
Beast Within (Book 1)

Damian Morningstar was once a normal teenager who had just turned eighteen until he met the love of his life, Ember Mayflower. Ever since the two started dating, his life has turned dark. He is haunted by a demon that calls himself Drago and is willing to get rid of the demon until Damian discovers that he has a hellish and heavenly heritage. His father is the Archangel Michael and his mother is the demon known as Mephistopheles. Ember also discovers that she is a witch and demon hybrid. Things turn even darker once Damian’s parents are killed in a bombing at Ember’s graduation party. His life is in turmoil, his demon side tells him to kill, and Damian hurts not only himself but those around him as well. Now set on a course of revenge, Damian uses his fighting knowledge and his powers to exact vengeance for those who seek to destroy his life.

WhiteWolfWarrior · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 2

As soon as I finished dinner, I went up to my room to listen to some music but since it was cooling down from a warm day, I decided that I'll go running. I changed into some gym shorts along with a muscle shirt and sneakers. My mom and dad always allowed me to run out for exercise because they understood that I can't be cooped up in the house long or else I would go stir crazy. Yes, it's my birthday but I didn't want anything for gifts since I was growing up and used to being an adult by the way I'm treated right now. I ran an unusual route today. I've just gone five miles in a direction I wasn't familiar with but something just told me to come this way. I ran until I came upon a pizza place. I stopped in my tracks to take a breather and that's when I saw her again, the same girl from the school. She has a friend with her this time and my little brother wasn't around either. I smirked at the thought of sitting near her and being able to talk to her. I had a few dollars on me so I decided to get a milkshake from this place and take a seat near her.


Ugh! What a rough spring day! Ever since I began to wear darker shades of clothing, people have been accusing me of being a witch! This is ridiculous! Witches aren't real people, they are villains from movies, TV shows, video games and nothing more! Welcome to Helltown, USA. I've grown up here my whole life and yes, this town is literally called Helltown for unknown reasons. This town is small, as the population here is as thick as some people's brains. Luckily, I do have some friends that aren't as dumb as the other people here. Bella and Casey. The only two who haven't accused me of being a witch. They told me after school that we'd be going out tonight to have a little get together at the local pizza place called Salvatore's Italian Cuisine.

I arrived home to change into something more comfortable and the first thing I see when I get in my door is my little brat, Binx. He's a black maine coon with a Siamese and Calico attitude. But he's my special little guy. My father gave him to me right before he died. He went off to another town for his new job and my mom got a phone call that he was murdered. It was a hard time for us because the police never found out who did it. But Binx was always there during my crying sessions and has even been like a therapist to me. Yes I do talk to my cat! Leave me alone!

I noticed that Binx was a little antsy. He was sitting in my window, his tail twitching away while his ears were perked and his eyes wide. I walked over to see what had Binx so antsy. I looked outside and saw that someone was moving into the house next door. There was a man with brunette hair, maybe 5'10 and in his fifties. There was also a woman that was in her fifties with brunette hair, probably about 5'3, the same height as me. Both had some gray showing in their hair which made me think that they must be older. Movement to the side attracted my attention. I looked over at the moving truck to see what I assumed to be their son and holy shit! He was about 5'10 and very muscular. He had blonde hair and green eyes. Even though he was good looking, I didn't want a boyfriend or anything, I've had no luck with relationships. A knock on my door pulled me from my thoughts.

"Come in!" I yelled. My mom opens the door.

"Hey Ember, how was school today?" She asks.

"It was ok. How was your day?"

"Good, can't complain. Did you see our new neighbors?"

"Just saw them now."

"I'm thinking about inviting them over for dinner tomorrow but I need a favor from you."

"What favor?"

"Can you please bake some of your ginger snap cookies and maybe some chocolate chip cookies too tomorrow? It would help me a lot." My mom says this with her hands in a pleading manner.

"Yes mom, I can." I smile.

"Thank you, Ember. Oh and Bella is outside waiting for you. Don't stay out too late!"

"I won't mom." She leaves my room as I change into some jean shorts, a maroon shirt and some flip flops since it's a nice day out. I also decided to grab a sweater in case it gets cold out. I kiss Binx on the head before I head outside to meet Bella at her car. She was ogling over the new neighbor kid, typical Bella. "Seriously Bella? He hasn't even moved in yet."

"He's hot though." She says without making eye contact with me.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes. But I can still look at guys." She responds, finally looking at me.

"Can we go get pizza now? I'm starving."

"Ugh fine. But you owe me that guy's number." Bella gets in the driver's seat as I get in the passenger side. We buckled our seatbelts and headed out.

As soon as I got my two slices of cheese pizza, I sat down at a table outside. Bella usually gets pepperoni with hers. Casey is supposed to meet us here before we go to the movies. Tonight we are seeing some type of comedy movie but I could care less. At least Bella and Casey will have fun. Sometimes I wish I did have a boyfriend that actually loved me but like I said, relationships aren't my thing. Bella and Casey are a great couple but sometimes they make me jealous of their love. Someday Ember, someday.

"Ugh, I'm so hungry!" Bella says as she sits her plate of pizza down on the table.

"You're always hungry." I say back.

"I know but it takes a lot of effort for me to look this beautiful and sexy." Bella makes an hourglass shape with her hands. I'll admit that she was toned and curvy. Me on the other hand, I was the opposite. I've been the same bra size since middle school, my ass is flat, and I'm a little on the chubby side.

"Yeah yeah." I say with a little attitude.

"Sassy much?"

"Sorry, it's been a rough one."

"Do you need to talk? Is it your ex boyfriend again?"

"No it's just… why can't I have a stable relationship with a boy? All I want is to be loved." I start to tear up at this point but I will not allow myself to cry in public. Bella was saying something but I suddenly felt a pull to look towards the road. My head turned to see a boy about my age. He was… I want to say hot but I don't like to use that word much. He was dressed in black shorts and a black muscle shirt. He had brunette hair with blonde highlights in his bangs which fell into the most beautiful bluish green eyes, and he was very tall and muscular. His arms were the first thing I noticed as well as his muscular legs. But you could see the outline of a chiseled chest and his defined abs through his shirt. "Woah." I say out loud.

"What is it?" Bella asks. She turns her head too and her mouth drops as her eyes widen. She saw the same guy that I saw, I wonder if he was from around this area at all? No, probably not or I would have seen him at school. He comes to the pizza place, buys a milkshake and sits down at the table next to us. He takes a sip and looks at me. He smiled at me so I waved at him, nervous to even talk. Bella taps me on the shoulder. "What are you waiting for, ask him out!" She whispers. My face paled at that thought but I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask.