
Beautiful mistake with a billionaire

"I'm pregnant" Abigail screamed in the cold dark ally but the man seem to not care. With his long elegant finger he lifted her chin up and whispered above her lips "I don't care"

Thomas_Diego_3116 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
151 Chs


Abigail arrived back at her parents house, she parked the car outside and rushed inside the house. 

She was relieved to find her mother still in the kitchen, she had thought that she would have gone to trouble Xavier.

"Back already?" Abi's mum asked as she turned to face her daughter.

"Yep, I'll just go give this to him" Abi said as left and head for her room. 

When she arrived at her door she contemplated wether to knock or just barge in. It would be rude to just enter the room without knocking but then it was her room so she shouldn't knock. 

Abigail just shaked off her thoughts and just opened the door and entered, she found Xavier at the dressing table holding a picture frame in his hand as he looked at it.

Abigail recognized that picture it was taken when she graduated from high school, her mum had been so excited that day and had invited all the neighbors to come for the celebration.