

[H-how is this p-possib-ble]

".....That's a first."

[No th-there most be an er-ror. Yes a-an error.]

"Calm down will you. What's wrong, what error?"


"Hey don't go quiet on. Talk."

[*sigh* In the universe everything is all about balance, if the is a disorder in that balance the universe would try to correct it. That's where the system comes in. The universe appoints a god to find a soul and reincarnate it with a system to the world where there is disorder to balance it.]

"Oh, so that's where my mission comes in right?"

[Yes ]

"So what's the problem now?"

[There is another system in this world.]


[There can only be one system in a world.]

"If there is more than one?"

[The universe would make their host meet and fight till one is wiped out.]

"WHAT! You mean i will die!?"

[Not if you are prepared]

"How can i prepare when i don't know when i will meet this...this... what ever it is?"

[The fight has been set to four weeks from now. And you will be given information about the other system.]

"That's good. What should i know about the system?" He asked.

[It's a Subduing system that gives it's host the ability to control demon beasts a Rank above his/her level.]

With a look of disdain I said "And you call yourself a system. Look at how over powered you counterpart is 😒"

[My existence is not to give you shortcuts but to assist you so shut up you only have four weeks to get stronger or both of us will seize to exist.]

Hearing the systems reminder he thought 'a level above.....this is going to be the most dangerous moment of my life.' then he got an idea

"System from your info, he/she is not going to fight alone right? how many beasts can be controlled?" He inquired.

[It is determined by his/her rank plus a default two. So if rank 2 then that's four.]

"Ok is there a skill that can make a perfect clone in the store?" He asked.

[I understand what you are getting and i have just what you need.]

[ Twin Body creation technique; {Creates a second body using part of the hosts soul.} - 50,000Sp]

[This is what you want right?]

"Yes, although shadow clone is good it only creates clones with dark attributes none of my metal attributed skills can be used by them. With this that issue is solved except.... Why is it so expensive?" He asked

[Do you want it or not?]

"Want, of-cause i want it." He said

[ Skill purchased.]

[You have 26,510Sp left]

"Good now lets.....WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" I shouted angrily.


"Don't give me that what crap, you didn't tell me that i have to prepare items before i can us it." I said feeling annoyed

[Oh that, sorry. But you can use Sp to get them.]

"This is a ripoff, plain robbery." He complained.

[If it was that easy to use the technique won't everyone use it?]

"Urhhhh. How much?" He asked.

[200,000Sp for a body with your current strength and skills. 20,000 for an infant body]

".....I can only pick the second option." He said.

[Subtracting points, you have 6,510Sp left]

[Creating body please wait.]

Without warning I felt pain from what felt like my soul and passed out. After two hours I woke up.

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

[A part of your soul was extracted for the process but you couldn't withstand the pain so you fainted]

"Remind me next time ok? Now where is it." I said while looking around. There in front of him was a baby version of himself sleeping.

[You have to wait for thirty minutes for it to wake up]

"Ok. I feel a connection. What's that?" He asked.

[Since it was made with a part of your soul, you can control it and see what it sees. And experience gained from now on will be shared equally between you. It also has all your skills and can learn skills independently.]

"Wow that's more than i expected, lets hide this little guy then go xp hunting." With that I dug a burrow to hide it then went on a killing spree.