Liss took her mother place as she was pulled into a world that she thought was a daydream of her mentally ill mother. Her mother wasn't delusional, she was telling the truth. Now she is alone in a new world where nothing makes sense and the only thing she can do is adapt. TW{Dead dove}
When they arrived Liss was blue with cold because they flew while her clothes were still wet.
"Cold." Liss whimpered hugging her body.
Feng Huang didn't waste time and went inside a hut where they sold clothes.
"I know I know. Let's get you changed and warm."
Feng Huang pointed his finger at a white dress and a white cloak before letting Liss down.
With the new clothes, she went alone to a separate room to get changed.
Up until now, Feng Huang had only seen Liss in white clothes. White clothes were usually avoided because it's easier to spot dirt on them.
'But little Liss is a pampered female whose feet almost never touch the ground.'
Feng Huang humored himself by thinking of their similarities. The highest praise Feng Huang could muster was to admit some resemblance.
'Little Liss is the embodiment of the color white, with her light hair, pale skin, and bright eyes. It's only right for her to wear only white and remain pure.'
When Liss came back the other male, with no shame, bore an intense stare not taking his eyes off of her. Feeling uncomfortable, Liss scurried behind Feng Huang hiding from those prying eyes.
Such a low, weak male who couldn't even restrain himself wasn't a concern to Feng Huang, but it irked him that he was shameless enough to make little Liss uncomfortable.
The other male flinched coming back to his senses and cleared his throat. Annoyed Feng Huang threw the clear low-level gem he had brought and turned around lifting Liss and walking away.
Outside, Feng Huang walked slowly, Liss made herself comfortable dropping one arm over one shoulder and placing her chin on the other. That seemingly innocent act carried deep meaning, Liss never complained about being carried but never leaned on when being carried.
"Are you tired, little Liss?"
Feng Huang asks patting the back of her head.
The alien sighed the answer turning her head and placing her cheek on his shoulder.
"Where are we going now?'
"To get food."
"Like in a restaurant? I thought everyone hunts for themselves."
"A dinner."
"A place where you can sit down and order food. Where they sell a serving of cooked food."
"You and your ideas."
Feng Huang laughed thinking it was another invention she imagined.
"Little Liss, do you remember why I was looking for you?"
"Because of the tiger king."
"That's right, he requested my help to find and if needed rescue you. When I left briefly before going back to pick you up, I informed the tiger king that I found you and he wishes to see you."
While rolling a strand of Feng Huang's hair around her finger Liss let out a hum. It's not like she wasn't interested in meeting him, but she knew that he was looking for her because some males were complaining.
"To check your wellbeing."
"If I'm with you I'm well, right?"
Liss grumbled, she couldn't say that she was suspicious after all the goodwill he had shown.
"Hahaha, you don't want to go, little Liss?"
Liss groaned, straightening her back to face Feng Huang. With her face tilted down Liss looked at Feng Huang through her eyelashes not hiding her suspicions.
"I know he was looking for me because of the males that want to be my mate."
"Yes and no, as you know he is the protector of this place. He knew you were a feral child bride who escaped so when you disappeared he thought the feral found you."
"Is that really all? I'm a female, alright, but you're an immortal."
"Go on."
"Do you go around rescuing females that were kidnapped? You? The almighty Feng Huang strolling around saving females? I can't help but think that you don't do this kind of thing."
Feng Huang crackled again at the sight of her sarcastic grimace.
"You know me too well." "It was indeed the first time, but he did so because he knew you didn't have a mate. When he went to check the place he gave you to find it empty, he must've felt responsible."
"If you say so."