
Beautiful Shura

This is a world where magic and magic coexist, and it is a world full of legends. People say that the sixth prince of the current dynasty is highly favored by the emperor. Some say that the sixth prince has an ordinary appearance, while others say that the sixth prince is extremely mediocre. Some say that the sixth prince has a fairy like appearance, while others say that he is unparalleled and talented. Some also say There are many legends, but no one knows that the Sixth Prince they are talking about is her, not him! Huangfu Qingmo (Ji Hao) is a top-level female assassin who always smiles when killing. The story begins after Ji Hao's journey

Beeber167 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
112 Chs

Chapter 82 Qiankun Ring

Don't talk and listen to what the boss has to say. A cold voice came, and a man in a cyan robe spoke behind the group.

Yes, Terrance is right, listen to the boss. After Edwin finished speaking, his eyes glared at Ye Wushuang.

Ye Wushuang glanced at the thirteen people in front of him, and felt a little relieved in his heart, they didn't forget him because of his departure, but kept looking for him.

I" Ye Wushuang briefly talked about the things that had been with Huangfu in the past two years, except that they were from the Dongmang Continent and their identities, but they didn't hide too much.

Oh, so to speak, that young master is so young but already so powerful. Sure enough, it's not an ordinary person, and the boss is really powerful. Edwin said.

In the Qiankun ring, Huangfu Liuyun hugged Huangfu Qingmo and walked in the direction of the grassland.

This is the periphery of the Qiankun Ring, there are no other creatures except grass, and there is no other special place. Huangfu Liuyun explained with rare patience.

Luo Qi appeared beside Huangfu Liuyun, showing its Qi python prototype, and Huangfu Liuyun sat on it with Huangfu Qingmo in his arms.

After a gust of galloping, Huangfu Qingmo and two beasts came to the end of the grassland, a dense forest came into view, the sky of the village tree, the shop from the decaying breath of the primeval forest, so that Huangfu Qingmo thought that he had arrived in the primeval forest of Africa.

Mo'er, you can see the three entrances here. Huangfu Liuyun pointed to three places that were not clear and said.

Huangfu Qingmo listened to Huangfu Liuyun's words and observed carefully, and the three entered. It's almost integrated with the other places, but compared to the other places, it's just a little bigger than the gap between the two trees.

After entering the three entrances, the environment is not much different, except for the time. Huangfu Liuyun said, coming to the entrance on the far left and standing in front of Yun

This entrance has been around for 100 years. After Huangfu Liuyun finished speaking, he turned to another entrance.

This entrance is a dream for a thousand years. "

This entrance is like flowing water for 10,000 years. "

Mo'er knows. Huangfu Liuyun hugged Huangfu Qingmo and said.

Do you want to go inside and cultivate? Isn't that great? "In Huangfu Qingmo's thoughts, it is really good to have such a place to cultivate, after all, this can shorten the time in reality a lot.

Mo'er, go in and see how it is" Huangfu Liuyun didn't say anything, just looked at Huangfu Qingmo Dao

Good. Huangfu Qingmo nodded, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of place the cultivation place that let Xingyuan avoid it.

Luo Qi carried the two of them to deal with his nearest ten thousand years. Walked in. As he spoke, he went deeper and deeper, and the decaying aura that belonged to the primeval forest became more and more intense.

Enter. Ten meters away, suddenly shot out of a black shadow from the side, Luo Qi seemed to have been prepared, a jump to avoid the black shadow's attack, the speed of the black shadow was extremely fast, seeing that the blow could not be achieved, it disappeared into the woods.

This is an electric snake, extremely fast, and it is also the first level of this cultivation. Huangfu Liuyun explained lightly to Huangfu Qingmo.

In the next walk can not leave the in. Twenty meters, another black shadow attacked the two people and one beast from the oblique thorn, this one's speed is not fast, but it can be seen from the huge body that the strength of the attack is definitely not ordinary.

