
Beast Within (Book 1)

Damian Morningstar was once a normal teenager who had just turned eighteen until he met the love of his life, Ember Mayflower. Ever since the two started dating, his life has turned dark. He is haunted by a demon that calls himself Drago and is willing to get rid of the demon until Damian discovers that he has a hellish and heavenly heritage. His father is the Archangel Michael and his mother is the demon known as Mephistopheles. Ember also discovers that she is a witch and demon hybrid. Things turn even darker once Damian’s parents are killed in a bombing at Ember’s graduation party. His life is in turmoil, his demon side tells him to kill, and Damian hurts not only himself but those around him as well. Now set on a course of revenge, Damian uses his fighting knowledge and his powers to exact vengeance for those who seek to destroy his life.

WhiteWolfWarrior · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 10


"Damian?" Ember asks.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Can you spend the night by chance? I'm just so confused with all this information and I don't know… I feel uneasy learning all this."

"I wouldn't mind." I come over to her, sitting down in front of her. "Ember."


"Ever since I took you out on our first date, I've been hearing a voice in my head."

All of this supernatural talk had really got my mind spinning. All the things that I never believed were actually real. First it was witches then demons. What's next Bigfoot?

"What do you mean?" Ember asks. I sigh.

"Ever since I had first met you… I have had encounters with a demon that calls itself Dragodeus." I admitted. Her mouth drops. "I can feel his presence, I can hear him talking to me and I've had strange things happen to me like when I took you out on our first date. That night, I was heading home, I actually got into a car crash." She raises an eyebrow. "I know it seems crazy but I did… I swear I did. But I woke up in my bed as if nothing had happened but since then I have heard him in my head." God, listen to me! I sound crazy!

"Do you hear him now?" She asks, putting a hand on my knee. I shake my head.

"The last time I heard him was when you went into the bathroom. He warned me that something wasn't right and you know the rest." I explained. "I don't know if he was protecting you or something else but he may have saved your life tonight."

"Wow." Ember utters. I waited for another response from her but my phone rang in my pocket. I take it out and see it's from my mom.

"I'll be right back. I gotta take this." I go into the kitchen and answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Damian, where are you? I'm getting worried." My mom answers.

"Hey mom I'm sorry… I didn't mean to be out this late but something happened with Ember and I tonight…"

"Oh my… are you okay? Is she hurt? Are you hurt?"

"Mom, calm down. We're fine. Look I'll explain everything once I'm home but her family asked me to stay the night to comfort her. Can I stay the night?" I hear her sigh.

"Yes, you're an adult now. You can do anything but just warn me ahead of time of what's going on. I'm still your mother and I worry for you Dai."

"Ok, again I'm sorry for worrying you but I promise I'll explain everything once I'm home, okay?"

"I expect that explanation as soon as you walk in the door." She says in a stern tone.

"I promise."

"Alright, Dai. I'm heading to bed now. Good night and I love you."

"Good night mom, love you too." I hung up the phone.

As soon as I hang up, I go to my truck to get a pair of shorts, my phone charger, and some toiletries. Yes I have these in case I decide to stay at a friend's house or something. Can't hurt to be prepared, right? Anyways, after I do that I head inside to use the bathroom but I see Ember fixing her hair. She smiles once she sees me in the mirror.

"I'll be out in a minute, Damian." She says.

"Oh no, take your time. I just need to change into something more comfortable and I hope you don't mind but I usually sleep without a shirt."

She giggles. "I don't mind seeing what's underneath." That statement alone made me smirk. But since I've seen her in a bikini already, I decided to tease her a bit at what she'll be seeing in the future. Once she was done, I quickly changed into my athletic shorts and headed to her doorway. She was petting her cat, Binx, not paying attention to me. I clear my throat so she turns around. She faces me and her eyes bulge out of her head. Her cheeks are as red as a fire truck.

"Like what you see?" I tease.

