of him.

After getting a hold of it, he decided to get a good feel of it and didn't try pulling at it this time. it was at this moment he realized that the object felt quite skinny.

While Hao Shen was getting a feel of Kevin's organ, Kevin was finding it harder and harder to hold back, just when he was about to lose all control «PINCH» there was a sudden jolt and all Kevin could let out was a whimper.

But that wasn't all, Hao Shen seem to have not heard Kevin's weak cry and continued pinching the sensitive skin, worst part was, it seems he was trying to peal the skin off, well in all honesty Hao Shen was really trying to peal off the skin.

Surprisingly, despite the torture Kevin seem to be going through, his dick on the other hand pulsed even more and pre-cum could be seen leaking out, "H-Hao Shen, L-Let go".

These words were able to wake Hao Shen up, as he quickly let go realizing he was hurting someone "I'm so sorry, I didn't know" Kevin interrupted him "its ok, you must be hungry, I'll go and get something for you".

With that, Kevin ran away transforming to his beast form, and completely forgetting to close the cave.

Hao Shen was baffled by Kevin's action, he walked to the entrance seeing that the sun had only started raising and returned to the cave, Hao Shen looked down at his hands that felt a little wet, and wondered what part of Kevin's body he had been holding earlier, 'it could just be his hands, I shouldn't be bothering myself with these thoughts'.