This time Luo Qi didn't hide, but just stood there quietly, Huangfu Liuyun held Huangfu Qingmo in his arms, and then stretched out his right hand to take the animal's punch. Seeing that his punch was so easily remembered by the other party, the beast turned and disappeared into the jungle.

This is a force bear, a type of bear, which can only be hard-connected and cannot be dodged, otherwise he will follow him and will gather his companions to attack together. Huangfu Liuyun explained for Huangfu Qingmo.

Huangfu Qingmo's interest was completely aroused, and he never thought that there was such a special thing in the Qiankun Ring. Those animals turned out to be just tests.

After another ten meters, Huangfu Qingmo's eyes looked at Zhou Ji carefully, but he didn't find any suspicious creatures.

Mo'er, this is looking for some kind of fellow Daoist of the Emperor Fu Liuyun.

"..." Huangfu Qingmo frowned and was silent.

Be careful. Without getting an answer, Huangfu Liuyun was not angry, but suddenly spoke up.

Roar! Luo Qi roared, and walked slowly.

Huangfu Qingmo raised his eyebrows, and when Huangfu Liuyun and Luo Qi were cautious, he felt a little puzzled.

Mo'er, the test of the third level, two entered. It's different, the one in the ten thousand years is the most powerful, it's the holy beast. Huangfu Liuyun explained.

After walking another ten meters, Jiang Qi stopped, only to see Luo Qi's big eyes looking vigilantly ahead, and Huangfu Qingmo could even feel the tense muscles of Luo Qi's body covered by armor.

Huangfu Liuyun didn't mean to be nervous at all, just casually hugged Huangfu Qingmo and sat on Luoqi's back.

The quiet and uninteresting sound of the wind around him, Luo Qi's heavy breathing in the primeval jungle, seemed so clear.

Swish! "

A black shadow shot out of the oblique thorn, the speed was very fast, if Huangfu Qingmo didn't concentrate all his spirit in his eyes, and there was a warm current in her body that flowed into her eyes, so that she could see the black shadow more clearly.

The black shadow was a tiger with wings all the time, and when it was about to touch Luoqi, Luoqi dodged the flying tiger's attack with a jump.

The flying tiger just dragged a long black line, and the contact with the ground was only instantaneous, and then it disappeared into the lining forest, Huangfu Qingmo thought that the flying tiger would be the same as the two in front of him, but he didn't expect the flying tiger to shoot out from the other side again.

Luo Qi jumped up, and the flying tiger also turned around in the air and attacked Lu Qi again.

Roar! Luo Qi roared in annoyance, as if angry at the Flying Tiger's hot pursuit.

Roar! The flying tiger also roared, listening to how the tone felt like a bully.

Roar! Roar! Luo Qi angrily dragged Huangfu Liuyun and the two of them, moving and jumping, but he couldn't shake off the flying tiger. After a while, Huangfu Qingmo could see that this flying tiger didn't mean to hurt Qi Qi at all, but why did he keep chasing him?

What are they doing? Huangfu Qingmo raised his head from Huangfu Liuyun's arms.

Feihu and Luo Qi are friends, and then Lu Qi became my talisman demon beast, and he never came back, which is a sign that he is angry, and the two are angry. Huangfu Liuyun explained calmly.

Temper tantrum? Huangfu Qingmo raised his eyebrows. After a distance of twenty meters, the flying tiger stopped. Roaring low at the backs of the two people and one beast, the Luo Qitou stopped roaring, and the flying tiger whined twice and turned back to his place.

Mo'er, look at the door, Huangfu Liuyun got down from Luoqi's back with Huangfu Qingmo in his arms, pointed to a tall iron gate and said.

What's wrong", Huangfu Qingmo looked at the iron gate seriously, and didn't see anything special.

Pushing it open and getting the iron gate is the place where they cultivate. Huangfu Liuyun said, walking towards the iron gate

Mo'er is ready, if she can't bear it, she will call out. Huangfu Liuyun explained to Huangfu Qingmo, and his face was never more serious.