"Y-y-yes." She stutters. She wore a crop top that showed off her stomach and shorts that showed off her thighs. It was enough to make me hard within my shorts. I come over to her bed, take a seat beside her and kiss her immediately. I put one of my legs over her to push her gently on the plush surface of her bed. We continue to kiss, dancing around with our tongues as I use my hands to pull her closer to me. One of her hands roams my bare torso making chills appear from her touch. My touch on her thigh makes her have goosebumps as well. My hardness touches her clothed sex which makes her moan. As much as I wanted to make her scream my name and give her pleasure, I wanted it to be her choice. So I give her a kiss and lay beside her when she gives me a weird look. "What was that for?"

"A glimpse of what you'll be getting in the future, kitten." I rub her cheek with the back of my hand as she grows red. "Don't worry. I'll never do anything without your consent. I love you too much for that." She turns on her side and cuddles closer to me.

"I love you too, Damian." Did I really just say I love you first? Wow this night is going great! I pull her in for another kiss but this time more passionately. My whole world has melted into one form and it was her. Whatever higher power is listening right now, I promise three things. To protect her, to cherish her, and to be her best man that I can be. I knew whatever happens in this world that I would be by her side, no matter what. I will be with her until the end of my days. If she is half demon and half witch, it doesn't matter, as long as she remains the Ember I have fallen in love with.

After our kiss, she plants her head on my chest, relaxing into me. I lean back in her bed and fall asleep.


I am deep within the woods on a moonless night. I found a little shack only a couple miles within the trees, probably a lumber shack many years ago. I enter to find it abandoned, not even an animal scent inside. I put down my backpack to put on a black robe, draw a pentagram in the middle of the floor, and light five red candles around it. The room is lit by the little flames making the shadows dance on the rotten walls. I am ready. I sit in the middle of my pentagram and chant in Latin a sacred prayer for the one I must summon. Once my prayer is done, the candles begin to flicker as if there is movement outside of the circle. There is no wind, no sound, it is dead silent. Suddenly the darkness takes shape, a tall black shadow man appears in front of me. His eyes glowed an icy, cold blue. I bow in respect to him.

"You have summoned me, mortal. Why?" His deep dark voice rumbles the walls of the shack.

"I have arrived at Helltown, Master. I seek guidance on what to do next." I say. The dark figure moves to the doorway to see the lights of Helltown glowing in the distance.

He growls with a hint of happiness. "It is great to be back. Thank you for adhering to my advice once again. You have shown loyalty, pride, and respect to me. But if I am to crossover into this world once more, I must have you execute your loyalty even more."

"What must I do, master?"

"If the prophecy is correct, only two of these citizens from this town stand in my way. One of witch and demon blood, the other of demon and angel blood. A man and a woman turned from mortals into unstoppable forces. Once they are dead, the seal on this world will be broken and I will have my revenge and this world in my grasp."

"Permission to speak freely?" I needed to ask this because I am unsure of why he can't just cross over to Earth and kill them himself.


"Why can't you cross over to this world?"

He turns and looks at me with a dead serious look of hate. "Many centuries ago, a Great War between angels and demons transpired right on this very spot of Earth. I was made the peacekeeper by the Creator and Destroyer Beings. Once there was peace between them, I sought to rule this world over the weak minded humans and make them my slaves for all of eternity. But the Demon and Angel Royalty sent their children, battle hardened and ready for combat, to my realm. They fought hard but were on the verge of losing. But the humans gifted them the power of magic on their side. With this new weapon, the children of the Royalty destroyed my armies and legions, beat me in a combat challenge and sealed my realm from this world. There are no other portals to my world other than this place. But as centuries went by, I waited until they were weaker and older, ever ready to set my conquest once again. But my future seer told me of beings that would stand before me and kill me. But I have you and your followers to set things in motion. I only ask that you do not fail me or the punishment will be greater than any other."

"I understand, master."

"Good, then return to me if there are problems or if you are ready for the next trial of a new era." The dark figure disappears. Now I know what I must do! My followers and I will find these slayers and end them. Don't worry master, your time will come.