
Chapter 2:Scary Don


''Bella dear help me take the don's food to his office''My ma tells me and I instantly start couching.

 ''Me?Mama''I ask to be sure while pointing at myself and she nods her head at me.

 Milla enters the kitchen an amused smile on her face probably enjoying my reaction and I glare at her.

 ''Yes dear,now stand up''Ma says while arranging the food on the trolly and I stand up while shaking my head furiously at her.

 ''Ma,You know I am scared of the don''I tell her and she just rolls her eyes at my words.

 ''What's there to be scated of Raff is a total sweetheart''She says a warm smile on her lips probably thinking of the stone facedno smilling man.

 'I bet his logo is No smiling'

Ma places the food trolly in front of me and I bregrudgingly start pushing it towards the elevator.

 After pressing the button for the third floor where the don's office is,the door is about to close but a pair of hands stop it.

 I look up only to see Diego standing there an apologetic look on his face and I roll my eyes at his expression.

 ''Sorry bell''he sighs trying to hold my hand and I swat his away glaring at him.

 ''Sorry I ran away when you bumped into the don earlier''He says again and I just roll my eyes at him.

 ''Shut up Diego,leave me alone''I tell him irritated,earlier when I bumped into the don in the hallway this scardy cat ran away.

 The elevator doors opens and I walk towards his office door my legs trembling slightly in fright.

 I still can't think of any reason why I am this scared of the man,he has done nothing but help me but a part of me just feels petrified in his presence.

 Exhaling,I knock on the door but hear no reply, I knock again and hear a'Come in' in the Don's deep voice.

 I hear a click which indicates the door has been unlocked and I hesitantly put my hands on the knob before opening the door.

 My feets pads against the wooden expensive floor of his office the trolly in front.

 The man does not raise his head and just continues typing on his laptop a pair of transparent glasses on his face.

 ''Good evening Don''I greet and his dark eyes soon look up at me.

 My body trembles at how intense his gaze is,there is something puzzling about his stare but I just can't put my hand on it.

 ''I-M-Your food''I stutter and arrange the food on the coffee table in his office.

 I turn to walk out when I hear his deep voice behind me.

 ''How was school''The don asks and my throat instantly tighten my eyes growing wide.

 ''I-it was fine Don,Angela is doi-"I am cut off by a chuckle from the man and I instantly stop ranting.

 His green eyes light up in amusement which surprises me.

 ''I am asking about you Bella''He tells me and I nod.

 ''School is ok Don I-"I am yet again cyut off by the opening of the offive door and the sound of footsteps is heard.

 ''Raf-oh Bella my beauty''I hear the voice of Don marcello and I turn only to see Don dante and Don Eros beside him. 

 They are all friends of the Don and usually come to the house,they are all nice people and also goegously handsome.

 'Is that even a word'

 Don marcello has a pair of beautiful brown eyes and brown hair,tall,a sharp jawline and a killer smile.

 Don Dante has blonde hair and blue eyes, tall, a sharp jawline his face always set in a cocky smirk.

 Don Eros on the other hand has black hair and a pair of beautiful grey eyes, he is also tall but he lacks a smile his face set like that of Don Raffeale's.

 ''Come here beauty''Don marcello says and opens his arms,I hug the musculy man and also move to hug the others.

 Don Eros places a kiss on my cheeks but a growl makes him pull away.

 I look around confused only to see the Don glaring at him.

 ''My goodness you get prettier everyday''Don marcello says and I giggle at his words.

 ''Thank you Don marcello''I tell him and Dante smirks turning to look at Don Raffeale.

 ''Bella you can get going''The Don suddenly says his voice gruff.

 I nod and start walking towards the door a smile on my face my white mid thigh length dress swaying with every step I take.

 ''Wait''The Don calls out and I turn to face him confused.

 ''Take those bags give the blue ones to Ma the others are for you''The Don says in his deep voice that tickles ones ears.

 I walk towards the bags and peak only to realise they are designer goods.

 ''Thank you Don''I tell him and start running out not before hearing Don marcello whistle while saying.

 'Damn look at that ass'.