
Beast World : Mermaid Farming in the Interstellar Era

Kaili remember, she had died in a truck accident. But transmigration in another world as a mermaid, it was fun. Let's start farm and built our own homeland, xixi. Growing vegetables and fruit, raising livestock, cooking, and enjoying. Kaili begins to feel that this is real life. And a few years later from now on, "My children, it's time to harvest." Love 1vs1 | Cast : Kaili (Yu Kaili), Wang Junheng, Li Shan, Li Yao, and others | Genre : fantasy, romance, transmigration, magic, mermaid, weewolf, and other beast, and other genre. Having fun with this story~ Thankyou \^.^/

Pipiye · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


'What's this feeling?'

'I feel suffocated!'

The suffocation continued until Yu Kaili sat up and gasped for air.

"Hah, hah, hah."

Deg, deg, deg.

Yu Kaili tried to catch her breath while pressing her chest, as if doing so would make it quicker to fill up the needed oxygen. Then, she tried to calm the sound of her pounding heartbeat by closing her eyes. After a while, the suffocation disappeared and her heartbeat stabilized. She had to admit, it wasn't a good feeling.

It was as if she had just been smothered with a pillow until she was out of breath, then released. The feeling of death and life back into one.

Wait, wait a minute. If she remembers correctly, 'if I'm not mistaken, just now, I was hit by a truck, right?'

'I'm sure, I remember it correctly. I should have died, right?!'

Yu Kaili immediately looked at her two palms, flipping them around with an unrighteous feeling.

'There is something wrong!'

Her mind kept talking, but she didn't know if it was true or if it was just a hallucination.

'No, no, no. Something is wrong, believe me!'

That doubt made Yu Kaili frown. What was her mind really trying to guess?

"Ah, I remember that I had a scar on the back of my hand from being hit by broken glass."

After that, to prove her point, Yu Kaili looked at the back of her white hand.

"Gone," she whispered.

There was no scar at all as she remembered. It just showed a beautiful, slender, white, and smooth palm. A hand that shows that it has never been used for work, or has never even been injured. There are no calluses either.

"It's like it's not my hand."

Yu Kaili's brain was spinning fast. Not her hands, how about the others?

Her gaze turned to her feet. Feet are small, slender, white, and smooth. Her fingers were tiny, they looked tiny. The calves just don't look hairy. As if perfect. And also, grass?

'I sat, ah, no, just lying on the grass?'

Her eyes blinked rapidly in her daze.

Then, her eyes changed to see the clothes she was wearing. A calf-length green tosca one piece dress and long sleeves. It has lace at the bottom of the dress, at the cuffs, and at the neckline.

After that, Yu Kaili lifted her head. Her gaze fell on the beautiful surroundings. In front of her, there was a large leaf surrounded by colorful flowers. There are reds, yellows, blues, purples, pinks, whites, and green grasses forming a series of rainbow colors. At the back, there were towering trees surrounding her, the lake, and the others.

A butterfly flew past her towards the lake. The butterfly has rainbow colors and looks transparent like glass.

Interest enveloped her heart. Encouraged her to stand up and head in the direction the butterfly had gone.

Head towards the lake slowly.

When she was at the edge of the lake, Yu Kaili saw the butterfly disappear after touching the surface of the water. It just bursts and spreads, like foam.

Her eyes blinked. 'What a pity, beautiful butterfly,' she thought to herself.

Her gaze fell on the surface of the water that reflected her face. After looking carefully, her eyes immediately went wide. Followed by a desperate, hysterical scream, "Nooo!!!"

After that, it was as if there was an impulse in her heart that told her to jump into the lake. And,


I'm sorry it's late from yesterday. I just finished watching Spider-Man and came home to work on it.

That's it, thank you and see you later.

Pipiyecreators' thoughts