

At eight, he killed a Lycan Alpha, his beta and gamma. At thirteen, he killed a vampire King. At twenty, he killed a demon Lord. his life has always been complicated. he was born with sliver hair and eyes, a sign for a ruler but he can't rule since his kind naturally has a Queen instead of a King, as if to complicate everything even more, his hair began to change to gold, an attribute that's associated with the demons. **************** “ I don't want a normal wedding” she told him, he smiled at her. “ no one wants a normal wedding, but I promise to give you the best wedding” “ I want to marry you under the darkness of the night” he was beyond shocked, he stare at her dumbfounded. “ I want the darkness to know that I won, even when it tried to push me away from you, I didn't give up I still came back” ********** he was feared by many, he never knew what the word love was until she came along. he tried to push her away but she kept on coming back, it's she afraid? it's either she's stupid or she's really brave. but yet she's neither of those things.

Skyler101starp · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


Klausner left Millen at the hospital after paying all necessary bills that needed to be paid, he walked over to his car, hop on it and drove away after giving her instructions on what to do , he also gave her some cash to use for the main time and also gave her two weeks off.

He drove quietly into his estate, today he won't go back to work as to him he has lost his interest in going to work today for he knew that if he steps his feet at his company he will murder Gerry and Damansara.

While driving in he noticed someone leaking round behind his gate.


how did the person manage to sneak in from the first and main gate.

he stopped his car, that was when he noticed that the person was about to break into a run, he speed out of the car and ran towards the person, he didn't even bother to run much as the person wasn't a runner.

He caught up with the person immediately and suddenly slammed the person against the wall, just then he felt that Stange feeling of his heart throbing , he loosen up his grip on the person and when she rised his head, his heart skipped a bit.

" Mr Klausner Silverlight Goldberg?" she called out to him, wait what is he doing here, shouldn't he be at work.

" what are you doing here ?" klausner asked staring at her eyes, those brown eyes of hers that was indeed captivating.

Alexandria was speechless, her plans has been ruined, she made a plan of sneaking into his Manion and then drop an invitation letter inviting him for a night stroll again, never had she excepted him to come back by this time.

" are you a criminal ?" klausner asked still looking at her, both has completely forgotten the fact that both of them where standing just two inches away from each other, with Alexandria against the wall while klausner trapping her.

" I...I..I.." Alexandria stammered, there was possibly no way she's going to tell him her plan.

klausner just doesn't understand this girl's gut, she's just so unbelievably crazy and brave, wasn't she afraid of getting caught and going to jail for trespassing.

" i came to visit you " she blurted out an obvious lie.

klausner narrowed his eyes at her, he was sure that she was lying.

" by this time of the day ?" he maliciously asked her .

" well.....I had a feeling that you did be around and here we are " she nervously said.

klausner knot his brow at the girl's statement, but still he didn't move an inch.

" a feeling ?" he asked in a serious tune that can make one shit on their pants.

Alexandria was mentally going insane the moment she realised that she was just two inches away from the great klausner Silverlight Goldberg, the heartbeat of Washington DC USA, the king of the business empire, his country's pride, and not just only that he was holding her, more like he pinned her to the wall but it's all the same, this position is usually the position of lover and it normally end up with the male kissing the female.

she rised her head a little to caught sight of those eyes of hes' that was literally driving her nut.

" you seem quite like a desperate girl " he said to her, she obviously didn't denial that fact, after all she was indeed desperate for him.

" go home little kitten, for you know not who you're messing with " he told her.

" I came here to visit you Mr Klausner couldn't you at lease usher me in ?"

" I don't recall inviting you over " his words were cold, calm and unshaken, the words coming out from his lips were highly Authorised which made Alexandria wonder if apart from being more than just a trillionaire is he some prince or King of a kingdom here in Washington ?

but then no records of such has been reviewed mostly because he chose to keep his personal life private, but the way the man carries himself was literally out of this world.

" And mostly I don't think it's a good idea to have a girl in my home , am not a gentleman " he told her while looking straight away into her eyes as not to miss her reaction , he got what he wanted when he felt the girl shake and tried to put a distance between them, but Hell no, he won't let that happen.

He took another step close to her, and tighten his grip on her even more.

" so soft, like a kitten " he said more like a whisper, the estate was quiet, it was with no doubt that klausner lives in the estate all alone, having just his mansion to himself.

why own the estate just to yourself when you can rent it out, well that's Mr Klausner Silverlight Goldberg trying to show off his wealth.

" and so little " he said.

Alexandria knew that he wasn't lying when he called her little, but still she just couldn't take it, she was a tall girl with a full body, she might be a tomboy but she knows her body to be womanly, and also she works out, still she was not able to match klausner's broad shoulders , and chiseled abs , as a woman she's just jealous of his beauty.

" I love you " Alexandria suddenly blurted out.

klausner paused, he took few steps backwards and stare at the girl.

is she alright ?

how dare she make such statement ?

klausner was speechless.

" do you have any idea what you're saying ?" klausner asked her.

" I know what am saying Mr Klausner Silverlight Goldberg " Alexandria replied boldly.

klausner lowered his head to her level and stare directly into her eyes.

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