Well. Seeing that Huangfu Liuyun said seriously, Huangfu Qingmo also responded seriously.

Push the door, crunch! A sound peculiar to the old iron door was heard.

The iron door opened, the internal force was dark, and Huangfu Qingmo only felt a violent energy fluctuation coming.

Step, cross the iron gate, touch! With a loud bang, the iron door closed behind Huangfu Liuyun and Huangfu Qingmo.

Luoqi, as the guardian beast of the former Qiankun Ring, is not allowed to enter.

As the iron gate closed, the space behind the iron gate fell into complete darkness.

Mo'er, sit down. Huangfu Liuyun put Huangfu Qingmo on the ground and asked him to sit down.

Huangfu Qingmo sat down according to his words, "Mo'er remembers that if you can't hold on for a while, you will scream." Huangfu Liuyun said again.

Good. Huangfu Qingmo replied.

As the words fell, Huangfu felt that the environment around him had suddenly changed, and the original complete darkness had been replaced by a kind of darkness, a gloom that exuded a cold aura.

Then Huangfu Qingmo saw the legendary hell!

The countless ghosts wandered past him, and then suddenly a pair of bull-headed horses appeared, and before Huangfu Qingmo could react, he set up others and came to an oil pot!

Without saying a word, he just threw Huangfu Qingmo into the oil pot! Huangfu Qingmo felt his entire body being rolled by the hot oil, a kind of boiling heat rising from the depths of his soul, making his soul tremble.

Then after the oil pot is the sharp knife mountain! The soul was cut into several pieces and reassembled, and the pain that came out from the depths of the soul made Huangfu Qingmo's body tremble!

Then there's the fire! ""

After a round, Huangfu Qingmo knew that he had experienced all the legendary punishments in the eighteen layers of hell!

'What kind of cultivation is this?' Huangfu Qingmo's heart was questioned.

Without allowing him to think about it too much, a terrible picture jumped into Huangfu Qingmo's mind.

It was a picture that she could forget, it was her memory when she was Ji Hao, it was a memory that belonged to her before she was five years old!

In that memory, the most she came into contact with was not people, nor any toys, but all kinds of metal instruments.

The cold instruments shuttled through her tiny body, and some of them even penetrated through the veins of his skin while he was awake.

Or some person in a white coat who injected some liquid into her young arm, and after injecting these liquids, her body was in severe pain, or torn or scorched or frozen!

When he was five years old, he first had power because he couldn't stand the pain of the injection, and as he watched the men in white coats with paper and pen and paper and write things, she suddenly thought to herself, what if the things in that man's hand suddenly turned into a knife, and then killed everyone who made her miserable?

Five-year-old she didn't know how to kill, but he saw them kill the children who were with her, and then heard the word killing, and he remembered that killing people turned out to be making people disappear!

It was a pale memory, so she insisted on forgetting, but she didn't expect that she would be here to recall it again, and now that she recalls, there is no longer the original fear, there is just a calm gaze, watching the little life struggle to live.

The picture changed again, it became the picture of her first killing, the picture of her first mission, it was a mission to kill a child, a ten-year-old child.

A family property dispute ushered in the death of the child. She was a junior high school student at the time, and when she passed by him, the child was still looking at her innocently.

The picture in his mind kept changing, it seemed that someone was flipping through his memories, this feeling was very bad, Huangfu Qingmo frowned deeply.

In the end, the flickering of the picture became faster and faster, and Huangfu Qingmo was dazzled by the rapid flickering picture, and his mood became irritable.

I subconsciously shouted angrily in my heart, 'Don't turn it over! "But I didn't expect it to really stop flashing

Huangfu Qingmo's brows furrowed even tighter, it seems that someone is really looking at his memory! Huangfu Qingmo's anger came out of his heart!

'Who! Come out! Huangfu Qingmo's murderous intent rolled in his heart, and the murderous aura in his body spread out towards the surroundings without suppressing it.

