
My World

The graduation was officially over, there were inspiring speeches prepared for students who didn't manage to summon their "spirit" which took about a 1/3 of the academy's all graduating students.

Although the students already graduated they were still many students at the academy staying at the dorms, it was because every student who "graduated" excluding the graduates who didn't possess a Spirit, everyone else gets a 3-day pass to the academy's library.

The library was only open for teachers and students who are ranked at least top 3 in their class. Being the dean's daughter naturally, Anna was allowed almost everywhere in the academy. However, only a few individuals know that Anna is the dean's daughter. It was because of Anna's mother, her mother was the only daughter of Duke Simeon. Anna's mother didn't "quite" like his father, it was all because of his father, the dean, was secretly sent to another kingdom for a dungeon clearing when Anna was still on her mother's womb. After a few years, no news was heard from him until one day only a group of 8 were able to escape the dungeon including his father. If that was all that happened, maybe her mother could've easily forgiven him for suddenly disappearing, as it was all for a cause, but when her mother learned of a woman who was part of his father's magic squad actually became his mistress.

Now, even if a decade has passed Anna's mother was hell-bent on not forgiving his father until he breaks up with his mistress which he strongly opposed as his mistress carried a child of his, who is now 14-years old studying here at the academy.

Her mother wanted her to marry a noble bo from a neighboring kingdom, but Anna didn't think about marriage yet as she still wanted to explore the whole continent if she was going to marry him wouldn't she just "locked" down at their house to care for their children while he chases women

So she pleaded her mother for another option, her mother indeed gave her an option, that was to defeat her father and make him go back to her. Having a strong spirit was one thing but to actually make her father become loyal to her mother was even harder than ascending the heavens(Author; LoL, Chinese novels...)


Senon was now in a forest, in front of him was a cave with a wooden wall built on it to protect from invaders. This was where he hid his treasures, even if someone manages to come here he needs to infiltrate the wooden wall, which has restoration abilities and emits a strange sound that attracts the dinosaur here. Of course, the wooden wall wasn't made for infiltrators it was made for dinosaurs!

The cave can only be found on "Old Earth", Old Earth was the planet open for his skill "World". Here he made countless huts whenever he's bored, and hunted dinosaurs. One may think that he had an easy time hunting those dinosaurs, well he's wrong those sh"tty scientists who estimated the strength of a T-rex was b*llsh*t, My dagger didn't even manage to pierce its scale. I could've accepted that if the knife was your average cooking knife, but that dagger was made of Mythril; capable of cleaving stones like a butter.

Those dumb*ass cave men who threw spears at a stegosaurus dino thing on movies, that is pure BS he wasted 1 month just to plan on how to kill one, then spent a day killing it with a fall, and I spend a week chopping its whole body! But the taste of its meat was heavenly, and you don't need to know how long he roasted it above the lava for God knows how long.

Senon removed a stone from a random hollow tree, the wooden wall shrunk to the ground like a mole going back to its burrow. Inside were luxurious chairs and other essentials for a luxury deluxe room. Although Senon's dragon form, Kayle, was only at its juvenile he was still 2 meters high, even with his wings tucked and neck down. Seeing the familiar room once again and he's "prized" he couldn't help but sit on the chair with exquisite carvings unknowingly, which was very stupid as the poor wooden chair was instantly flattened down to the ground due to his heavyweight.

"No! This was the first chair I stole! Not only that I stole this from that old man in the castle." Senon grumbled as he reminisced his past life's memories, recalling that old man which he stole this from, how they even shared wine before he stole the chair as the old man was already drunk.

I'd love to share another cup of wine with the old man. I'll visit him this week, that's settled then.

After deciding what he'll do next Senon then headed further inside the room. At the end of the room was a huge "fish tank" inside on it was an actual "tiny" village with tiny fishes as its residents. A white fish with the size of a grown man's thumb, it then looked at Senon for a while before heading to a "tiny Parthenon" it slapped its fins to a broken pillar.

After that, an underground long winding staircase was revealed as it leads to an underground cellar. Wine barrels could be found there and there's one particular barrel that opens a path that leads on an underground tavern where Senon dumped all his "junk".

"Oh, noo. I can't fit in!" Naturally, the stairs could only fit in human figures which didn't suit with the current Senon.

"System, could you make me turn me back into a human?" Senons then closed his eyes and crossed his fingers.

A genderless voice sounded in his mind;

"Host's form is locked by a mission, please satisfy the mission first before anything else."

"Not even temporarily!?!" The system obviously didn't argue as it wouldn't do anything.

The reason he wanted to go there was for a magical medicine. The medicine allows for a demonic beast to "have" the chance to evolve their bloodline further, which he also stole a "bit" of it from the Elven Kingdom, Nilmshara. Sonata was originally a purple butterfly which was completely useless aside from its poison on its wings and reconnaissance abilities. With the help of the medicine, Sonata evolved into a dreaming butterfly then after "leveling up" it manages to evolve into midnight dream butterfly.

"If only Sonata was here..." Sonata's scouting abilities were superb, not only that it could use a levitation spell which helped him stole a noble's land deed when he was out pranking. Sonata also brings him wine every night after a few "missions", she was just like a little wife for Senon.

"Let's postpone the evolution first, I can't bear to force my way through at my own house anyway it's not really urgent." Senon then walked away from the staircase, seeing Senon was going away it then slapped the pillar once more as the staircase closed.

Passing through his "living room", he flew out of the wall, poor little living "fossil" birds were blown away by the sudden gust of wind along with their nests.

Being in the sky, he saw a creature which he lusted after its meat, he's quite hungry now even more now that he saw a delicacy.

"Rexy-RexYyy, I'm going to eat you!" Senon then dived for the kill.


Somewhere in the Great Forest, where towering trees could be found everywhere. Different beasts could be found at every corner of the forest, but still, a race has occupied this land for hundreds of years. One of the Great Races, Elves! The Great Forest had 5 mountains on it, Mount Soloom, a lone mountain in the middle area of the Great Forest.

The Great Forest had 4 layers; outer layer, middle layer, inner layer, and lastly core area. Mount Soloom being in the middle layer made it possible for Elf to conquer the lonely mountain. After centuries has passed an Elven Stone Castle was built by their Grand Elders(King), Elves slowly built their kingdom as the Castle at their core.

The start of the Elven Kingdom has been standing strong for thousands of years, which was impossible for any human kingdom that already has "self-destructed". But the Elves were special, possessing talent with magic and innate spirit animals they stand strong in front of invaders.

But was it really possible for it to stand strong all these years? It was all thanks to the strong backer of the Royal Family, an Elder Dragon which was the spirit animal of their founder, Theodore Xyrlar, but now it wasn't sighted for centuries.

Yet whenever someone makes trouble for the elves that may threaten the whole kingdom, One swoop is all that it'll take. Information about the founder's Dragon was lost a millennium ago, no one knows its name but the legends say only its kind which is an Imperial Earth Dragon.

The moon was high in the sky, as a woman in a violet dress gazes on it. The place was desolate of human activity not even elves. She was all alone on top of Mt. Soloom waiting for someone, that may not even come back. The scene was like cut out of a picture as the ambiance was just too good, the flickering fireflies, the sound of crickets while the grass rustles as the cold wind blows.

The place where her beloved drinks wine as she rests quietly on his shoulders. Tonight was just like any other night before, alone sitting on a cold boulder lost in thought asking the moon every night;

"Will you come back for, Sona?" As a tear drops from her beautiful eyes draping on her rosy lips.

IM FINALLY DONE...Discord is such a temptation!!!1

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