Huangfu Liuyun, who was sitting next to Huangfu Qingmo, felt the murderous aura around him, opened his eyes, and frowned when he saw Huangfu Qingmo's murderous expression.

Mo'er. Huangfu Liuyun called in a low voice, but did not close his eyes again, but looked at Huangfu Qingmo.

'Come out! The temperature of Huangfu Qingmo's voice was even lowered.

But there was still no response.

And the memory picture that had stopped flickering flashed happily again!

Irritable, Huangfu Qingmo only felt that his emotions were extremely irritable at the moment, and a flash of inspiration flashed through the sea % sky @ Zhong + Wen first HtZw.nET

'The most important thing about being a killer is to be calm. Thinking like this, all the irritability was suppressed by Huangfu Qingmo.

With the passage of time, the flickering memory images, and the eighteen layers of hell were staged in turn.

In addition to experiencing the suffering of hell himself, he also had to watch countless souls swallowed up by the river that glowed with black light, and the mournful wail echoed in the ears of Huangfu Qingmo for a long time.

Huangfu Liuyun has been staring at Huangfu Qingmo tightly, as long as Huangfu Liumo's expression is wrong, he is ready to take Huangfu Qingmo out, but he stares for I don't know how long, but he doesn't see any signs of collapse in Huangfu Qingmo's expression, except for the initial annoyance, the more he goes to the back, his expression is more and more relaxed!

Huangfu Liuyun thought that he had misunderstood, and deliberately took a closer look, but found that it was really not a mistake, and the expression on Huangfu Qingmo's face was really relaxed.

Huangfu Liuyun raised his eyebrows, with an unmistakable pride in his eyes, who could maintain such a relaxed expression in this cultivation that belonged to the soul? Out of yourself and your own baby, I guess there is no more, right?

Huangfu Liuyun was relieved and sank into his own cultivation.

Huangfu Zhenmo frowned, if this cultivation was just like this, Xingyuan would definitely not be afraid of becoming like that, then why?"

'Of course it's different, is their cultivation the same as yours?' You're light, and that illusion is really terrible. A certain silver light cluster hiding in the shadows muttered in his heart.

At the beginning of Huangfu Qingmo, when he went up to the sword mountain and the sea of fire, his soul could still feel a trembling feeling, but as he went on it more and more, his soul actually had a feeling of becoming more and more solidified.

I don't know if it's a delusion. "

Call! It's good to have a feeling! It's good to have a feeling! "A gray cluster of light appeared next to the silver blob.

Hehe, I said that you are really Kecha, in order to mend her soul that is fragile because of the crossing, you can tire yourself again. "

Don't gloat, in order to enter this Qiankun ring, your spiritual power has not been consumed! "Gray light shimmers.

Cut! This Qiankun ring is really, it's just a change of owner, it's so stingy! The silver Guan Tuan flickered, and his tone was very indignant.

Alright, let's go! Otherwise, the Qiankun Ring should drive people away! The gray light flashed and vanished.

Time passed slowly in that completely dark space, and by the time Huangfu Qingmo opened his eyes, he didn't know how much time had passed, and he felt that his soul seemed to have been condensed to a certain extent, no matter how many times he received the sword mountain and the sea of fire, he no longer felt it.

When he opened his eyes, it seemed that because of the condensation of his soul, he could see things in an environment that was originally completely dark for him.

The first thing I saw was the Huangfu Liuyun sitting opposite him, and it was the first time he looked at the Huangfu Liuyun so seriously, and found that the face that he had been ignoring was so handsome.

The originally cold eyes were forced, and the hard lines on his face softened, and the dark environment added a bit of mystery to him. I didn't get along with Huangfu Liuyun for a long time, but I also felt his exclusivity, as well as his occasional gentleness.

I just don't know if this gentleness and exclusivity is for this body or for myself.

Standing up, Huangfu Qingmo suddenly found out that something was wrong, why was his body cold?